I Was Trapped On The Same Day For 100,000 Years - Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179

Chapter 1179

But for all this, Lin Yue didn't know.

It's just that there is a trace of worry in my heart, because I am now the **** king of the twelve universes, so I will have some feelings in my heart.

Lin Yue will be calm, and now there is the last Nether Holy Land, as long as he gets the mark of the Nether Demon King.

I can consider breaking through to the flawless ancestral realm.

I saw Lin Yue walking in the Nether Holy Land.

The yin wind screamed, at this time, it was like the Jiuyou Hell, without the slightest vitality at all.

In the depths ahead, there is an endless swamp, in which there is a sea of corpse mountain and blood rising and falling.

Behind the altar built by black branches, there is a huge bronze palace.

Here is the land where the Nether Demon King is sealed.

Four people were held around the altar.

The breath on it is very powerful.

It seems that the original ancestral realm appears.

Unexpectedly, even the two holy masters of Nether Sacred Land have been beheaded in the funeral place. Unexpectedly, there are still such powerhouses of several levels here.

But Lin Yue understood immediately.

These four people are only relying on the power of the Nether Demon King to stand in this realm.

If it goes to the outside world, there is only the Divine King Realm.

"Netherworld Demon King, only with these four people, I am afraid that I can't keep me."

Lin said slowly.

The four creatures had already locked Lin Yue, with a terrifying killing intent.

At this time, the Netherworld Demon King sighed, "You all retreat."

The Nether Demon King also sensed the horrible aura fluctuations in Lin Yue, and he already knew that Lin Yue had already received the imprint of the nine demon kings, and now his blessing of strength had reached an unimaginable situation.

Even if it was Lin Yue who was only present in the realm of the Lord God.

But the Nether Demon King knew.

Today's Lin Yue's strength can no longer be measured by his realm.

"It won't be that simple to get my mark."

The Netherworld Demon King spoke, "Fight with me in the same realm."

At this time, the altar that sealed the Nether Demon King gave out a gloomy light, which was extremely photogenic, making people unable to open their eyes.

Lin Yue's clothes were hunting, just a faint sentence, "Satisfy you."

From the tone of the Nether Demon King, he heard the majesty and pride of being the Demon King.

I saw that Lin Yue used the power of the God King's Ling at this time to draw out the breath of the Nether Demon King.

In front of the altar, a horrible atmosphere gradually appeared.

In the black mist, the ghost of the Nether Demon King gradually emerged.

The horns are huge, with a strong spatial force.

It seemed that the moment the void appeared, he fell into silence.

Moreover, the breath that the Nether Demon King radiated from the altar was nothing more than the cultivation base of the main divine realm.

But it was Lin Yue's expression that kept becoming serious at this time.

Because the pressure the Netherworld Demon King gave him was too great.

It surpassed all the opponents he had encountered before.

Every realm of the Ten Great Demon Kings is perfect.

It is absolutely flawless in the realm of the main god.

Lin Yue stood calmly on the opposite side of the Nether Demon King at this time.

The imprints of the nine demon kings in the sea of knowledge slowly fell silent.

Since it was a battle in the same realm, Lin Yue didn't want to take the slightest advantage of him, and did not use the blessing power of the Demon King's Mark.

For Lin Yue's actions, the expression of the Netherworld Demon King was slightly stagnant.

He didn't expect that Lin Yue actually chose not to use the mark of the Ten Demon Kings for blessing.

Moreover, he took the initiative to attract his power, allowing him to descend beyond the altar in the most peak posture.

"I recognize you."

The Netherworld Demon King nodded at this time and continued: "It's just that if you want to get my mark, this battle is inevitable."

Lin Yue's expression was calm, "But I want a fight."

The Emperor Sword appeared in Lin Yue's hands.

He knew that getting the mark of the Nether Demon King wouldn't be that simple.

He has no fear in the current battle.

Between the steps, Lin Yue appeared above the sky.

The three forms of the ancient gods evolved in his hands.

"The magical powers of the ancient gods, your chances are greater than I thought."

Nether Demon King said so.

I saw his horns separated from his head, condensed in front of him, and turned into a heavenly sword.

"This battle has already made me look forward to it."

Nether Demon King spoke.

His words and actions are not superfluous in the slightest.

The sky sword slashed across, and the void cracked.

A ten-thousand-foot crack appeared in the entire sky, like a demon's eye opening, indifferent and ruthless, swallowing everything.

The emperor sword in Lin Yue's hand was swung, the sword light was blazing, and it directly shattered the Nether Demon King's methods.

Immediately afterwards.

The two directly hit one place.

The sky is cracked and the mountains and rivers are discolored.

The two abandoned their weapons and started fighting hand-to-hand.

Without the slightest skill at all, they are competing against the flesh.

Between the initial fights, they already knew that above the supernatural powers, they couldn't help each other.

"Elevate your physical body to the half-step ancestral realm."

The Divine King Ling in Lin Yue's body burst out again.

Directly in the altar, the breath of the Nether Demon King once again brought out a ray of it.

I saw the Netherworld Demon King, the aura at this time, once again flaming.

The body of the half-step Ancestral Realm began to show a terrifying aura.

He just stood in place, already causing a lot of void and shattering.

The aura of the Demon King in the half-step Ancestral Realm can already create such a scene. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the peak strength of the Demon King would be?

But Lin Yue did not show panic.

He has always been looking forward to a battle with the strongest in the same realm.

Moreover, even if he was facing the demon king who had a half-step ancestral realm body, he might not be defeated. He had an invincible belief.

The Netherworld Demon King had appreciation in his eyes.

This kind of battle made him enjoy.

The two fought together again.

The fists collided, and if the sky thunder exploded.

The temple below was shaking at this moment, and it seemed that it could not bear the aftermath of the sky.

The four Nether Holy Land elders in the half-step Ancestral Realm below were stunned secretly at this time.

Seeing that Lin Yue and his ancestors were playing and interacting, showing an evenly matched situation.

So long meant that Lin Yue's current strength was enough to rival the Demon King when he was young.

This kind of talent and strength is too terrifying.

Almost already standing in the category of taboos.

Then, in the sky, two colors of blood were splashing down.

Lin Yue and the Nether Demon King were injured at the same time.

The two fought each other, and each retreated several hundred feet, standing on the sky.

The top ten demon kings represent the top combat power in the world.

Even if the realm is suppressed, whether it is accumulation or the polishing of the realm, there is too much condensed.

The strength that Lin Yue showed at this time was not inferior to him.

Even the Netherworld Demon King showed surprise.

"It seems that Bai Xiaoli can choose you, and it doesn't make sense."

Nether Demon King spoke.

Lin Yue didn't answer, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then, he went to kill the Netherworld Demon King.

The war lasted more than ten days.

In the end, they were exhausted.

At this time, Lin Yue was panting heavily, and a bottleneck in his body seemed to be broken.

Ruoquan's eyes are formed in the body, revealing a dry body.

Lin Yue's combat power has skyrocketed again, this state is mysterious and mysterious.

He seems to be invincible at this time.

"Invincible Realm!"

The Netherworld Demon King was half kneeling on the ground at this time, his complexion changed drastically.

At this time, Lin Yue was already standing in the taboo, the invincible realm, representing breaking the shackles and shackles of a realm, transcending the realm, and taking a step towards the unknown realm.

This state can only be seen in the realm of the main **** and the half-step ancestor, and it is another way to hide in the realm.

In this state, through the ages, there are very few people who can master it, even among the Ten Demon Kings, no one has ever tried to reach the invincible realm.

"I lost."

The Netherworld Demon King sighed faintly at this time.

He knew that Lin Yue now was an invincible existence, he was exhausted and he had no resistance.

"Unexpectedly, I cross the world, in the future, I tried a defeat."

The Nether Demon King was bitter.

But this battle made him feel hearty and happy.

Lin Yue also respected him very much, saying that it was a battle with the realm, and Lin Yue did not resort to any means.

They all used their own real means.