I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

After that, more than ten auction items were sold continuously, but none of them were more expensive than the previous Danfang.

But when an auction item was displayed, it caused a sensation in the audience!

It was a black long sword with cold light.

"It feels so sharp, is this the magic sword made by Master Dragon?

Just looking at it from such a distance, I feel that the hairs on my body are standing up, and Master Long is indeed well-deserved! "

"Do you still need to say more about Master Long's attainments in casting?

It is definitely the first person in our Dongsheng Dao domain. I don't know how high the price of Master Long's Excalibur will be sold this time. "

"Let's take a look at this kind of treasure, even if we get it, we can't hold it with our strength..."

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the venue, and everyone turned their eyes to the sword on the high platform.

Even Emperor Haotian looked over, staring at the black long sword.

He naturally knows the reputation of Master Dragon, and Master Dragon has a quirk, that is, he never sells privately, and all weapons are sold at auction.

Even the Great Emperor Vast Sky, facing a person like Master Long, could not rely on his identity to coerce him.

This time he had already heard of the Excalibur that Master Long was about to sell, and even if it was taken by someone with his strength, he could get a lot of improvement, so he had already arranged the manpower in advance to take the Excalibur.

After all, as the Great Emperor Vast Sky, it is not suitable for him to come forward and bid.

Looking at the black long sword on the stage, Lin Yue raised his eyebrows.

From the moment this sword appeared, Lin Yue felt its aura from the venue. It was an extremely sharp aura, as if it could cut anything!

"Master Qin, this sword seems to be very strong."

Bei Mo Yu'er opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise.

As a member of the four major families, she has naturally seen a large number of treasures, but in the treasure house of the Beimo family, she has never seen a weapon comparable to the sword in front of her.

From this we can see how strong this divine sword from that dragon master is.


Ning Kikyo on the side heard the conversation between the two and said.

"The Master Dragon is still very famous. Although I haven't seen him, I have heard about him. The weapons he casts are hard to find."

At this time, the white-clothed man on the high platform said aloud, "Everyone should have understood, but let me introduce a few words."

"This sword is called Soul Breaking, and it was made by Master Dragon himself. Its sharp blade can cut through the qi. What's more powerful is that the attack of this sword can directly act on the divine mind. Spiritual thoughts cause incurable harm!"

"Master Long's works are expensive. Everyone knows that the starting price of this sword is 2 billion, and each time the price increase is not less than 100 million."

Before the voice was over, someone was already vying to make an offer.

"2.5 billion!"

"Twenty-seven billion!"

It can be seen from the position of the voice that all the people participating in the auction are located in the VIP seats.

This price is beyond the scope of ordinary people, and everyone who can spend more than two billion baht is not a high-level or strong person of a certain force.

And before the auction started, tickets were sent to these people.

When the bidding reached 3.5 billion, the rate of price increase slowed down significantly.

At this price, even for those people, it is not a small amount of money.

Only an old man in red, a glamorous woman and a middle-aged man are still bidding.

Lin Yue and the others also knew their identities from the discussion nearby.

The red-clothed old man and the woman were both from other domains, and they were both prominent and powerful in their respective territories.

However, although the middle-aged man is above the VIP seat, no one knows their identity.

Lin Yue glanced at the middle-aged man and guessed his identity. Yang Qingsong said before that Emperor Vast Sky would not personally participate in the bidding, but would secretly entrust others to get what he wanted.

"4.5 billion!"

After the middle-aged man said the price, the other two also gave up the idea of competition.

One is because although the sword of Soul Breaking is strong, it is almost worth the money, and if you continue to increase the price, even if you get it, it will be more than worth the loss.

There is another reason because this middle-aged man, someone who has never seen him before, is able to spend such a large sum of money. His identity is definitely not simple.

If it is really related to that person, even if they have photographed this Excalibur, it is still a question of whether they can leave Dongsheng Daoyu.

In the end, the broken soul was photographed by the middle-aged man at the price of 450,000 yuan, and the middle-aged man quickly left the venue.

At the same time, the Liuli Shen Shen Pill that Lin Yue had previously released was also sent to the high platform.

The red cloth isolated from the breath was lifted, and a strong pill fragrance immediately filled the auction.

"This is the Liuli Shenshen Pill. Just smelling this breath makes you feel refreshed!"

"It's worthy of the legendary pill. If you can smell this breath every day, you might be able to increase your spirit."

"I don't know who auctioned this pill, such a strong pill, it is a waste of not keeping it for yourself!"

Lin Yue turned towards the Great Emperor Vast Sky, and immediately saw a look of desire in his eyes.

Sure enough, as he had imagined before, even the Great Emperor Vast Sky needed an elixir like Liuli Shen Shen Pill.

"This time the auction item is Liuli Yangshen Pill. After our appraisal, the quality of this pill is perfect, and there is no loss of efficacy."

"The starting price is 1.5 billion yuan, and each price increase shall not be less than 50 million yuan."

After the introduction, the man in white shouted loudly.

"The auction begins!"

With the emergence of this sentence, a new round of competition has begun again.

More than a dozen people in the VIP table stood up and quoted the price for this glazed yangshen pill. The original low price of 1.5 billion rose instantly.

For these people, although the previous Soul Breaker had a powerful effect, it was not the only one.

Master Long will make new weapons for auction every once in a while.

And weapons are nothing more than things outside of the body, and they may be lost or damaged during the battle, but the pill is different, and after taking it, it will completely transform into a part of its own strength.

"Two billion!"

"Two thousand eight billion!"

"Three billion!"

After the price rose to 3 billion this time, some people were still bidding each other, and there was no sign of shrinking.

Obviously Liuli Yangshen Pill attracted them far more than the previous Soul Breaking Pill.