I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 891

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

"This will not bother you to worry about it, you have your own way."

Lin Yue's expression was calm, but what he said was very firm.

Hearing these words, the other three patriarchs except Bei Mobing felt a little annoyed.

Although they knew that Lin Yue would definitely become King Pill in the future, they hadn't adjusted their mentality for a while.

They only regarded Lin Yue as a junior with great potential. Seeing that Lin Yue rejected them without hesitation, their faces were a little bit uncontrollable.

Lin Yue noticed everyone's expressions and smiled faintly.

"To tell everyone about this, I just want to confirm which families plan to cooperate with me."

While Lin Yue was speaking, he was controlling the Pill King Pagoda once again with a shocking vision.

Blossoming pill clouds descended from the sky, exuding a fragrant pill fragrance.

Only then did the patriarchs react. The Pill King Pagoda is now completely under Lin Yue's control, and the Pill King Temple must be the same.

On Lin Yue's side, since he could produce pill, it would be the same for everyone.

In this way, those of them who need medicinal pills are the weaker side.

If Lin Yue sells the pill to other forces, but does not sell them, then their strength will soon be lost.

Thinking of this, the four patriarchs expressed their support.

"I support Mr. Qin's idea and hope to cooperate more in the future."

"Mr. Qin must contact us if he produces a pill. I can't guarantee anything else, but my Donghuang family will definitely satisfy Mr. Qin in terms of money."

Seeing several people making compromises one after another, Lin Yue smiled lightly.

This scene made the hearts of several patriarchs even more unpredictable, and they felt Lin Yue's unfathomable.

Bei Mo Yuer saw that Lin Yue and the patriarchs of the four major families had the upper hand in their discussions, and a flash of shock couldn't help but flash in her eyes.

Bei Mo Yuer knew that among the four patriarchs, including her father, which one was not a scheming fellow.

But in front of Lin Yue, he had to surrender to him.

"Young Master Qin, he is so strong in all aspects, it is perfect!"

Bei Mo Yu'er's eyes were bright, and she said in her heart.

At this time, Bei Mobing sent a voice transmission.



Bei Mo Yu'er looked a little confused, and asked from the bottom of her heart.

Bei Mobing asked her what she wanted to say at this time, and still used sound transmission, for fear of being heard by others.

"Father, I think you also have some feelings for Mr. Qin, so you should be optimistic about Mr. Qin!"

"Ah good."

Hearing Bei Mo Bing's intention, Bei Mo Yu'er's pretty face instantly turned blush.

For a woman who has never talked about love before, she is still very shy to hear this.

Lin Yue noticed that Bei Mo Yuer's face suddenly blushed, turned his head and asked.

"what's happenin?"

"It's nothing!"

Bei Mo Yuer was taken aback for a moment, and then waved his hand quickly.

She couldn't tell Lin Yue that Dad would let herself watch him.

At this time, several patriarchs had already finished what they wanted to say, and left one after another.

They all wanted to go back to the clan as soon as possible to check the scarce pill, so that they could find Lin Yue to help refine them as soon as possible.

Bei Mobing stepped forward, "Mr. Qin, shall we return to Bei Mo's house now?"

Lin Yue nodded.

The three of them left the Pill King Pagoda with all their eyes gathered.

Although those people wanted to talk to Lin Yue, they didn't dare to step forward when they saw Bei Mo Binghu's tightness.

Although Bei Mobing looked like a gentle middle-aged man in front of Lin Yue.

But he is the patriarch of the Beimo family, a well-known master on the list of gods, and other people are naturally very jealous of him.

After the three people left, everyone began to discuss again.

On this day, the name Qin Wunian spread throughout the world.

At the same time, in the North Mo family.

Bei Mo Yunlei's eyes widened when he heard the news.

"Are you sure that the surname Qin really cleared the Pill King Pagoda, isn't it a rumor?"

Bei Mo Yunlei asked a young man in disbelief.

"It's really true, it's the news from the patriarch, who also specially told you, Young Master, not to provoke Mr. Qin again."

Having said that, the young man secretly raised his head.

He knew that Bei Mo Yunlei had been taught miserably by Mr. Qin a while ago. Hearing this news, Bei Mo Yunlei would definitely be very angry.

But the scene in the youth's imagination did not appear, Bei Mo Yunlei showed no signs of anger, but muttered in his mouth.

"I didn't expect that Qin Dao was so powerful, if he could teach me..."

Bei Mo Yunlei's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then I will be able to surpass Bei Mo Yuer soon!"

Bei Mo Yunlei was miserably taught by Lin Yue before. Not only was he injured, but he also lost the opportunity to participate in the alchemy event. Of course, he felt very resentful in his heart.

However, when he learned that Lin Yue could actually obtain the inheritance of King Pill, he immediately understood.

In the face of such an opponent, he did not lose injustice!

And Bei Mo Yunlei has always been inferior to his sister in every aspect, so the obsession with surpassing Bei Mo Yuer is so deep.

As for the enmity with Lin Yue, it is no longer worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, Bei Mo Yunlei couldn't wait to meet Lin Yue.

On the other side, the Beimo family also told Qin Yiyi and others the news.

"I knew that with... the strength of my big brother, I can climb to the top of King Pill Pagoda!"

Qin Yiyi looked excited, and almost said his name when he mentioned Lin Yue.

Upon seeing this, the female Hades sent the members of the Beimo family out.

"I don't think you guys seem to be very surprised, but that is the descendant of King Pill, an inheritance that no one has ever received before!"

After the female Hades came back, her expression was also very excited.

Even if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she could guess how sensational the scene was when Lin Yue climbed to the top of King Pill Pagoda.

You know, King Dan's inheritance has been left in this primitive continent for a long time, but it has never been obtained.

Nangong Yue said with a pouting mouth, "That's Brother Lin Yue, I'm not surprised what he did."

"If the owner can't get it, no one can get it."

Lin Yuan's voice was low and full of trust.

Lin Xiu on the side snorted when he heard these words. Although he didn't want to admit it, it really said the same thing.

Bai Jiu was also shocked when he heard the news, but recalling Lin Yue's previous deeds, there was nothing unacceptable.