If You Are A Dodder Flower - Chapter 49 Part1

Chapter 49 Part1

Cao Yang returned at night and called Xia Rou into his study.

"Do you remember how crazy you were acting yesterday?" he asked from behind the desk.

"Yes……" Xia Rou softly replied.

She lowered her head, slumping with both her hands on her knees, fingers anxiously crossed over each other.

Just like a dried out mushroom. Cao Yang found it funny just looking at it.

He held back his laugh and made a stiff face to teach her a lesson. "Think of how you looked yesterday! How could a girl get drunk to such a state?"

Xia Rou was scared of getting scolded by him the most, so her head sunk even further, whole body contracting. She let out a soft, "Mm."

"I'm going to have to set a curfew. If you go out, you need to return by 11 at night at the very latest, understand?" Cao Yang said, strict.

"Got it," she said, nodding. Translated by The Novelst

At least her att.i.tude was good when faced with her faults. He was satisfied and let the matter go.

"Has Lady Yu spoken to you already? About tomorrow," he said.

Xia Rou saw that he had put the matter out of his mind so she suddenly was revived.

"She did, she did," she said, nodding like a chick pecking at rice. She tried to b.u.t.ter him up, "What do you want to buy? I'll accompany you."

"Alright, then we leave at 9:30 in the morning."

"Alright, alright!"

The next day, Cao Yang drove his usually black Hummer and left with Xia Rou.

When they arrived, she let out a "huh." "Why did you come here? What do you want to buy?"

Cao Yang had brought her to a furniture store. It was the same place she had been visiting the past few days.

"Buy a sofa, first," he said.

When they entered the hall, Xia Rou tugged him in the right direction. "Sofas are this way."

He was surprised. "How do you know?"

She didn't want to say that a few days ago she had just purchased a new sofa, so she only answered, "There's a sign right there," and muddled through it.

When they arrived, he lit up and patted her head, saying, "Go and choose a set you like."

"Meh?" her face was full of confusion.

"The sofa in your room is too old," he explained. "I've been thinking of getting you a new one, but I kept forgetting."

He was telling the truth. It wasn't just once that he had thought the sofa was a little old when going into Xia Rou's room, bringing the thought that he should change it to a newer one for her, but he kept forgetting.

Because he kept thinking it was a very small matter… that wasn't worth mentioning…

"You don't have to; that sofa is quite comfortable," she said. The worn brown leather of the sofa was still quite new so she didn't find it necessary to change it.

"It looks very old and doesn't suit a girl's room," he said. "Go and pick one you like, it's not that big a deal."

She didn't really want to buy one. She was already planning to leave the Cao Family so there was no need to redecorate the room according to her own tastes.

But she had never brought this intention up to Cao Yang before. She was scared that if she continued to insist, Cao Yang would realize. Most of all, a new sofa didn't really cost that much to him anyways.

So she obediently went and chose a sofa.

Cao Yang was then satisfied.

Xia Rou chose a beige set that gave off a very gentle vibe. When they went to pay the bill, she couldn't hold back and asked him, "Why are you suddenly interested in changing the sofa?"

Cao Yang paused for a little big and replied, "Your room… I decorated it in the first place and it doesn't seem like a girl's room."

After he swiped his card, he turned around to say honestly, "Xiao Rou, that time you still hadn't come yet and we weren't close. So when I chose the decorations for your room, I didn't put that much heart into it. Now that you're still living in that room, changing the wallpaper is a little too troublesome…"

So that was why that he at least… wanted to give her a sofa that she liked.

There was a hint of apology in Cao Yang's eyes.

Xia Rou didn't imagine that the reason was like this. She suddenly was at a loss for words, tearing up unexpectedly.

She wanted to say no, no need, she would be leaving soon…

But she didn't dare.

In the past when she moved out of the Cao Family residence, she had been much older. It was obvious that w.a.n.g Man didn't like her and was cold to her.

But even so Cao Yang tried to persuade her to stay.

But now, she was still young and she couldn't find the right words to tell him. She was scared that if she told him he wouldn't agree to her move.

But… she had already decided that she must leave.

In this life, no matter what, she refused to become the white lotus that was disgusting to others.

She would study hard, get a good job, and mind her own business and live her own life.

She definitely wouldn't make any trouble for him and become a burden again.

This way, when he married w.a.n.g Man, she wouldn't become the crack in their marriage, causing them to divorce!

Cao Yang, her big brother… He was too good to her.

In this life, she would be the one to protect him!

After Cao Yang finished speaking, he looked at her. Her somber eyes had become red and wet with tears.

Her pink lips moved slightly like she wanted to say something, but in the end no sound came out.

After that she wanted to cover herself up and quickly lowered her head.

Inside his heart, he felt a little heartache. Translated by The Novelst

"It's my fault, I was too careless," he said, patting her head.

Xia Rou sniffled, raising her head to smile. "It's not a big deal. Is it even worth mentioning?"

Proofread by: Hannah