I Was Seduced Into A Marriage After Failing To Charm The Tyrannical Bigshot - Chapter 443: It's Your Turn to Fulfill the Promise

Chapter 443: It's Your Turn to Fulfill the Promise

Chapter 443: Its Your Turn to Fulfill the Promise

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Hanyu turned on his computer and opened the video file.

Zhen Zhus heart was so nervous that she couldnt control it. Her fingers clenched unconsciously, her palms sweating.

Shen Hanyus investigation was extremely detailed.

The entire chain of evidence began from when Zhen Zhus mother left the Zhen family and followed her first love to Europe, to the car accident where she died.

There were police records, as well as some old videos and photos that were not in the records.

Not only did the content include the video of her mothers death in the car accident, but it also included the relic that Zhen Chongming had left for her, which were the photos her mother had taken in Europe before her death.

Zhen Zhu didnt know what kind of mentality she had when she finished reading all the information. She only sat in a daze.

After a long while, she looked up and stared at Shen Hanyu. So, youre saying that my mothers death was a car accident?

I think this information is enough to prove it.

Shen Hanyu said, Of course, if you dont believe me-

I dont believe it!

Zhen Zhu became agitated. Do you know why I fell for Zhen Chongmings trick? He showed me a recording of Zhen Yiping drinking with him more than ten years ago. Zhen Yiping clearly said in the recording that he wanted my mother and that man dead!

Shen Hanyu was deep in thought. Are you sure thats your fathers voice?

Im sure. 1 cant have misheard.

He had something to do with my mothers death! Zhen Zhu said angrily.

But in the end, you still didnt betray him and the Zhen family.

Shen Hanyu said meaningfully, Between Zhen Chongming and your father, your choice is still your father.

I told you, I didnt do it for him. I just cant stand a two-faced and treacherous person like Zhen Chongming.

Zhen Zhu was a little angry. What happened to my mother is a separate matter. I will never forgive him for that.

What did your father say?

Shen Hanyus well-defined fingers tapped on the keyboard and he said calmly, Repeat what you heard from Zhen Chongmings recording.

Zhen Zhu gritted her teeth and said hatefully, He said that he must teach that adulterous couple a lesson, and that he wants them to Die!

Shen Hanyu did not say anything, but the rhythmic sound of typing on the keyboard could be heard.

A moment later, he pressed the play b.u.t.ton. Considering that it was more than ten years ago and that your father was still young, I adjusted the recording slightly. Listen to this, is this similar?

After a series of noises, Zhen Yipings voice suddenly sounded, I have to teach that b*tch a lesson I want them dead!

YouHow did you get this recording? Zhen Zhu asked in disbelief.

I didnt. 1 just made a fake synthesis based on your fathers voice when he was interviewed by the media.

He said casually, I learned such underhanded methods when I was in high school.

Zhen Zhus pupils trembled. So youre saying that Zhen Chongming might have faked the recording?

Its not a possibility, its a certainty.

He said lightly, I have another video here. You can take a look. Your mothers accident was caused by a traffic accident. The driver who caused the accident migrated to Northern Europe not long after. 1 got this video from him.

He looked at Zhen Zhu. I didnt tell you the truth immediately because of this video. It involves the Zhen familys secrets and also Zhen Zhen herself. Therefore, I had to ask for your fathers permission beforehand.

Zhen Zhu was stunned.

What does this have to do with Zhen Zhen?

After your mother went abroad, she began to believe in religion. Before she pa.s.sed away, she asked the hospital to find a confessor for her. As the perpetrator was a photography enthusiast, he was afraid of being held responsible and was even more afraid that he would be demanded compensation, so he secretly took this video. Although it was not used later, he still kept this video.

Shen Hanyu said slowly, As for what it has to do with Zhen Zhen, you can see for yourself.

The video was played, frame after frame displaying on the screen.

In the dazzlingly white ward, Zhen Zhus mother lay on the hospital bed with a pale face. Her body was covered with all kinds of emergency equipment and she was panting with difficulty.

A priest dressed in clergy attire put his hands together and bowed his head humbly in prayer. He also said something like Repent to the Lord.

Then, Zhen Zhus mother used her last bit of strength to start repenting.

She said that she did not have long to live. She felt that the person she was most sorry for was her former husband.

Her husband loved her very much and was very obedient to her. It was a pity that she could not forget her first love. She always felt that her relations.h.i.+p was forced to end because of her husband, so she could not convince herself to accept this marriage.

To reunite with her first love, she had once wanted to divorce her husband, and even at the risk of this worlds condemnation, she slept with her first love and bore a child.

Her husband thought that this child was his flesh and blood and loved her very much. However, she could not get over this hurdle. In the end, when the child was one year old, she insisted on divorcing him.

During the divorce, she had also proposed to take this child away, but her husband refused to agree. Thus, she left alone and went to Europe with her first love.

She had thought that she would have a wonderful life with her first love.

But who knew that the situation wouldnt turn out as she had a.s.sumed.

In her memory, her first love was still the young man she met at university. However, after years of social torture, his demeanor had long changed.

Everyone was changing, including herself.

After experiencing that initial sweetness, she and her first love had to face a lot of realistic problems. The two of them once argued, quarreled, and even had a cold war.

He often went to bars to get drunk due to her bad mood. He met a bunch of bad friends, which only led to more intense quarrels between the two.

Not long after, he began to go out at night and hang out with other women.

Later on, for some reason, he became addicted to drugs and died from excessive drug and alcohol intake.

Im the one who harmed him. I shouldnt have divorced and gone overseas with him. However, what Im most sorry for is my ex-husband and my Two children

On the hospital bed, her slender fingers gripped the blanket tightly as she spoke intermittently, If 1 could start over in this life, 1 definitely wouldnt have left My Marriage

She seemed to have used up all her strength to force the last two words out of her throat.

When she said that, the surveillance equipment beside the bed let out a sharp alarm.

As for her, her eyes were wide open and motionless. Her heart had already stopped beating.


Zhen Zhu sat there in a daze. She never expected the truth to be like this.

If she knew this was it, she wouldve rather not been so vigilant in finding the truth. She wouldve rather not seen this video.

Ive already given you the truth you wanted.

Shen Hanyu closed his laptop and said lightly, Now, its your turn to fulfill your promise..