I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1938

Chapter 1938

Chapter 1938 The Secret in the Emperor Burial Pit

On the other side, Chen Quanzhen's face changed slightly after hearing her words, and he did not stop her from leaving, but said silently.

"Heavenly Venerable..."

Don't think about it, this must be a stronger existence in the heavenly court than the heavenly king!

And the Heavenly King is already equivalent to the level of the quasi-emperor in the world, so the strength of the Heavenly Venerate must have reached the level of the Heavenly Emperor.

From the behavior of the strategist and the breath of the beam of light, it can be judged that the dazzling beam of light is the teleportation array that summons Tianzun, and a Tianzun will come here soon.

At that time, no one will be able to resist the momentum of Heavenly Court's attack.

If the funeral road is lost, the world will naturally fall!

As for Venerable Lingyao, Chen Quanzhen knew that she had a different concept from himself and others, and did not dare to pin his hopes on her.

You must know that the annihilation of several large areas in the world before, and the use of hundreds of millions of souls for blood sacrifices, was also because of an order from her.

Chen Quanzhen went back to Lin Yue, Gu Siyuan and other Zhun Emperors worriedly.

"Go back to the ancient city first, and discuss the rest back to the city."

Chen Quanzhen ordered.

After a short period of clearing up the mess, the people in Yangjian returned to the ancient city. After the battle just now, although many strong men fell, the loss of the Heavenly Court was even greater.

The combat power of the Heavenly Soldier level was basically wiped out, and the combat power of the Heavenly General level also suffered heavy losses.

After all, the higher the realm, the longer it takes to decide the winner or loser in the same realm. If two quasi emperors of equal strength fight against each other, it is very common to fight for a few days.

"Senior Chen Quanzhen, wait a moment."

After seeing Chen Quanzhen returning to the city, Emperor Zhun left, Lin Yue quickly stopped him, and then took out the jade pendant from his arms.


Chen Quanzhen looked a little puzzled after being called, but when he saw the jade pendant in Lin Yue's hand, he immediately understood what he meant.

"This is for you."

As soon as Lin Yue's thoughts moved, the inkstone platform, which was previously integrated with the jade pendant, was separated.

Chen Quanzhen took over this Heavenly Emperor artifact, and nodded embarrassedly, if it wasn't for Lin Yue mentioning that he almost forgot about it, it was the imminent Heavenly Venerate who put too much pressure on him.

Just when Chen Quanzhen was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head and said to Lin Yue.

"I am afraid that there will be an enemy that we can't resist on the Heavenly Court side. Even if I activate the means left by the ancestor, it is difficult to guarantee that it is his opponent. I suggest you go to a place to try, maybe it can turn the current situation.

Chen Quanzhen's expression was full of solemnity, and there was no sign of joking at all.

But Lin Yue still doesn't quite believe it. What can he affect in a situation that even a peerless powerhouse like Chen Quanzhen can't solve?

But Lin Yue still asked along the way, "Where are you talking about?"

"The Emperor Burial Pit."

Hearing this answer, Lin Yue seemed a little surprised that Chen Quanzhen was referring to that place.

He did get two opportunities in the Emperor Burial Pit to transform the Emperor Sword from the quality of an ancient immortal to the level of a quasi-emperor utensil, which can be said to have gained a lot!

But this level of opportunity will not affect the current situation at all...

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Emperor Sword can be transformed into the quality of the Heavenly Emperor's artifact, the situation cannot be reversed.

With Lin Yue's current state, mastering a Heavenly Emperor artifact could at most make him invincible as a quasi-emperor, and would not threaten the imminent Heavenly Venerate at all.

"What exactly is in the Emperor Burial Pit?"

Lin Yue asked his doubts, and Chen Quanzhen gave a very brief answer.

"I don't know either, but 'Li' once gained power that could rival the Heavenly Emperor there."

Hearing these words, Lin Yue's pupils shrank.

The Emperor Burial Pit is also related to 'Li'.

And the realm of 'Li' itself has not reached the Emperor of Heaven, but he has a record of defeating the Emperor of Heaven. Could it be that the mysterious place is located in the Emperor Burial Pit?

"Okay, it's up to you to choose whether to go or not, but you have to think about it carefully."

In the end, Chen Quanzhen watched Lin Yue say these words meaningfully, turned and left here.

The reason why he told Lin Yue about the Emperor Burial Pit and 'Li' was not a momentary rush.

There are too many origins between Lin Yue and 'Li', whether in appearance, talent, or experience, there are too many similarities.

At first, even Chang-Er Zhun Emperor saw Lin Yue for the first time and thought he was the reincarnation of 'Li'.

However, Chen Quanzhen knew very well that in the original situation of 'Li', it was absolutely impossible to reincarnate, and the relationship between Lin Yue and him was not that simple.

However, Chen Quanzhen knew very well about the two opportunities that Lin Yue had obtained in the Emperor Burial Pit. There were means of protection and monitoring that he had left nearby, so he could be sure that Lin Yue could get that share from the Emperor Burial Pit. strength.


Looking at the back of Chen Quanzhen leaving, Lin Yue nodded silently, thinking about something.

"Brother Lin!"

At this time, Yuan Cheng and Wu Linger got out from the side.

Although several people were injured, they were not very serious, and they could fully recover in less than a day.

Except for the descendants of the Yu clan, the rest of the people participated in the battlefield against the heavenly soldiers. Before they arrived, most of the heavenly soldiers had been severely damaged. As the half-step immortals, their realm and strength are even more important. For the top existence, solving those heavenly soldiers is as simple as chopping vegetables for them.

As for the descendant of the Yu Clan, he has already broken through to the realm of Immortal Venerable, and naturally he is fighting against Heavenly Generals of Heavenly Court. Although his realm is only in the early stage of Immortal Venerable, he still killed two Heavenly Generals.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Yue turned his head and asked when he heard the sound.

Before, in order to help Chen Quanzhen escape from the formation, he had to separate from the crowd and went to the area where the Heavenly King level was fighting. Just now, he was a little worried about the situation of everyone. After all, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and even the strongest person could fall.

However, Lin Yue breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that everyone appeared in front of him intact.

And Yuan Cheng said with a big smile after hearing Lin Yue's words.

"Of course, those weak guys, I can kill one with one punch!"

Wu Linger rolled his eyes and knew that he was bragging. Even though those Heavenly Soldiers had suffered internal injuries, they were wearing Heavenly Court's special armor, which could remove most of the attacks.

Even if Yuan Cheng used his black stick, he couldn't solve the opponent in one move.

"Brother Ape, I didn't say it, you are too good at blowing it!"

Gufu's remarks immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of Yuancheng, and the two of you began to quarrel with each other.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly laughed, and even Lin Yue smiled slightly.

Just came down from the cruel battlefield, such a scene really makes people feel warm, and the tense mood can be relaxed a little.