I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Xia Jie and his son knelt down, trembling all over.

But Xia Zheng's breath continued to languish at this moment.


Xia Binglian moved step by step and appeared beside Xia Zheng.


Xia Bing came in tears, and Xia Zheng also understood.

At this moment, only this granddaughter came to support him.

"Grandpa, I'm going to find my blood, and then practice a Sacred Heart Pill."

"Time is running out."

Xia Zheng shook his head, "Alchemy for at least three hours, and the blood of other strong people...cough."

Xia Zheng spouted a third bite of blood!

His complexion was pale as paper for a moment.

He knew that he couldn't hold on for two hours.

Two hours, alchemy is not enough, how can I find painstaking effort?

With a move of Xia Zhan's eyes, he pointed at Xia Jie and cursed.

"Big brother, you actually want to harm father!"

"Damn, what are you **** talking about?"

Xia Jie's heart was tense, and he didn't expect Xia Zhan to fall into trouble at this time.

Seeing everyone's eyes fell on him.

Xia Jie then thought, "This matter still needs to be investigated, what are you doing?"

"Take down Xia Jie and his son."

Xia Zheng's voice came.

In an instant, the seven elders suppressed at the same time.

"Damn it, old stuff, I'm the clan chief of the medicine clan, you dare to move me?"

Xia Jie was furious, but the seven patriarchs were only loyal to Xia Zheng.

Xia Zheng held Xia Bing's hand, "Child, you didn't grab the Sacred Heart Cauldron, you didn't harm Grandpa, did you?"

Xia Bing still couldn't cry, because she was stunned to feel that Xia Zheng's hands were as cold as ice.

"No, I don't."

Xia Bing shook his head quickly.

"Okay." Xia Zheng smiled, fighting his last breath, "Seven elders, after the death of this seat, please assist Xia Bing and take the seat of the patriarch."

The seven elders looked at each other and immediately knelt down to take their orders!

The suppressed Xia Jie's heart roared!

The position of the patriarch, who he was deliberately thinking about, fell into the hands of Xia Bing at this moment?

"No, you are crazy old stuff, what is Xia Bing?"

Even with Xia Kuangshan, he cursed.

But suddenly, a slap hit Xia Kuangshan's face.

That was Lin Yue.

"Damn it, Lin Yue!"

Xia Kuangshan stared at Lin Yue.

He went from heaven just now to **** now, and now he thinks about it, it was all caused by Lin Yue!

He angered Xia Zheng and caused the hidden danger of the Sacred Heart Pill to erupt, causing the current situation!

"You die for me."

After the fire broke out, Xia Kuangshan wanted to move Lin Yue.

"Take it down."

Xia Bing heard a cold voice.

One of the Seven Great Elders immediately appeared in front of Xia Kuangshan.

Without Lin Yue's hands, Xia Kuangshan was already unable to move.

"Whoever moves the son again, die."

If it had been before, only those servants would listen to Xia Bing's words.

But now, she represents the patriarch of the medicine clan!



Xia Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. He always knew the tenacity in Xia Bing's bones.

"Well, don't waste any more time."

Lin Yue didn't know when, he had already walked to the side of Sacred Heart Ding.

"The seven elders, can there be the refining herbs of the Sacred Heart Pill?"

Seven people were startled at the same time.

"Yes, yes, but medicine cited..."

Lin Yue swiped from the storage ring, and a drop of golden blood floated out!

At the moment when the golden blood appeared, the space around Lin Yue formed a strong storm!

"Broken heart, no solid state mind blood!"

Xia Bing's pupils dilated.

At this moment, Lin Yue held the blood of the Great Shou Mi, but the original blood was a thousand times stronger than this drop.

Now Lin Yue's hand is a drop of mixed blood after dilution.

It is equivalent to something that Lin Yue doesn't like.

But for refining the Sacred Heart Pill, it is more than enough.

"Xia Bing, I help, you refine alchemy."

"Grandpa, wait for me here."

Xia Bing's eyes rekindled hope.

Lin Yue now, like the savior of the medicine clan, reflected in everyone's eyes.

Ye Mingyue and the others also understood in an instant.

"Everything was in the young master's expectation."

The seven elders presented medicinal materials, Lin Yue raised his hand, the essence and blood mixed into the medicinal materials!

Xia Bing stepped into the air, Yao Qi blended into the Sacred Heart Cauldron.

Ding body shines!

The Seven Great Elders wanted to come up to help, but was stopped by Xia Bing.

"It's enough to have a son."

Xia Bing completely obeyed Lin Yue's words.

What Lin Yue meant was that he only needed his support.

Sure enough, the sun came over and engulfed the Sacred Heart Cauldron directly!

"This, this is messing up!"

The seven elders' hearts tightened, and their old faces showed their worries.

"No, burning the whole cauldron so rudely will definitely damage the medicinal materials."

"If you can't do it, you can't do it."

Only Xia Zheng stared at Sacred Heart Cauldron with heavy eyelids.

"This is... the Dao Fa flame of Great Sumi!"

Inside the Sacred Heart Cauldron, the medicinal materials were visibly melted under the black fire.

Xia Bing concentrates on manipulating the medicinal power, and gathers Xumi's essence and blood as the center!

"Hurry up... Hurry up!"

Xia Bing clenched his teeth tightly, not hesitating to burn his cultivation base, in exchange for a faster melting effect!

But at the moment the Seven Elders were most surprised by Lin Yue.

"He, how long did he use to extract all the power of the medicine?"

"The medicinal power is so pure, but he only took half an hour!"

"It's no wonder that the patriarch didn't let us take action. Lin Yue's refining speed alone is faster than the seven of us!"

The seven elders were shocked.

"Impossible, he can't do it!"

Xia Jie gritted his teeth, if Lin Yue and Xia Bing were to make the Sacred Heart Pill, he would be completely cold.

In less than an hour, there was an astonishing roar in the Sacred Heart Cauldron!

A pill that was more radiant than before rose into the sky.

This time it was not Xia Jie who picked up the pill, but Xia Bing!

"My son, it succeeded."

"Go ahead."

Lin Yue nodded, and Xia Bing immediately fell beside Xia Zheng.

With Xia Zheng's identity and status, he stared at the pill in Xia Bing's palm in a daze at this moment.

"Colorless Dan!"

"Well, in addition to my medicine clan, there are such alchemy masters in the South!"

Others can't see it, but how could Xia Zheng not know that this pill seems to be Lin Yue only an auxiliary, but his effect is greater than Xia Bing.

Xia Zheng took the pill without hesitation!

In an instant, a piece of vitality burst out of his body, pouring into the internal organs!

The pale face of Xia Zheng was also **** again at this moment!

Xia Bing turned around and bowed directly to Lin Yue!

"Thank you son!"

It is a miracle that Xia Zheng can get better at this moment.

And this miracle was created by Lin Yue.

"The son is the son."

"I'm afraid Binger will look down on other men in this life."

Liu Wuhen and Ye Mingyue spoke one after another.

Lin Yue shrugged, as long as he achieves his goal.

As for Xia Bing's affection for him.

This is not important to him who has no relationship with women.

Xia Zheng exhaled a foul breath, his five fingers turned into claws, and a claw toward Xia Jie!

The tyrannical Yao Qi rolled over, and Xia Jie flew over.


A loud slap hit Xia Jie's old face.