I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 756

Chapter 756

"As for what the Spirit King Realm is, the old man doesn't know. The old man only knows that my nine balanced realms are in front of the Venerable. It is estimated that even a single look is difficult to resist. This is the horror of the Spirit King realm."

Lin Yue nodded, he and Venerable Wuya also had a fate, and he knew the power of the Spirit King Realm.

At that time, Venerable Wuya's breath receded, and he only said a few words, but Lin Yue had already felt a strong sense of oppression.

If you really start, it is estimated that Lin Yue's state will not be much better than Fan Tong.

"You are still young, you will know these realms in the future, I am afraid that the old man will have no chance in this life."

Fan Tong said with emotion.

There seems to be an old feeling.

After experiencing the Great War in the Sixth Sea, even though Fan Tong had escaped from the dead, he seemed to have been wiped out a lot of fighting spirit, and his aging age made him powerless, so Fan Tong trusted Lin Yue so much.

Coupled with Fan Zhenzhen's relationship, Lin Yue is basically the future owner of the Sixth Sea.

"Here we are."

The warship in the sixth sea area began to slow down, and Lin Yue saw that a huge door appeared in front of them.

It was a simple arched door, but even though it was simple, the door exuded a kind of overbearing coercion.

"That is the entrance to the first sea area, isn't it very domineering?"

Fan Tong's eyes showed envy, "The above coercion has two effects."

"The first is to test the qualifications of the visitors, but the first sea area is putting pressure on all visitors, telling us that the first sea area is the strongest among the 33 sea areas."

Lin Yue did not speak, but saw that the warships had already begun to line up.

In front of them, there are also warships in other waters.

They were the fourth to reach the second, third, and fourth sea areas.

The warship ahead seemed to have noticed the arrival of the Sixth Sea.

The closest to Lin Yue and the others was the warship in the fourth sea area. In front of the warship, there had been reports from subordinates.

"Sea Lord, Brother Mu, the sixth sea area and the fifth sea area are here."

The person in front of him is the sea area of the fourth sea area and Mu Zhantian in this battle sequence.

"Fan Tong's people are not enough, but the Fifth Sea Area. I heard that the person who came this time was Lin Yuan, a disciple recently accepted by the Fifth Sea Lord."

"Have not heard."

Mu Zhantian said coldly, with a look of arrogance and disdain.

"Hey, Zhan Tian can have the confidence at this moment, I am very pleased that this sequence battle depends on you."

Bai Yanlang, the fourth sea lord, looked at Mu Zhantian with admiration, but still reminded him uneasy, "That Lin Yuan, I heard that it is not simple, he looks like a teenager, but he is already four. The master of the elephant realm is now, and he is majoring in combat physique. I have seen him once. The kid has clear eyes, but his willpower is extremely strong. He is a rare genius."

"Any genius is just a stepping stone in my hands."

Mu Zhantian snorted coldly, not even looking at the warships behind him.

Just listen.

Bai Yanlang couldn't say anything, he just glanced at the people in the Sixth Sea, "Fan Tong, this guy, dare to come, relying on Fan Zhenzhen and Fan Jian in his hand? No... Fan Tong never attended the sea lord. Yes, could it be that the Venerable asked him to come?"

Regarding the purpose of the Sea Lords Association, not all sea masters know it.

Even Fan Tong told Lin Yue the conclusion because of his sophisticated methods and after discussing with Xiao Yanyao of the Seventh Sea Territory.

"Lord Fan Hai, long time no see?"

The warship in the Fifth Sea Area approached Fan Tong and the others, and they shouted fist after a long distance.

Fan Tong smiled back and reminded Lin Yue at the same time, "This is the fifth sea lord Yang Ju."


Fan Tong's gaze fell on the young man beside Yang Ju.

Under the calm gaze of the young man, it was as deep and introverted as an abyss.

Even an old fox like Fan Tong, when he saw Lin Yuan, felt that this person had a great aura.

And Lin Yuan also watched it at the same time.

With just this look, the calm expression actually made waves. He bowed his fist far away, and stepped forward a few steps, almost flying over to the warship in the Sixth Sea.

Lin Yue's eyes flickered before Lin Yuan understood and stopped.

"You kid still greets people?"

Yang Ju glanced at Lin Yuan in surprise.

Although he hadn't known Lin Yuan for a few days, Lin Yuan gave him the feeling that he was a kid with nothing in sight.

Even facing him, Lin Yuan had never been so respectful.

It's just that eagerness is thirsty. In front of Lin Yuan's talent, these small problems have turned into personalities.

"Marine Master Yang, it's been a long time since I saw you, this must be the new disciple you received recently, right?"

Fan Tong bowed his fist towards Yang Ju, still glancing at Lin Yuan, "At this age, he is already a war cultivator in the Four Elephants Realm, Yang Hai Master, are you sure you can be his master?"

"Fan Haizhu laughed, Lin Yuan, this kid, I really can't make it, but he is willing to take refuge in my Fifth Sea Area, such a good talent, how do you tell me to refuse."

Yang Ju obviously also valued Lin Yuan extremely, and in the words, he could not hear the oppression of the sea lord on his subordinates at all.

More, it is a kind of respect and fear.

"Yang Haizhu has good luck."

Fan Tong chuckled, "But I'm not bad luck. This Young Master Lin Yue is my helper this time. His skill is also extremely powerful."

Although I couldn't see through Lin Yue's cultivation base, Yang Ju also heard several meanings in Cai Fantong's tone.

He looked at Lin Yue for a moment, and he had no cultivation base, but his temperament was excellent.

Especially in such a gathering of masters, it is not easy for this person to have such determination.

"It seems that Lord Fan Hai is a strong competitor of our Lin Yuan this time."

As soon as the positive voice fell, there was a hearty laughter from a distance. It was the warships from the tenth sea area and the eighteenth sea area that had arrived.

Followed by the warships in the 22nd Sea.

At this moment, outside the entrance of the first sea area, eight warships had gathered, only Xiao Yanyao in the seventh sea area, this time the people were already there.

"Haha, Haizhu Yang and Haizhu Fan, how dare you both to attend this Haizhu meeting this year?"

"It turned out to be the Tenth Sea Lord Fire Buddha."

Fan Tong and Yang Ju looked at each other and smiled, with fear in their eyes at the same time.

The tenth sea lord was a red-haired old man with 108 fist-sized beads around his neck. By his side, there were also people from the tenth sea.

The most noticeable among them is a man with a sword eyebrow star.

Looking at the appearance of this person in his twenties, he was dressed in a golden buddha robe, and his status was obviously higher than that of the other disciples.

He stood beside the Fire Buddha, his eyes quickly locked on Lin Yuan and Lin Yue.