If You Are A Dodder Flower - Chapter 56 Part1

Chapter 56 Part1

"Then big brother… and w.a.n.g Man, is it really completely over for the two of them?" Xia Rou still held on to a little hope.

"They're definitely done now that everyone knows Ah Huo is chasing w.a.n.g Man."

"Brother Yaogang?" Xia Rou's eyes widened. "H-He… How could he…!" How could he steal her away from Cao Yang?

"Are you stupid!" Cao An let out a tch, "What does big brother have to do with it? If Ah Huo wants to chase w.a.n.g Man, he must have already discussed it with my brother before."

So that's how it was, then… it looked like…

"So it's completely over?" she lowered her eyes.

Cao An answered firmly, "Of course." Translated by The Novelst

Xia Rou could only comfort herself and say she had tried her best, though the matter had spiraled out of control, like wild horses running unbridled…

But there was a limit to her abilities. To be able to persuade Cao An to surrender to Cao Xiong was already a windfall. As for the other things, she really couldn't do anything else.

Of course, no one in the Cao Family had expected her to wield any influence in this matter. In their eyes, as long as she could study well, stay peaceful and healthy, it was already sufficient.

Soon enough, her university acceptance arrived.

Xia Rou had been admitted to Sheng Da University.

If this was in the past, this would be something she didn't dare even dream of. To the past Xia Rou, this school was where only smart people could enter. Students like her who were not good at studying could only stare in envy.

She never imagined that in this life, even she could enter Sheng Da. And this… troubled her greatly.

"What's wrong? You've been accepted. You're not happy about it?" asked Cao Yang at the dining table.

Cao Xiong and Cao An also looked to her.

Xia Rou looked bitterly at Cao Yang. People like him who had always been smart and could be at the top without trying; how could someone like him understand her concerns?!

"What's the matter?" Cao Yang didn't give up, wanting to make it clear.

Xia Rou couldn't fight back and could only speak out, embarra.s.sed, "I'm just afraid… that I'll go and realize that I'm the only one to not be able to study well in that group of smarties…" That would really be h.e.l.l for the next four years!

Pu! Cao An spilled his tea.

Cao Yang couldn't control his face.

"You just have to study well and not fail. As long as you can graduate that's enough," laughed Cao Xiong.

He didn't really have expectations of Xia Rou. As long as she could graduate, it was fine. As a girl, it was enough to find her a good husband in the future and marry her off.

Even if he was no longer around in the future, she had already developed an affectionate relations.h.i.+p with his sons. They wouldn't leave her.

That way, he had fulfilled Cheng Wan's wish.

While Xia Rou continued to worry, her university life began.

Her first day, both Cao Yang and Cao An ushered her to school. Their expressions were very solemn, so much so that Xia Rou thought something was wrong. But later she realized that they were actually just nervous!

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I'm going to be the one in the dorms, not you guys. Why are you so nervous?"

Cao Yang glanced at her through the rearview mirror, snorting softly.

The distance between the school and their house was an hour's drive. He could have arranged a driver to take her every day, but Xia Rou insisted on living on campus.

Cao Yang was afraid that if she didn't live on campus, her chances of making friends would fall, so he agreed.

But in his heart, he was still uncomfortable.

"If it was that we were going to live in the dorms, who'd be nervous?" Cao An turned his head to speak. "Isn't it because of you that we're like this?"

"Get along with your cla.s.smates, don't fuss too much over small matters. But that doesn't mean you can let someone bully you. If don't like your roommate, tell me and I'll have them change it immediately! These kinds of things are easy to settle. Don't keep it to yourself if you're suffering, understand?"

Xia Rou facepalmed. "Fourth brother… I haven't even seen the door of my dorm room, but…" Why was he a.s.suming she was going to be bullied?

"What Cao An is saying is right," Cao Yang said as he drove. "You're too soft. You never get angry with others. It's fine at home, but you can't be like this outside as well. Don't be afraid to get rough when you need to, and speak up to defend yourself sometimes."

"Normally girls don't like to start fights. If there's anything at all, don't keep it in and come home to tell us, alright? Remember: in the capital, even if you can't walk sideways*, you definitely cannot allow yourself to be bullied by others. Got it?"

"Yes! Listen to big brother!" Cao An said in agreement.

This… what were these troublesome parents…

Xia Rou didn't have the strength in her to roast them.

"I'm just going to school… not fighting over territories…" she said helplessly. "Just going to school."

They had arrived on campus. It was crowded with people.

Cao An went with Xia Rou to line up and process the paperwork, while Cao Yang disappeared into the throng.

"Where's big brother?" asked Xia Rou. Translated by The Novelst

"He went to look for someone," said Cao An.

Xia Rou thought Cao Yang was meeting someone he knew there, so she didn't think much about it.

Each year, when the freshmen came to register, the seniors would wait in the entrance. Some would help the new students with their luggage, and the others would lead the way…

When Xia Rou appeared, their eyes sparkled. But unfortunately, this beautiful new student had a handsome man accompanying her. Judging by his attire and temperament, he could definitely win over the b.u.mpkin students. So they could all watch but not draw near.

Some who were braver wanted to strike up a conversation with the pair, but somehow when their eyes met those of the handsome man, they subconsciously tightened up and walked away.

T/L note:

Walk sideways:  It means like a person is so powerful that he could walk either straight or sideways in his choice.

Proofread by: Hannah