I Cant Miss !!! - 42 Lebron James

42 Lebron James

I knew this was going to be a challenging match, I went to go say hi to LeBron and surprisingly he was pretty nice and was very humble and even suggested that we hang out during the off-season. We exchanged numbers shocking me that he even knew about me. He told me good luck with the game and that I shouldn't cry if I lose which caused me the laugh and thought in my head that I'm definitely going to go all out on this guy.

just a reminder of my team :

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Point Guard

Starter: Iso

Bench: One

Shooting Guard

Starter: Eazy

Bench: Two, S two

Small Forward:

Starter: Breeze

Bench: Three

Power Forward

Starter: Flex

Bench: Four


Starter: Momba

Bench: Five

The game started and Momba won the jump ball and pa.s.sed it to Iso to arrange the team for the attack I decided to sit out the first quarter just to see how things will play out and had the shooting guard from the bench play for me. I watch as Flex received the ball and tried to run it into the post to do a dunk but LeBron came out of nowhere and block this attempt receiving the ball and running full speed ahead and he laid up to get the first points.

I was amazed by his Athletics, his speed and strength even in the high school was quite impressive. Flex was very intimidated by LeBron because the whole High School world knew about him and he knew that he wasn't his match, so Iso wasn't going to give him the ball anymore and decided to take charge and try to rush a point to catch up to them.

Iso did a step back and shot the mid-range to tie the game up. This game was huge and was being played at a big gym in the University of Maryland where it was being televised. The crowd was huge and the place was full of cheers nonstop every time they scored. By the time the quarter had ended we were down by 13 points with LeBron leading the way with his 15 points.

I decided to come into the next quarter which surprised him, he came up to me and said "oh you're not scared anymore to come up and play" I laughed and said" I was just checking out his game and I'm impressed but now he's about to get taken down". The game started back up again after the break.

LeBron pa.s.s the ball to his PG and when he got down he pa.s.sed it back to LeBron. n.o.body could check Lebron so I had Momba switch to cover him this quarter to see if he could stop him. LeBron steamrolled his way into the paint but Momba was waiting right there for him, as soon as LeBron seem like he was about to dunk on Momba, Momba who was much higher up took up all the s.p.a.ce in the air and was ready to block him.

LeBron readjusted his position in the air and brought it back down make it Mamba miss the block and he brought the ball right back up into the basket making the point. That move was smooth like a baby's bottom, I remembered why he was the greatest in my past life, he was quite unstoppable in the paint. I took the ball down as soon as I got to the three-point line I shot the ball not caring about the person that was guarding me and made it.

This caused Lebron to raise a eyebrow because the defense was quite good but I still managed to make it so then he asks to switch as he started to cover me. LeBron's team's point guard brought down the ball once again and just as he was about to pa.s.s it to LeBron I used time freeze to freeze the ball in place and to pluck it Midway through the pa.s.s and ran down the court LeBron looked back and saw me halfway across the court and gave up on chasing me down.

I stopped at the three-point line and shot the ball breaking the lead, now we were only down by 9 points. This time LeBron decided to bring down the ball and Momba was still guarding LeBron, so LeBron took advantage of Momba's slow large figure and crossed him up and sped past him and went in for the dunk which got the crowd all wild up.

All I can do is laugh at his critics, the game continue to go back and forth until the end of the second quarter we had caught up and were only down by 3 points. LeBron was telling his teammates not to give up and was inspiring them to hustle more which was signs of a good leader. He wasn't yelling at them just because they gave up the lead but he was telling them not to give up and to try harder with a calm tone.

The third quarter started as LeBron brought down the ball once again, he got up to the three-point line and just shot the ball and made it there getting a six-point lead. He looked at me and winked at me and said" that was for you "I laughed and said I got something even better for you, so I brought so the ball down while LeBron was waiting for me at the three-point line giving me hand signs to approach.

I slowly walked up to the half-court line and shot the ball surprising him, when he looked back and saw that I made it, he was even more shocked and started clapping his hands for me, this caused me to start laughing. I felt like this was quite a fun game because this guy was great to play along with. I tried not to use my time freeze too much just to enjoy the game some more and see more of his moves that way I can learn some things from him.

After the third quarter it was a tie game and were at our very last quarter. This quarter would determine who was the best high school team in the United States and it all came down to LeBron and me continuing to play. LeBron was doing flashy dunks and impossible layups and got a couple and ones because Momba was having a hard time guarding him.