I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop - Chapter 835: Long Ying's Encounter (2)

Chapter 835: Long Ying's Encounter (2)

Chapter 835: Long Yings Encounter (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment and could only silently confirm.

This was the only way now.

Just treat it as a visit. Lets go down.

Qin Yuan said decisively.


The two of them immediately turned around and prepared to enter the elevator and go downstairs.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind them.

Where are you going?

Qin Yuan immediately felt a chill down his back, and his mind buzzed. He could not think of anything for a moment.

Green Snake was also shocked and immediately turned around to look.

Behind him was a tall man in a neat uniform. He had a serious crew cut and his voice was very familiar.

Both of them knew very well that this was their first target, Long Ying!

Qin Yuan and Green Snake immediately stood together and looked at each other warily.

However, the strange thing was that when he looked around Long Ying, he did not see anyone else. He was the only person within a few meters of her.

Qin Yuan was very surprised and asked,

We were still discovered? Its going to be a battle to the death!

As he spoke, he a.s.sumed a battle stance.

Green Snake also stared at the other party meticulously, its eyes filled with hostility.

Dont panic, Im not here to fight with you this time.

Long Ying smiled slightly, her tone very casual.

How do you want us to explain you?!

Qin Yuan asked in a low voice. He knew that it was already a very critical moment.

Look behind me. Theres not a single guard. If I wanted to be your enemy, would I do such a stupid thing?

Long Ying still looked very calm.

Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party without any expression on his face.

Seeing Qin Yuans expression, Long Ying also smiled and continued,

I hope you all believe me. Everything Im about to say is the truth.

As she spoke, Long Ying cleared her throat.

Lets find a safer place to talk. There are too many eyes and ears here. Its not suitable.

Without waiting for Qin Yuan and Green Snake to respond, he walked towards the elevator.

Qin Yuan and Green Snake looked at each other. Both of them tacitly agreed and followed each other.

After entering the elevator, the three of them did not speak. The elevator was not empty. There were a few ordinary soldiers who greeted Long Ying when they saw her enter. It could be seen that Long Yings status here was very high.

Long Ying smiled and responded to them. Then, she pressed the b.u.t.ton for the seventh floor.

Qin Yuan and Green Snake looked at everything in front of them and did not say anything.

Fortunately, the people around them did not notice the two of them. In the quiet seven minutes, the three of them arrived at the seventh floor together.

Long Ying led the way as they walked out of the elevator.

There were obviously fewer people here than on the previous floor. Moreover, the people around them were all medical staff in white coats. Clearly, this floor was a place for drug research.

This is the floor where the secret medicine of the human body is researched. It must be your first time here.

Long Ying walked in front, and from time to time, a few people would meet him and greet him respectfully.

Qin Yuan and Green Snake were even more puzzled by this person, but they felt that their bodies were following this person without listening to their orders. They could not stop their footsteps.

You must have a lot of doubts in your hearts. Follow me, Ill take you to see something.

Long Yings voice was very gentle, and it did not sound like she was talking to an enemy at all.

What exactly do you want?

Green Snake couldnt help but ask in a low voice.

Ill take you to see what you want.

If you think that Ive set a trap, you can leave. I wont make you stay.

Long Ying still had a calm expression.

What are you bringing us to see?

Green Snake frowned and asked.

Captain Green Snake, youre a high-ranking officer. I brought you here. You should be able to guess the answer.

Who knows what youre trying to do? Thats just my personality. If you dont tell me clearly, I wont be polite with you.

Green Snake said disapprovingly.

Hahaha, I advise you to talk to me properly. The reason why Im so polite to you is because that gentleman once helped me. Dont force me to repay kindness with ingrat.i.tude.

Long Ying smiled.

That gentleman?

Are you referring to Old Mister Yang?

Long Ying smiled and nodded.

Qin Yuan was shocked. The other party really knew the old mans location and was leading them there!

You mean you can bring us to him?

Green Snake was also very surprised, and his voice could not help but raise a few degrees.

Thats right, but I hope you wont tell anyone what you see here. This is a matter of principle.

Long Ying said seriously.


Qin Yuan immediately agreed.

As long as he could see him, he could agree to such a thing. After all, the secret here was only related to the research of medicine. To Qin Yuan, it was not as important as the old man.

Take us to see her immediately. If you lie, Ill make you feel fear.

Qin Yuan said in a deep voice.

Long Ying immediately laughed.

Captain Qin Yuan, dont underestimate my understanding of you. Everything you do is under my control.

Alright, I dont want to go into details with you anymore. Please follow me. After all, I sincerely want to cooperate with you this time.

After saying that, Long Ying turned around and walked forward.

Qin Yuan and Green Snake immediately followed closely behind him.

After walking for a while, Long Ying led Qin Yuan and Green Snake to a room. She opened the door with the key and walked in. Then, she turned on the wall lamp.

Qin Yuan and Green Snake looked at each other and followed him in.

After Qin Yuan and Green Snake entered, Long Ying immediately closed the door.

The surroundings were filled with the strong smell of medicine.

After the lights gradually lit up, Qin Yuan covered his nose. Only then did he gradually realize that this was a small medicine warehouse, surrounded by shelves filled with medicine.

Why did you bring us here?

Were not here to get the medicine!

The anxious Green Snake frowned and asked.

I told you, I will bring you to see what you want. Dont worry, theres no need to rush.

Long Ying said in a deep voice.

When he arrived here, a thought came to Qin Yuans mind.

This was very likely the next move that the other party might make.

Sure enough, in front of Qin Yuan and Green Snake, Long Ying took out a small metal key from the pocket of her neat and beautiful s.h.i.+rt. She walked to the wall at the side and touched the golden wall lamp on the wall.

There was a loud rumbling sound as the wall in front of Long Ying slowly began to flip. Behind the wall was a metal door with a small keyhole. Long Ying inserted the key into it and twisted it a few times. The door opened with a creak.

What is this?

Green Snake was surprised.

Qin Yuan was not surprised. He had seen such tricks a few weeks ago.

Captain Green Snake, as a senior officer in the organization, you know too little.

Long Yings tone was filled with ridicule.

Hmph, Im a cadre in charge of external affairs. How would I know about your little tricks?

Green Snake said disdainfully.

Come in.

Hes inside.

As she spoke, Long Ying took out a lighter, lit it up, and walked in front.

Since Qin Yuan and Green Snake had arrived here, they did not hesitate and followed each other in.

The pa.s.sage inside was much quieter than the outside, and there was only a faint light from the lighter. He couldnt see anything around him.

Its just ahead.

Long Ying said as she walked in front.

The three of them thought as they walked. There was only one sound around them, which made people feel very strange.

After walking for about ten meters, the three of them came to another door. Long Ying pushed the door open, and a bright light suddenly shone from inside.