I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 134

Chapter 134

There is indeed sword energy on this token, but it has no effect on Liu Wuhen.

But once it leaves his hand, it will trigger the sword qi restriction above.

"Why, do you still want to see it?"

Liu Wuhen walked around Xia Kuangshan and raised the token at Xia Jie.

Xia Jie's face was ugly, "Hehe, it is indeed the elder of the sword clan."

He was equally shocked.

But the three of them were wearing sword clan elders' clothes. The clothes could be fake, but the token was impossible.

Xia Jie wanted to take this group of people directly, lest Lin Yue threatened to detonate the Sacred Heart Cauldron again.

But now, Lin Yue doesn't use the Sacred Heart Cauldron, and he can't do it anymore.

"The Sword Clan and the Medicine Clan are both members of the Eight Clan. I don't know why the elders are here?"

Liu Wuhen replied: "I will be responsible for escorting Miss Xia Bing back to the Medicine Clan safely."

Everyone's eyes fell on Xia Bing.

No more contempt before.

It's a lot of fear.

Being able to be escorted back by the three elders and Lin Yue also shows Xia Bing's position in the eyes of the sword clan.

Xia Bing was grateful for Lin Yue's arrangement.

If it hadn't been for Lin Yue, she would not have been treated so equally when she returned.


Xia Bing leaned to Xia Zhan first.

Xia Zhan smiled gratifiedly, "Okay, I am indeed Xia Zhan's daughter."

If it had been confirmed by Xia Zhan before, Xia Bing would be very happy.

But now Xia Bing looked cold and nodded at random.

Xia Zhan's heart was tight.

This daughter seems to be a little different.

"Xia Bing came back this time to send Sacred Heart Cauldron back."

Her tone was indifferent, and the jade hand was raised, and the Sacred Heart Cauldron that Lin Yue gave her in advance appeared in the air.

Xia Bing didn't argue for anything.

She had already given up on Xia Zhan at this moment.

So Sacred Heart Ding flew directly in front of Xia Jie.


Xia Jie frowned, her heart tensed, not knowing what medicine was sold in Lin Yue's gourd.

He didn't take Xia Bing's scheming seriously.

But when Xia Bing did this, he determined that he was instigated by Lin Yue.

"What, don't even want the Sacred Heart Cauldron?"

Liu Wuhen raised his eyebrows.

"Of course, Xia Bing's return to the Sacred Heart Cauldron can be regarded as making up for it."

Xia Jie checked the Sacred Heart Cauldron, and there was nothing unusual.

However, in his words, Lin Yue and his party were directly excluded from Sacred Heart Cauldron. Obviously, he didn't want others to think that Lin Yue was kind to Yao Clan.

He emphasized that Xia Bing had made up for it.

In a short sentence, it directly strangled Sacred Heart Cauldron's great achievements in returning to the Medicine Clan.

"A scheming plan."

Liu Wuhen cursed secretly in his heart.

He was also a little unhappy, it was so cheap that Xia Jie was really uncomfortable.

But Liu Wuhen knew exactly what kind of person Lin Yue was.

"Okay, the Sacred Heart Cauldron is here, and we are gone."

Liu Wuhen turned around to leave.

"and many more."

Xia Jie's voice came, "Wait a moment, wait for the patriarch to come out, and then leave."

Old Xia Zhan on the side narrowed his eyes slightly.

I also guessed Xia Jie's mind.

These little ones dare not move the sword clan elders, so as not to cause war between the eight clans.

But if Xia Jie rescued the patriarch Xia Zheng with the Sacred Heart Cauldron, and Xia Jie provoked a few more words, maybe Xia Zheng could take down Lin Yue and others himself.

In this way, Xia Jie doesn't have to cause trouble to the upper body.

Xia Zhan smiled and worshiped boxing: "Big brother, since the Sacred Heart Cauldron is back, it's better to ask Big Brother to do alchemy."

Xia Zhan scolded Xia Bing secretly.

This stinky girl directly gave Sacred Heart Cauldron to Xia Jie.

All the credit has nothing to do with him.

"Then ask your second brother to protect me so that I won't be disturbed."

Although Xia Jie was unwilling to rescue Xia Zheng, after all, the Sacred Heart Cauldron was directly destroyed by Xia Bing, which was the best thing for him.

It's just that he can't do that on the face.

Jian Qiyun killed Jian Lingtian before he could dominate the Jian Clan.

But Xia Jie hadn't killed Xia Zhan.

Every move, at any time will be seen by this seemingly submissive but soft-hearted younger brother.

"Kuangshan, go get your blood."


"Pass the seven elders."

Xia Jie gave an order, and the Sacred Heart Cauldron appeared in the air, without wind!

Xia Jie crossed his knees in the air, chanting the formula in his hand, and the Qi of Nine Suns beyond the realm burst out continuously and merged into the Sacred Heart Cauldron.

Soon, the emerald green light appeared on the Sacred Heart Cauldron!

At this time, the seven elders had already appeared, and all of them were excited when they saw the Sacred Heart Cauldron!

"The number one alchemy furnace in the South, finally belongs to my medicine clan!"

"Everyone, it's time."

Xia Jie's voice fell, and the seven people took out a piece of black charcoal from the storage ring at the same time, circulated the air, and the seven pieces of black charcoal flew under the Sacred Heart Cauldron!

"Good luck immortal charcoal, burn!"

The seven people shouted at the same time. At this moment, the seven transcendent Yang Qi gathered together, and the seven pieces of good fortune charcoal ignited at the same time.

Even if Liu Wuhen and others had just made waves in accordance with Lin Yue's orders.

But now that he really sees the alchemy of the medicine clan, he still feels nervous.

"The Eight Races in the Southern Realm still have some background."

He suddenly noticed that the flames ignited by the seven charcoal fires were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, in seven colors!

These seven colors are the same, but they are different.

For a time, the light on the Sacred Heart Cauldron reached its peak, and the light from the upper and lower rushed out, like a beam of light connecting the heaven and the earth!

Xia Kuangshan and the others also took all the materials of the Sacred Heart Pill, including the most important medicinal guide, the heart and blood of strong people without strength.

"My son, thank you."

Xia Bing saw that the Sacred Heart Pill began to be refined, and thanked Lin Yue gratefully.

"Will you be unwilling?"

What Lin Yue was referring to, naturally, if the Sacred Heart was achieved now, Xia Zheng would count on Xia Jie's father and son for all the credit.

That also meant that Xia Bing had lost the last chance to compete with Xia Kuangshan.

The future medicine family belongs to Xia Jie and Xia Kuangshan.

"No, as long as Grandpa gets better."

Lin Yue smiled softly, "But your grandfather still needs you to get better."

Xia Bing looked puzzled, "My son, what does this mean?"

"Just look at it and you'll know, now let Xia Jie have another wave."

Lin Yue also had some expectations in his eyes.

If God wants to kill it, it must first make it mad.

Two hours later!

Sacred Heart Cauldron made a clank roar!

Xia Jie and the Seven Great Elders gritted their teeth at the same time, and in the Sacred Heart Cauldron, a seven-color pill rose into the sky!

"Sacred Heart Pill!"


Eight people were excited at the same time.

Xia Jie stepped away, with five fingers forming claws, and the Sacred Heart Pill appeared in his hand.

"Very good, the pill is fragrant and the rhyme is complete."

He turned directly and stepped into a palace behind him.

Since the Sacred Heart Cauldron could not be destroyed, the great merits of the Sacred Heart Pill made right by the right words made no difference to Xia Jie's promotion.

In any case, he will decide the position of the future patriarch of the medicine clan!

An hour later, Xia Jie appeared again, full of spirits.

"Everyone, I live up to expectations, patriarch, wake up."

Xia Zhan's heart was half cold.

As soon as the voice fell, in the palace, a shock of weather rose to the sky.

I saw an old man slowly walking out of the palace.