I Woke Up as the Villain - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The Lion Bear Clan, the dimensional merchants. It was hard to tell whether these creatures were bears or lions. However, they were definitely merchants. But, why were they so cute yet arrogant?

‘I’ll say it’s just this guy who’s uniquely arrogant.’

The cute appearance of the Lion Bear clan was also reflected in the original novel. Although each of them had different colors of fur, many aspects of them resembled common teddy bears on Earth. The book explained that some female players treated these cute creatures as pets.

There was only one thing to watch out for. They hated to be called either a bear or a lion. Because of their pride in their clan, the most important thing to them was to be recognized as a ‘Lion-Bear,’ like the name of their clan. Anyway, as long as players paid attention to that point, members of the Lion Bear Clan were cute, chatty, and provided high-quality service.

That was why Yu-Seong chose the Lion Bear Clan as his dimensional merchant.

“Why are you just staring at me after summoning a great being such as myself?”

The story never mentioned them being arrogant, as was shown by Ping Pong.

‘He’s so cute that I can’t be angry with him.’

Ping Pong's short limbs, soft-looking pink fur, and glossy black eyes were cute enough for Yu-Seong to forgive some of his rather arrogant behavior.

"Well, first of all, nice to meet you, Ping Pong," Yu-Seong said as a warm smile appeared...