I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486

Chapter 1486 God Court Organizes God Son, Lin Yue

He was dressed in white, with simplicity.

"Shen Ting Organization, Lin Yue, ask for war."

Lin Yue's words were calm.

The scene fell into silence.

After hearing Lin Yue's identity, they all held their breath, and some opened their mouths into an "O" shape.

"Divine Court...Organization..."

This is a taboo in the entire Gouchen ancient country and cannot be mentioned.

Among the younger generation, they only knew the legend of the God Court organization, and now they saw one of them, and actually came here in person.

How is this not surprising.

Even the old woman's eyes condensed.

The pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion also no longer concealed it, saying: "Yes, this is the **** son of my **** court organization. In the future, he will inherit the position of **** master."

His tone is neither humble nor overbearing.

There was a strong killing intent in the eyes of the old emperor.

The sacred organization is his pain alone, an indelible stain.

"Divine Court Organization!"

The Supreme Emperor almost gritted his teeth, he thought of the acting **** master back then.

Now that I saw the people of the God's Court organization, so unscrupulous, even dared to appear in the world, the killing intent in the eyes was no longer possible.

The old woman immediately used Mingyue Temple's ancient formations to suppress the aura of the Supreme Emperor, otherwise the entire Mingyue Temple might be destroyed under the dragon's air of the earth.

"Sovereign Emperor, this is Mingyue An, I hope that personal grievances will be resolved after they leave Mingyue An."

The old woman reminded.

Although she is jealous of the Supreme Emperor, but if she really reaches the last step, she will not hesitate to use all the background information, it is not necessarily the one who will die.

However, she had only been softened, but she didn't want all of Mingyue's foundation to be ruined.

The Supreme Emperor also knew this, so he could put pressure on the old woman like this before.

"Emperor Sun, cut him off."

The Supreme Emperor said directly.

The killing intent in his eyes is now without the slightest concealment.

As a member of the core of the royal family, the Seventh Prince naturally knew the grievances between the royal family of the ancient country and the **** court organization.

Lin Yue and the others now have a very clear purpose, which is to prevent the royal family of Gou Chen from getting three saints.

Therefore, Lin Yue did not hide.

He directly stated his identity as an organization of God's Court.

The battle between the Shenting organization and the ancient kingdom of Gouchen was inevitable. The seeds had been planted thousands of years ago, and it was just an outbreak at the time.

The royal family has already begun to encircle and suppress the Shentian organization, and Lin Yue and the others will naturally not sit back and wait for death.

Lin Yue didn't expect that the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion directly said that he was the son of god.

After all, it is only the proxy divine lord reigning today, which means that Lin Yue's identity is already equal to the proxy divine lord.

But this is irrelevant.

The expressions of Liu Ru's trio became more exciting.

"He finally took the shot."

Liu Ru was relieved.

There was also a certain splendor in Yu Linglong's eyes.

They all hope that Lin Yue can defeat the Seventh Prince.

But from the methods of the Seven Princes, they were worried.

Even in the end, Lin Yue surpassed the Seventh Prince, and the Emperor looked forward to it. How could Lin Yue and the others get away?

"I hope that since the Shentian organization is here, there is a way to get out."

Yu Linglong was worried, thinking like this in her heart.

The rise is relatively calm.

She knew that Lin Yue would not do things that were uncertain.

But they didn't expect that when Lin Yue came here, he didn't think of getting out.

But to fight with the Emperor Taishang.

"You can not."

Lin Yue looked at the Seventh Prince on the opposite side, and said lightly.

The expression in his eyes was very indifferent. He didn't have the slightest pride when he said this. It seemed that he was just stating the facts.

"I see, you are the mysterious man who killed many eighth-step strong men in Huhou State at that time."

The seventh prince was very smart, and immediately thought of Lin Yue's identity.

But after hearing Lin Yue's words.

The seventh prince also had a sense of coldness.

He inadvertently saw the eyes of the three saints, and seemed to have hope for Lin Yue.

Although he didn't know the reason for this look, but in his opinion, the three saints were all playthings in his palm.

He has been sitting on endless resources and status since he was a child, and he absolutely does not allow his own things to be tainted by others.

"Do you know if you come here today, you will die?"

The Seventh Prince said lightly.

Until this time, he showed all his strength, the eighth step three layers!

The people present were dumbfounded, breaking through the eighth step at this age, and was already a talented arrogant that had not been seen in several eras.

And the current Seventh Prince had already broken through to the eighth step and three levels.

Although it is only a difference between two levels, in the later stages of cultivation, even a small difference is a world of difference.

"It seems that the **** son of the **** court organization is in danger."

Someone said.

Although they were very upset with the behavior of the Seven Princes.

But thousands of years ago, many of their forces participated in the organization of encirclement and suppression of the gods.

Naturally, there are many forces, and I hope that the Seventh Prince will kill Lin Yuezhen.

"Give you a chance to shoot."

Lin Yue said again.

He embraced his chest with his hands, without the slightest intention of guarding.

"You are arrogant, but in front of me, you are like a jumping clown."

The Seventh Prince said.

Facing Lin Yue, he didn't keep the slightest hand, and directly used the strongest means.

I saw the earth dragon gas rising below the ground.


The high-pitched and majestic dragon's voice directly broke through the clouds, and even the clouds above the sky were shattered in an instant.

There are raindrops constantly falling.

"You are not too dumb."

Lin Yue looked at the old emperor on the high platform and said slowly.

Because he could see from the seven princes' methods that there was an old emperor secretly taking action.

"You are beginning to be jealous."

The pavilion owner of Tianji Pavilion also didn't give the old emperor any face, and directly pierced the road.

Some people looked at the old emperor, and they all heard about the legends thousands of years ago.

"Could it be that the old emperor really lost that year, so much so that by now, he has begun to be afraid of the God Court organization, so he will not hesitate to take a secret shot in the hands of the younger generation?"

Someone is testing.

The old emperor naturally saw the suspicion in the eyes of others.

His complexion became scorched.

But thinking that as long as he could kill the remnants of the God Court organization, even if he was carrying some infamy, he would not hesitate.

The endless dragon energy turned into a thousand-meter-long real dragon, and came directly to Lin Yuezhen to kill.

The entire battle platform was crumbling, and cracks appeared, like a spider web, spreading do not know how far.

Even if there is a guardian of Mingyue Temple here, there are still cracks in the void, swallowing everything.

Faced with such a terrifying momentum, Lin Yue only pointed out a faintly.

The sky became silent.

For the first time, Lin Yue used Litian's means to completely merge his own magical powers.

The power of the eight parts of Taixu was all blessed on Lin Yue's own magical powers-Ji.

I saw a thousand-meter-long real dragon, with Lin Yue's finger sticking out, it directly stopped on the sky, and then started from the dragon's head, disappearing inch by inch.

This trend is irreversible, and the Seventh Prince is horrified.

Ever since he mastered the dragon energy of the earth, he had never encountered such a sight.

It is undoubtedly subverted his cognition.

With the real dragon disappearing every inch, this is not the end.

The seventh prince felt that he seemed to be enveloped by a powerful force.

The back figure turned out to be like a real dragon, and it began to crack.

The old emperor was shocked.

I saw him directly appearing on the battle platform that was already close to collapse, holding on to the Seventh Prince and using the ninth step of the strongest means.