I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Lin Yue is now missing an ancient character, and the weird substance's erosion of him has invaded him a little more.

Outside, Lin Yue was almost completely swallowed up by the strange substance.

The power of the clay pot can only protect him.

Like a grain of dust, it is difficult to shine.

In the dim space.

Lin Yue closed his eyes and held the Emperor Sword horizontally in front of him.

With a slender figure, Gujing has no waves.

The particles around are gathered again.

"If you want to use your magical powers to fight me, do you really think that you are the supreme?"

Gu Cang laughed ferociously.

But Lin Yue ignored it.

"This method can cut time, obliterate magical powers, and return everything to nothingness. I will call you-Ji."

Lin Yue opened his eyes suddenly.

I saw the power of God King Ling began to radiate, and the power of time and space superimposed appeared.

Hundred-fold power blessing.

Lin Yue's self-created magical power-Ji, exudes terrifying power.

In an instant, the surrounding strange matter was dissipated.

Then with an unstoppable trend.

Began to sweep away towards all directions.

The weird matter, under Lin Yue's magical powers, began to disappear.

"But you."

Although Gu Cang was amazed at the level of horror of this kind of power.

However, the level of Lin Yue's Dao's perception is too low, far from reaching the highest level.

The supernatural power "Jie", under the pressure of Gu Cang's palm, began to fade away.


But at this moment.

Lin Yueqing drank "Second Duan".

Seeing the supernatural powers that should have disappeared, the power has skyrocketed again for an unknown number of times.

This went beyond Gu Cang's expectation.

Lin Yue was interrupted by the shackles of the talented future Dao Guo.

The strength merges with oneself, already possesses a touch of supreme aura.

Now above the supernatural power "Jie", this breath is really enveloped.

Under the superposition of the time and space of the God King's Order, it has been infinitely magnified at this time.

"Impossible, how come you have the supreme breath?

Gu Cang was shocked.

The power of the magical "Jie" carries the supreme breath.

Let everyone outside can clearly perceive it.

Xu Yishui and Lin Xiu looked worried.

Strange, representing the end of the world, they all know what it means.

Especially Lin Xiu, who was cultivating with the help of this power, at this time he fully understood how terrifying the weirdness that appeared.

Although it is only the late Origin God stage, the deep Taoism far exceeds it.

"I understand, this is your future Dao fruit, the third life body...how is it possible!"

Gu Cang's discoloration changed for the first time.

"I've seen you!"

Gu Cang looked at Lin Yue.

Seems to recall something.

He was once severely injured by a Supreme, and finally died under this stone sword.

And the mysterious supreme has always been behind, unaware of the heels.

Now he could tell the difference from Lin Yue's breath.

The supreme who had been hit hard in the past seemed to be very similar to Lin Yue's, and the temperament he showed now was generally the same.

The third life reminded Gu Cang of a saying.

He wants to send a message.

But the magical power "Jie" has already reached him.

Unmatched power, directly beheaded it.

The clay pot appeared, absorbing the broken body of Gu Cang into it.

At the same time, Lin Yue's other three layers of inner heaven and earth were suppressed on the mouth of the pottery jar, and at the same time sealed with the imprint of nine ancient characters.

"It's not just the inner world, but... the twelfth floor!"

Gu Cang reluctantly condensed his figure.

He was in a clay pot at this time.

Want to break free, but it is no longer possible.

Gu Cang was extremely surprised.

Their weird clan does not have a cultivation system, but they have understood that the Twelve Universes are still among the top ten sacred places. After reaching the realm of the source god, the creatures can condense the inner world.

The highest is no more than nine floors.

But the appearance of Lin Yue changed his perception.

The inner world of the twelfth floor made him instinctively shocked.

Seems to think of something.

It's just that Lin Yue didn't give him a chance.

Don't want to have many dreams at night.

Lin Yue ran the pot and began to drive the power in it, refining Gu Cang with all his strength.

Now the outside paper is not controlled by Gu Cang.

As the weird matter faded, it burned up at this time, and the black fire rose.

Just when it is about to dissipate in the world.

A force hidden in the paper penetrated the space and went straight to where everyone was hiding.

The endless distance, but only in an instant.

I saw that breath, staring at Lin Xiu, directly into his mind.

His eyes gradually became unfeeling, ignoring all living beings.

At the same time, evil power gradually appeared on his face.

"Want to destroy me, wishful thinking."

Lin Xiu's voice became vicissitudes of life.

Don't wait for him to laugh presumptuously.

The ancient origin of Lin Yue in Jiehai suddenly disappeared.

Directly suppress Lin Xiu, who is now under control.

On Lin Xiu's forehead, an ancient word of origin appeared.

It turned into a **** pattern, and temporarily suppressed the weird possession in Gu Cang's body.

But this is only for a short time.

An ancient word of origin is not enough to eliminate it completely.

Can only serve as a short-term containment effect.

Lin Xiu sat on the ground, although his face was calm, but he didn't know what kind of pain he was suffering.

Lin Yue used all his strength, after refining the strange substance and Gu Cang's body in the clay pot, he appeared next to Lin Xiu.

At this time, the ancient gods in all universes are actively retreating.

Lin Yue guarded Lin Xiu's side.

Until half a year passed.

Lin Xiu was surrounded by three other ancient characters.

In the end, the ancient characters on his forehead seemed to be infested.

Half turned into jet black.

"God King, put me in that artifact."

Lin Xiu said at this time.

The utensils Lin Xiu mentioned are naturally clay pots.

Lin Yue nodded, without any hesitation, and put Lin Xiu directly into the clay pot.

"If I get lost, you will refine me directly, don't show mercy."

Before entering, Lin Xiu spoke directly.

Although in the clay pot, the strange power will be infinitely weakened.

But this weird creature of the year, but after the two supreme, beheaded it.

He didn't even die, and he was revived in the current world.

Come into the universe.

But now, the weirdness is in Lin Xiu's body.

If you want to get rid of it completely and keep Lin Xiu's life, it is completely impossible.

Once possessed by the strange substance, it is like a tarsus maggot, combining with the host, and finally occupying the body completely.

Everything now can only rely on Lin Xiu's good fortune.

But at this time, it was almost equivalent to ten deaths and no life, and it took Lin Xiu a long time to get there by himself.

If Lin Xiu succeeds and completes the transformation with the help of clay pots, the future achievements will be boundless.

It may play a vital role in the future black disaster.

After solving everything.

Lin Yue went to the first universe.

Yaozu and others all came out to greet them in person.

Lin Yue is already at its peak among the twelve universes.

Probably it was the resurrection of the sleeping ancient gods in the first universe, and none of them were Lin Yue's opponents.

In the early stage of the Origin God, and the later stage of killing the Origin God, it can definitely be recorded in the annals of history and spread in the long ancient history.