I Who Is A Loner, Using Cheats Adapts To The Dungeon - Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 InformationExchange

While I was thinking about what to do, I detected the monster approaching from afar.

It is coming at a high speed.

Without any choice, I went toward them.

Oi, the monster is coming. Isnt it a bad time to argue?

4 of them looked at me and froze.

haa, stop with that over reaction..

They cried or froze as usual.

Oi Satou. Stop crying arent you a man.

While they are making noises the enemy in approaching.

Argh, so annoying, I dashed in front of the four.

Forest wolf was the one that jumped out.

And the Rubys Laser been burned two of them.

I crush the wolf which was weakened due to my kick, and the battle finished.

The guys who were watching in the back had their mouth opened.

I approached them and talked to them.

Yo, its been a while

The first one to come back sense was Tanaka Nadebuto.

Ah, EttoKurosakisan

Kurosaki is fine. Do you have any injury?

A, aaIm fine. It really helped us

No problem

When did you guys come to this floor

..Around 1 week ago

I see, so they came 2 weeks after my first floor conquer.

You wont be able to rest here. There is a safety area around here, wanna come?

Re, Really!? Please it would help us a lot

Ok, I will lead you to there

Thanks, I really appreciate it

- other than Tanaka no one can talk.

Ma, its not like I care.

When we entered the log house, I asked them to sit randomly.

now, its time for us to have a little chat.

Now, I want to exchange our information but what should we start first. Do you have any questions?

hmm first, Kurosaki are you moving in solo?

No, 2 people.I mean 1 person and an animal. This guy here is my partner

I grabbed the Ruby who was hiding behind my neck and placed her on the table.

Ruby seems to be on guard against the people she saw for the first time.

Wha, what is this? Squirrel?

No, it is a monster named Carbuncle

Monster!? How can the monster enter here!?

Tanaka is seeming to be really surprised.

The other 3 in the back seems to be the same.

This guy is a monster but she is not dangerous. Since she is my Tamed monster

Tamed? How did you do that?

I explained some details on tamed monsters.

I see, the tamed monster it is There was something like that.

And is there any more questions you want to ask?

How long have you been living on this floor

I came to this floor around 3 weeks ago

Ha!?Is it true!?

Whats the point of lying

Iya, Maa, its way to quick

I just shrugged it off and didnt answer that.

It fine. And for the another question

Ne, Ne, Kurosaki! What is your level right now?

Mihama suddenly asked as she cut Tanakas question.

Oi, Mihama..

Tanaka looks really pissed.

Netteba, just say it, common. Kurosa Shut the fuck upki..

I glared at her lightly and Mihama froze in her place.

Im talking to Tanaka right now. You who were quiet all this time shouldnt start speaking your vile mouth.

Mihamas face turned blue and she shut up.

So, sorry Kurosaki. Please forgive us.

No, It wasnt your fault. .. so what was the question?

A, aaKurosaki, have you met any other person other than us?

Aa. I met Azakura on the first floor.

Azakura, I see.. Did you guys act together or anything?

I knew he would ask.


Whats wrong Kurosaki? Did he.by a monster?

No, its not. He didnt get killed by a monster

Not monster? what do you mean by that?

I killed.Azakura

The room suddenly became quiet.

They are unable to digest what I just said and looked really confused.

Eh? Ah, etto, sorry, can you say it again.

I said, I killed Azakura

4 of them looked at me with wide open eyes.

There was a fear which floated to their pupils.

Yamada stood up from his chair, and tried to escape but fell.

Mihama screamed and lost all the energy.

Why.Why did you kill Azakura

Tanaka asked while trembling.

Azakura tried to kill me thats why

Azkarua did that? He tried to kill Kurosaki!?

I told them on what happened between me and Azakura.

Other than Tanaka no one seemed to believe me, and Tanaka was the only one to believe me.

You mustve had a hard time

True that but. Can we stop talking about that?

Aah, yes. Then my other question was..

Tanakas questions were mostly on this floor. The monster I fought, how you to defeat it.

..and that is it. Any more question?

Fumuno, there is no question from me. How about you guys?

Tanaka asked the 3.

None seems to have any question.

This is it for our side

I see. Then, can I start asking you guys the question?

Of course

So I can see you guys as a four man party right?

Yup, there is no other

Can you tell me a little bit about the reason you guys formed the team

Fumu.The first one I met was Satou. It was around 5 days after we were transported to this dungeon

And after that I met Yamada and Mihama, it was around 1 week at that time. They seemed to already have formed a team so we combined with them

Why did you think of teaming up with them?

Thats, of course, the dungeon is dangerous thats why. 2 is always better than 1.

-We are not strong enough to fight solo.

His face had the same expression on when Azakura called me Special, it made my heart ache.

I see Did you meet any other human besides me>

Aa, We met with 3 people. Hasegawa, Miyashita and Minase.

All three of them were female.

Hasegawa Aiko, Miyashita Rina, Minase Yukino.