I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302 the breath left by the first emperor here

Lin Yue's eyes gradually became bright.

With the blessing of the clay pot, his strength is gradually recovering.

Surrounded by the four ancient characters, a mysterious power appeared in Lin Yue's gaze, exposing all the illusions.

At the same time, the power of his first ancient Chinese character is also deducing the right path.

When he used all his power.

His complexion changed slightly, and everything here turned out to be a dead end.

Including the path that I walked when I came.

But why is he still alive now?

Lin Yue began to look at his whole body until he saw the inner world where his Dao Fruit was located.

His face gradually became weird, and now he finally noticed that a string of beads appeared on his wrist in the Tao fruit of his life.

A strong death breath radiated from it.

However, it had no influence on Lin Yue himself.

His Dao Guo in this world, sitting in front of the chessboard, Gu Jing Wubo, even the rich lifelessness, did not affect him in the slightest.

However, Lin Yue looked at the beads with a familiar feeling. This was not the other thing, but was similar to the beads on the stone statue he saw at the end of the abyss, at the end of the road.

They are all connected in series with twelve beads.

However, the beads of Lin Yue's Daoguo in this world are not petrified, and there is still a terrifying death air on them.

However, under the chanting of Tao Guo in this world, the aura on it is gradually dimming.

Even the dead energy around is still gathering.

This is also the reason why all of this is a dead end under Lin Yue's deduction.

But there is a relatively safe road.

It seems to be blasted by life.

Lin Yue looked to the east of this place. At the end of the sky, there was a ray of gray light, which seemed to exist in ancient times.

It was a relatively safe place that Lin Yue had deduced.

"Is that the place opened up by the First Emperor?"

Lin Yue pondered.

That ray of light had already been seen when Lin Yue set foot on the road to here.

It's just that he always thought that there is just the light that has always existed here.

What I didn't expect was that under my own deduction, it turned out to be artificially blasted through.

Moreover, Lin Yue was above the passage, and he could see that ray of light.

Now under the abyss, you can still see it, and there are still endless powers on it, even if it is across the endless time and space, it can still be perceived by people.

However, Lin Yue was not anxious. He still hasn't seen the phantom of the Dainichi Boundless Buddha and the dark priest.

He has been sitting here for a hundred years.

He sat opposite the clay sculpture.

Seeing the soul light coming forward, it continuously entered the entrance of the cave.

Until Lin Yue saw that some of the soul light's hands seemed to be holding some kind of paper.

When he came to the front of the clay sculpture, he was ignited by the soul light, and the wisps of smoke in it entered the body of the clay sculpture.

One of the six openings was opened, and the soul light naturally entered into it.

However, what made Lin Yue feel familiar was that the paper held by these soul lights seemed strange and was a eulogy.

Just like the leaf of paper used by Gu Cang back then, there is a certain original similarity.

But there is no dark breath on it.

Lin Yue has been sitting here for a hundred years, and after several times of the arrival of the soul light, the soul light that came here is more than hundreds of millions.

However, there are only a handful of paper holders.

The strands of blue smoke entered the stone ball on the clay sculpture's hand, revealing more and more mystery, and a supreme breath began to emanate.

Just when the next creature holding paper arrives.

As the paper ignited, Lin Yue took the initiative to attract this breath to the bead on his wrist in this world.

He didn't know that this breath worked.

Perhaps after one's own realm is sufficient, one can comprehend it.

But what Lin Yue can be sure of is that the blue smoke of the burning paper definitely involves deep secrets and has a huge effect.

Lin Yue waited while sucking the smoke from the paper burning of latecomers.

There is a dead silence here.

Even the clay sculptures don't know this situation.

But five hundred years later, Lin Yue didn't wait for the two of the Immeasurable Buddha.

Or Lin Yue's other well-known people.

Perhaps the two figures of Blessed Buddha Dainichi had already entered the entrance of the cave before themselves, and went to an unknown place.

Lin Yue got up.

Now his Tao fruit in this world has absorbed a lot of blue smoke, has become more and more mysterious, it seems that it no longer belongs to this piece of ancient history, standing in an unknown realm.

The beads on his wrist were also surrounded by that breath, and the dead aura had already settled.

The bead seemed to have turned into a supreme artifact.

However, Lin Yue couldn't fully grasp it now.

It can only affect a faint breath on it.

The breath of the beads enveloped the stone sword, and in a flash, a way of life was opened here.

With the deduction of Lin Yue's ancient characters, this place is no longer a dead end.

Now here, Lin Yue had no other thoughts.

In his current state, he can't understand the true secrets of this place, and maybe one day in the future, he will come here.

He took a page of paper from the hands of a soul light and placed it in the inner world.

He knows that this paper carries endless mystery, and maybe one day, he can use it.

Or in the future, to comprehend its mystery.

Lin Yue embarked on the way to leave this place.

The long road is long, and the end is unknown.

It took Lin Yue only seven hundred years to pass the road that the first emperor blasted through.

Watching the terrifying space fluctuations ahead.

Lin Yue's time and space, shrouded his side, stepped into the magnificent crack.

It has been nearly three thousand years since he left the Twelve Universes. Now his children have been born, and they are now in their childhood moments. They are standing with his mother, the Goddess Yuqing, on the King of Gods City. , Looking up somewhere in the starry sky.

"Mother, how long will father be back?"

The young boy was sad. He had never seen his father and king since he was born.

However, children's talents are truly amazing. They were born to arouse the vision of heaven and earth, and they almost emptied all the energy materials in the King of Gods City.

He was born in the emperor's realm.

This is the genius of horror.

"It will be back soon."

Yuqing Goddess comforted.

"When the time comes, when I become stronger, my father won't need to be alone. I will accompany him by his side and fight against all enemies in the world."

The child said slowly with a brilliant war spirit.

"Uncle Lin Zhanyu taught you again, right."

The goddess Yuqing did not blame, but was relieved.

"Uncle let me go to the Seventh Universe to play."

The toddler said.

In the boundary sea, Lin Yue crossed the crack.

Appeared on a piece of land.

The boundless recklessness, no plants, all visible to the eye are traces of battle.

Many of them have the highest breath.

"Is this the place of origin?"

Lin Yue looked at the surrounding environment and said slowly.

After thousands of years, he finally came to the place of origin.

The traces of Taoism here are very primitive.

But because of the great war that took place here, Dao Ze was already in a half-destructed state.

Lin Yue looked at the ground under his feet and felt a wave of suppression.

The dust here is the aggregation of a world.

It's terrifying.

"Is it the emperor's breath?"

Lin Yue was here, feeling the remaining breath of the First Emperor.

The traces of the battle here are still very new. It seems that the battle hasn't occurred for tens of thousands of years.

The old and new battle traces are intertwined.