I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548

Chapter 1548 Heavenly Emperor One Finger Against The Evil Frog Ancestor

A red barrier was about to be formed, Lin Yue looked around, and gradually, a red light curtain appeared.

The evil frogs did not intend to let Lin Yue leave.

"Desperate?" The young patriarch of the evil frog clan sneered.

In his opinion, Lin Yue couldn't escape today.

Although he couldn't get any benefits above the physical body, the gap above the realm was too huge.

Lin Yue also understands this.

He slowly closed his eyes.

"Why, are you ready to use the ultimate move?" The Young Patriarch said slowly.

He didn't step forward anxiously, but wanted to see what kind of killer moves Lin Yue could use.

"Let me see, what are the methods used by the human race that flourished to the extreme in the past years." The young patriarch of the evil frog tribe said coldly.

"Satisfy you." Lin Yue's eyes opened and closed, and a wave of imperial might emerged, suppressing the sky and the earth.

Everyone of the Evil Frog tribe had horror in their eyes, and they couldn't bear the pressure of the heavenly emperor.

At this time, the actions were all slowed down.

The young patriarch watched this scene, and a huge evil frog phantom appeared behind him, resisting the pressure.

He was not shocked, on the contrary, he laughed wildly there.

"The Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven, is this the coercion of the Emperor of Heaven?" He was almost crazy. Excitedly said: "Let me see, the inheritance of the human race in the past!"

The evil frog phantom behind him is gradually consolidating.

As he opened his mouth, all the essence of the large area here was swallowed by it.

The world turned into dimness.

Only the position of Lin Yue's body was manifested with a terrifying golden light.

The emperor's coercion overwhelmed the world, even the powerful evil frog phantom, it was difficult to approach at this time.

Lin Yue slowly lifted his finger, and the whole dark space was filled with golden light.

The young clan leader of the evil frog clan shouted, all his strength was gathered on the phantom behind him.

Swallowing the sky and the earth, there are countless resentful spirits wailing.

Lin Yue's eyes were extremely cold now, and a wave of imperial might appeared in his eyes.

With the bright golden fingers, appeared from the world, piercing the sky.

Directly suppressed the young patriarch of the evil frog clan.



No one believes that this is the power that a person in the early days of the Holy Spirit can display.

After Lin Yue had broken through now, he was above the strength, and it was no longer the same. It was not the time to fight with the seven sons of the Palace of Human Kings.

The power of Emperor Yizhi on this day is even more terrifying.

Even the young patriarch felt tremendous pressure.

Now he no longer laughed wildly, but used his power with all his strength.

Under the pressure of the Emperor of Heaven, the evil frogs here are immobile.

Lin Yue stood in the void, and after using a finger from the Emperor of Heaven, he instantly drained the power from his body.

His breath is very sluggish.

The ground exploded inch by inch.

The young patriarch was under tremendous pressure, and at this time he started to roar.

He underestimated the power of the Emperor of Heaven.

Once overwhelming the existence of the universe, a symbol of invincibility, even a single finger is enough to destroy everything.

"The power of the Emperor of Heaven is really terrifying!" The Young Patriarch gritted his teeth at this time.

It's just that he is already powerless now.

The huge evil frog phantom had cracks, and it began to slowly collapse.

Although this trend seems extremely slow, this is also the dharmakaya condensed by the young patriarch of the evil frog clan. With the help of the power of the ancestor, he hopes to reach a higher realm through this dharma body, but now, it is actually in Lin Yue Under the method, began to slowly dissipate.

It is almost irreversible.

Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to contend with the Emperor of Heaven.

Lin Yue was also slightly surprised, after all, he didn't expect that the Heavenly Emperor Yizhi had broken through and saw the realm of Spirit Saint, showing such power.

Obsidian appeared in his hand and quickly refined it to supplement his body.

"Impossible, my evil frog clan, how weaker than the human race!" The young patriarch of the evil frog clan with pride, now with disbelief, roared from below.

He was under tremendous pressure, almost kneeling on the ground, his bones crackling.

"Is it not okay after all?" Lin Yue said lightly.

He felt that the power of the Heavenly Emperor's Finger was constantly fading, and the young patriarch who wanted to suppress the evil frog clan could not be reached with Lin Yue's current power.

But after confirmation, Lin Yue was already satisfied.

As long as one's realm is consolidated, it will be easy to kill the young patriarch of the evil frog clan.

He came to the edge of the barrier.

Lin Yue's eyes still carried a wave of imperial might, and when he glanced over, the Evil Frog Clan Tianjiao here began to tremble and knelt straight on the ground.

This is not what they want, but this coercion is too terrifying.

It's like a statue facing one's ancestor.

They wanted to stop Lin Yue, but found that they were so weak. Even the strength to support their bodies had been suppressed.

Lin Yue punched open the barrier that had not yet fully formed.

Exerting the means in the true understanding of the origin, turning into a streamer, and leaving quickly.

After moving away from that area, a trail of blood appeared at the corner of Lin Yue's mouth.

Because he had just used all his strength to use the Emperor's finger, his current body, extremely weak, almost suffered a backlash.

"Do they want this thing?" Lin Yue's hand showed his primitive jade.

It seems that this jade is extremely important to the evil frog family.

Moreover, the aura of this ancient jade does not seem to be affected by the Deception Array Pattern.

However, Lin Yue is not without help.

I saw that he sacrificed a clay pot and temporarily placed the ancient jade in it.

"When I break through to the next level, I don't need a finger from the emperor, and I can fight against the young patriarch of the evil frog clan." Lin Yue has full confidence.

After the first battle, he already knew that he was just a shortcoming above the realm.

If it were in the same realm, the young patriarch of the evil frog clan might not be able to withstand ten moves in his hands.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue approached in one direction.

But he did not look for Qin Lingfeng and the others.

He was not convinced that whether the clay pot could suppress the breath of ancient jade, it would have affected them, and Lin Yue did not choose to go in the same direction with Qin Lingfeng and the others.

The direction where the evil frog clan was, until a long time later, the emperor here dissipated.

The Young Clan Chief of the Evil Frog Clan crawled out of the ruins, and saw that his breath was extremely sluggish, his whole body was covered with hideous wounds, and even his spiritual thoughts became extremely weak.

His condensed law body, now only a small half, has become dilapidated, and many wounds are exuding red evil.

"Young patriarch, chase it?" Tianjiao, the evil frog clan, came to the young patriarch.

He knelt on the ground and kept pleading guilty.

"Go away, it's useless." The Young Clan Chief of the Evil Frog clan kicked the man away.

Then he looked in the direction where Lin Yue escaped.

"You can't escape." Gu Yu appeared on his hand.

It's just that the ancient jade is very quiet now, without the aura of that ancient jade.

"What's the matter, is there any treasure on his body that hides the secrets of heaven?" The young patriarch's eyes wrinkled slightly.

Just as he hesitated, the ancient jade in his hand radiated a warm glow again, and he used all his strength to infuse it into the jade.

Finally, he vaguely knew the direction of Lin Yue's departure.

"Chasing!" The young patriarch of the evil frog clan showed murderous intent on his face.

This time, Lin Yue severely injured him, and even the condensed law body was almost shattered, and his loss was extremely serious.

"Then Diwei, how should we resist?" The evil frog tribe on one side was worried.

"Do you think he can still use that method now?" said the young chief of the evil frog clan.