I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1546

Chapter 1546

Chapter 1546

Yun Ling on the ground was also shocked by the methods Lin Yue used.

However, within half a month, Lin Yue not only broke through to the late Lingsheng stage, but also mastered a mysterious method.

But after all, the Viper is also the arrogant of the family, and the realm is there.

Even if Lin Yue grasped the means to restrain him, he still had the power to fight back.

He directly manifested his body, a body that was more than a hundred feet tall, entrenched in the sky, and his body was full of black energy, and his diamond-shaped pupils contained the meaning of killing.

"Today, you can't live."

Viper said viciously.

Lin Yue didn't respond. He stood in the void, the breath on his body was burning like a raging fire.

Waved both hands, forming fist marks, and slaughtered directly towards the Viper.

The horrible battle fluctuated, sweeping by not knowing how far.

The earth is cracking.

The huge body of the Viper was constantly twisting, and the dense scales were constantly shattering, and the blood filled the ground, exuding a stench.

Lin Yue is like a true **** who kills evil beasts. Above the sky, the golden light is prosperous and vaguely, you can see that behind him, the phantom of the golden winged roc appears.

But obviously, Lin Yue also wanted to prove what he had learned during this battle.

The phantom of the Golden Winged Roc disappeared, and replaced by a golden python, on which he stood at this time, with endless power.

He looked at the viper below indifferently.

The Viper was covered in blood, its scales were shattered, and it had been beaten to the horror.

After fighting with the Viper, Lin Yue also gradually understood the natural origin pattern of the Viper clan.

Viper felt the same breath.

"It's the breath of my clan!"

Viper was shocked, "Why do you still master my clan's innate magic!"

I saw the big snake under Lin Yue's feet and opened his mouth. The golden flames of fire began to erode everything. The ground below was melted and turned into dust.

The Viper was struggling, and he opened his mouth and vomited, black smoke enveloped the sky.

After all, Lin Yue's grasp was not advanced enough. During the confrontation, his golden disgust turned into essence and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

But now Lin Yue had already smashed in front of the Viper, pinching his fist, with the potential to suppress the mountains and rivers.

With a punch and bombardment, the golden python also opened its **** mouth and became entangled with the viper.

Viper was now sweating coldly, and his realm was lower than himself, so he had such a terrifying combat power.

This made him startled.

But at this time he was already entangled and it was difficult to get out.

With a punch, his breath languished, his body shrank weakly, and finally turned into a human form.

Lin Yue came to him with an extremely cold expression on his face.

"Do you really want to be an enemy of the Viper clan?"

The Viper lied inwardly and scolded.

However, Lin Yue had never been threatened by this, and even shot, there is no reason to stop.

An emperor sword appeared in his hand, and while waving casually, he directly abolished the viper.

The tremendous pain almost made him faint.

For the spiritual beings, it is more cruel to abolish them than to kill them directly.

However, as Lin Yue entered the Viper's body with a pure land of divine consciousness, it was impossible for him to faint.

His actions were imprisoned by Lin Yue, making it impossible for him to commit suicide.

"You..." Viper was desperate, and shouted at this moment: "If you want to kill, kill, why do you want to torture me?"

"Just respond to your Viper clan in the same way."

Lin Yue said coldly.

Viper was desperate in his heart, and he thought of it, in the past few days, he has been chasing and killing Yun Ling continuously, which has the meaning of fun.

"Please, kill me."

The Viper almost begged.

But Lin Yue didn't respond.

He stood in front of the decomposed Viper.

Qin Lingfeng's battle was almost over.

After all, Qin Lingfeng is a contemporary leader among the seventy-two immortal palaces. He masters the magic of the seventy-two immortal palaces.

At this time he beheaded the last Viper.

Indifferently came to the headed Viper.

When the cruel killing began, Lin Yue went to another place.

The screams came and went one after another, and he was not moved at all.

People of foreign races have already noticed here, Lin Yue is guarded, and the aura on his body makes some foreign races with thoughts retreat.

Until a few hours passed.

Qin Lingfeng assisted Yun Ling and merged with Lin Yue.

"Heal now, and look for other people."

Lin Yue said.

Through Yun Ling's narration, Lin Yue frowned slightly.

The human race enters the sacred battlefield first, which means that they may get more good luck.

Many alien races didn't dare to provoke the big race who entered here first, so they cast their ideas on the human race.

Yun Ling suffered this calamity because of this.

One day later, Yun Ling's injury temporarily recovered.

They immediately embarked on the road to find other people.

A few days passed.

"Someone noticed us."

Lin Yue said lightly.

At that time, when Lin Yue was outside, he noticed that there was an alien who noticed Lin Yue and the Viper clan fighting, but because Lin Yue was waiting outside, they didn't do anything.

"Want to confuse them."

Lin Yue said lightly.

I saw that he used the methods he had previously obtained in the underworld to sacrifice and refine three puppets, and with the infusion of divine consciousness, he went to the front first.

One day passed.

Lin Yue frowned slightly, and several people appeared in front of them. The races were different. Because of the dispersion of races, they temporarily united.

The formation method appeared here, which enveloped Lin Yue and the others.

"The remnants of the human race have finally waited for you."

An alien with scales sneered.

Lin Yue and the three people in the formation wrinkled their brows deeply. There was a terrifying refining power here, and the fire rose, covering their figures quickly.

Qin Lingfeng shot, trying to break the formation, corroding power appeared on the formation, and his arm was left with bones in an instant.

Qin Lingfeng's figure flew out, and was led by Yun Ling.

"I have no grievances with you, why is this?"

Yun Ling scolded.

"In the sacred battlefield, talk about hatred, and hand over the gods you got, so that you can die more peacefully."

One with a smile.

He watched Lin Yue and the rest of the battle.

I think these human races are not simple, so they didn't make an explicit shot.

Instead, they found a few alien races, and they wanted to refine Lin Yue and the others in the great refining formation left by the clan.

"In this case..." Lin Yue said coldly.

I saw his breath exploding.

"Stop him!"

The alien said quickly, he had seen Lin Yue's combat power before.

If he breaks through the formation, they may not be opponents.

Several alien races held each side, activating the power of the big formation.

The breath of Lin Yue's body was crushed, and the flesh and blood on his body were festering.

"You are still too naive."

The alien sneered.

Just when a few people showed hideous smiles.

Suddenly, his back was pierced by a long sword.

"This sentence is better to describe you."

Qin Lingfeng said lightly.

I saw that the puppets in the big formation had turned into powder, and Lin Yue and their bodies had been hiding in the dark.

The existence of the deceiving formation pattern, a foreigner, has never been discovered.

Now, Lin Yue and the others beheaded several people easily.

"You...you guys."

The foreign race's eyes were scattered, and his eyes were full of disbelief to death.

After clearing up the mess, Lin Yue and the others took away all the things they had obtained from these alien races on the sacred battlefield.

"Thanks to Brother Lin."

Qin Lingfeng said.

Yun Ling and Qin Lingfeng both admire Lin Yue incomparably. If it weren't for Lin Yue's deep thoughts, I'm afraid this business would become very troublesome.

Only then did they realize that the reason why the palace lord had asked them to come was all because of Lin Yue.

Lin Yue just shook his head, these are just the remaining methods he played back then, not enough.

"This thing?"

When Yun Ling cleaned up the mess, she obtained a broken jade from the harvest of the aliens, presenting a broken **** ring with a breath on it, which seemed to be guiding somewhere.