I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1894

Chapter 1894

Chapter 1894 Mysterious old man

at this time.

Lin Yue's mind moved, and he felt a change from the ancient city formation.

"This is... someone has come into contact with the formation?"

Lin Yue secretly said in his heart.

Naturally, this change could not be concealed from the numerous quasi emperors present, so everyone left the box together to investigate the situation.

Sure enough, several figures were floating above the ancient city.

They were getting close to the big formation, passing through the formation one by one, with Chen Quanzhen who was protecting them.

Seeing this scene, Wu Hai said quickly.

"It's the third team, they're out of town!"

The ancient city's formation came from a few epochs ago, and currently only a few night watchmen hold it.

So when they want to go out of the city but can't close the big array, they must use Chen Quanzhen's help.

"Get ready, everyone, it will be our team's turn in the afternoon, and we will gather here at that time."

Gu Siyuan turned around and said to the crowd, then returned to the teahouse.

Wu Hai and several Zhun Emperors also walked in, while the others returned to the courtyard where they lived.

Lin Yue bid farewell to the old woman and the old man for a while, and walked alone on the street for a while.

Because of the gray fog, the scene on the street was far less prosperous than when he first came here.

Unconsciously, Lin Yue came to an alley.

The alley was very quiet, and an old man sat not far from it.


Noticing this thin figure, Lin Yue was slightly taken aback.

He actually didn't feel the breath of a strong man from the old man, just like a mortal.

But this is absolutely impossible!

How could a mortal appear in a place like the ancient city.

There is only one possibility, and that is that the old man deliberately hides his breath.

But to make Lin Yue unable to detect the breath, at least he must have the strength of the quasi-emperor realm, but this old man is not any quasi-emperor that Lin Yue had seen in the central square before...

"Who is this person?"

A deep curiosity rose in Lin Yue's heart.

Looking at the sky, there is still some time before leaving the city.

Lin Yue walked into the alley.

When I came to a few feet in front of the old man, I noticed that there was a chess game on the stone table in front of him.

The old man's attention seemed to be all on the chess game, and he didn't react to Lin Yue's arrival.

Lin Yue looked at the chessboard, and soon saw a clue.

It's an endgame!

Still a very difficult endgame!

Among them, the white pieces are facing various crises, and no matter which piece is moved, it seems that the status quo cannot be changed.

And Heizi is pressing step by step, every step will kill Baizi!


After a while, Lin Yue said softly.

The old man woke up from meditation and slowly raised his head to look at Lin Yue.

He was not dissatisfied with Lin Yue's interruption, his eyes were calm, like a bottomless abyss.

However, when his eyes fixed on Lin Yue's body, there was a slight fluctuation inadvertently.


It is the breath of the laws of time and space. "

Hearing the old man's whispers, Lin Yue looked startled.

He did not use the power of the law of time and space, but the old man could see it at a glance from him!

To have such eyesight.

It's not easy!

"Senior's eyesight is really good!"

The old man's expression returned to calm again, and then said lightly to Lin Yue.

"It's kind of interesting, a little guy who isn't even an Immortal Venerable has tens of thousands of time and space chains wrapped around his body. I've never seen such a situation before."

"Time and space chains...?"

Lin Yue was stunned by the old man's words.

What is the space-time chain?

The old man also said that it was wrapping around him, but Lin Yue didn't feel any discomfort.

What's more, the name sounds related to the law of time and space, but Lin Yue has been in control of the law of time and space for a long time, and he has not noticed any abnormality...

"Please tell me, senior, what are the time-space chains you're talking about?"

Lin Yue cupped his hands and said respectfully.

The old man did not answer, but said indifferently.

"You want to know what's with me?

The question now is that you have disturbed me to think about this chess game, how do you want to solve it? "

"...It's better for me to hold Baizi and have the next game with senior."

Facing the old man's questioning, Lin Yue said quickly.

He knew that the strength of the old man in front of him was unfathomable. Although he did not exude the slightest breath, it gave him a very strong sense of oppression.

And he also wanted to know what the space-time chain in the old man's mouth was?

"Are you coming with me?"

There was a hint of doubt in the old man's voice, but he said immediately.

"Okay, but the ugly words are up front, if you lose..."

Although this sentence was not finished, the meaning revealed in it made Lin Yue's eyelids jump.

Lin Yue sat steadily opposite the old man, his expression solemn.

Although he has developed a very superb chess skill in the 100,000 years of reincarnation.

But this endgame was something he had never seen before, and it was not simple.

What's more, the opponent is an old man, a person he can't see through at all!

"Senior please!"

Hearing Lin Yue's words, the old man slowly raised his hand.


With a crisp sound, a sunspot fell.

Directly push Bai Zi into a desperate situation!

Lin Yue was not surprised, because the situation in this endgame was so bad.

Even if the old man did not take this step just now, but chose to go elsewhere, the same effect would still be produced.

Faced with this danger, Lin Yue's expression remained unchanged.

After a little observation, he picked up a white stone and placed it on the board.


Seeing Lin Yue's move, a trace of waves appeared on the old man's calm face.

He knew it was no coincidence!

The old man didn't believe in evil, but he placed another sunspot, but soon Lin Yue subtly defused his attack.


Lin Yue's excellent steps in a row made the old man's eyes shine.

Soon, the two put their energy into the game of chess.

On the one hand, because of this extremely difficult endgame, on the other hand, because of the old man's superb chess skills, Lin Yue fell into a hard fight for a while.

What he didn't know was that the old man sitting across from him at the moment also caused an uproar in his heart!

This is obviously an endgame for Bai Zi, but he can't win against Lin Yue at all with Heizi, and even the situation is gradually pouring over to Bai Zi!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The crisp sound of falling sons kept ringing in the alley.

After a stick of incense.

The sound finally stopped.

"I accept it, senior."

Lin Yue raised his head and looked at the old man, cupped his hands and said.

At the moment, the old man was holding a sunspot in his hand and looked at the chessboard in astonishment.

Did he lose?

And before he lost, he didn't even realize that he had fallen into the net that Lin Yue had laid on the chessboard!

After a long silence, the old man calmed down.