I Told You To Manage The Reserve Unit For Me Instead Of Turning It Into A Special Troop - Chapter 795: The Plan Succeeded (2)

Chapter 795: The Plan Succeeded (2)

Chapter 795: The Plan Succeeded (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Like a bolt of lightning, he flashed in front of the other party.

When the captain of Dawn Flame saw Qin Yuan, his expression changed drastically, and his expression froze.

You? Is he a human or a ghost?

Looking at the neatly dressed Qin Yuan in front of him, the other party cried out involuntarily.

What do you think?

Qin Yuan smiled, picked up the pistol in his hand, and fired at the other party.

The other party was a member of Daybreak Organization, so he reacted quickly and dodged the shot.

Then, he immediately reacted and cursed. Then, he picked up the gun on his body and immediately counterattacked.

Seeing that their boss was frightened, his subordinates realized that the other party had come to attack. They immediately began a new round of counterattack.

Qin Yuans expression was calm. He was already prepared. He took a big step forward and rushed to the back of the house.

When Daybreak Flames men saw this, they immediately chased after a group of people.

Qin Yuan smiled. This was the effect he wanted. His sudden attack this time was to divert the attention of the other partys main force so that his troops could secretly attack the other partys rear.

As expected, someone from the enemys troops shouted, Not good! Captain Jin! The brothers behind us were ambushed!


The leader, Captain Jin, frowned. He was a little fl.u.s.tered and at a loss, but he still had a calm expression on his face.

Didnt we already have a round of explosions? How could the other party still have the ability to send troops? How many of them are there? Captain Jin looked doubtful.

Many. Although I cant see them clearly, I can estimate that there are hundreds of them! the person said. Send the third team back to support!

Captain Jin said.

Yes, sir!

The person received the order and retreated. Motherf * cker! How did they survive the artillery fire?! Captain Jin slammed his fist on the door frame.

The moment he raised his head, his expression froze again.

From the outside, the buildings in the logistics company were all in perfect condition!

It was a layer of solid metal with a bright l.u.s.ter. There was not even a trace of friction left.

The other members of the Daybreak Organization also saw this scene, and their faces revealed expressions of disbelief.

How is that possible? Our tanks ammunition has been specially made, yet it didnt even leave a trace?

The soldiers beside him were also terrified.

However, the logistics company did not give them time to panic. They only heard loud gunshots from all directions, and the unprepared Dawn Flame troops were attacked.

A few people outside had already collapsed.

However, it was Daybreak Organization after all. They were all well-trained people. They immediately reacted.

Hurry up! He adjusted his formation! Protect Captain Jin!

Dawn Flame immediately began to deploy their defensive formation. A few of them took out thick bulletproof s.h.i.+elds and blocked outside.

Defend first, then find an opportunity to counterattack!

In an instant, the people from Daybreak Flames organization formed an iron bucket formation, perfectly defending against all attacks.

The logistics company saw this formation and was not in a hurry. Now that the other party had fallen into their control, they only needed to wait for fatigue.

Moreover, their anger was actually not fierce. They only fired a few shots in front to show their strength.

It was not realistic for them to rely on their current firepower to take down the Daybreak Organization. Moreover, when these troops who had ambushed and hara.s.sed Qin Yuan received his mission, they were only beating around the bush. They did not really want to fight the other party head-on.

At this moment, Qin Yuan had also brought a team of elites to the nearby area. They wandered back and forth through the gaps between the rooms, looking for an opportunity to attack.

After all, they were the troops personally led by Qin Yuan. This move was indeed very effective. Under their lightning attack, Captain Jins vanguard could only shoot back and forth with them for a moment, and they had no time to support the troops at the back.

Normally, Daybreaks troops would have had the absolute advantage, but now, they were trapped in the winding streets of the housing area. They were surrounded by st.u.r.dy rooms filled with metal plates, and they had no way to break through. They could only pa.s.sively move between the various roads, surrounded by enemies from both sides.

Therefore, they were in an absolute pa.s.sive and disadvantaged state.

d.a.m.n it, I didnt expect these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds to have such a trick up their sleeves! Captain Jin was cursing as he fought back.

Looking at the situation, it was already a fools dream for him to want to break through.

Everyone on his side was trapped here. This was already beyond his expectations. No matter how good their weapons were, they could not attack the logistics companys troops hiding in the room.

Right now, although he was extremely unwilling, his rationality told him that choosing to fight with the other party here was the stupidest choice. They had to retreat now.

What happened after that?

Captain Jin asked.

Captain! The brothers at the back are already in a fierce battle with the other party. The other partys formation is only a paper tiger. They dont have much ability. It wont take long for us to take them down!

A soldier at the back reported.

Arrange the formation of the team and slowly retreat to the door! Captain Jin shouted.

When the soldiers below heard the order, they immediately shrank into a circular formation and slowly retreated.

He couldnt care less!

Captain Jin knew that if this dragged on, the other party would be waiting for fatigue. His troops would definitely collapse sooner or later.

However, the strange thing was that the logistics company didnt stop the retreating troops of Xiao Yans side too much. There were only some fake gunshots.

As the troops retreated, there was a commotion at the gate.

Whats going on?

Due to the lack of light at night, Captain Jin could not see what was happening in front of him clearly.

Suddenly, intense gunshots rang out.

The few soldiers of Daybreak Flame who were leading the way fell to the ground.

Captain Jin, there are enemies ahead!

The soldiers at the front immediately sent a message.

Whats going on?!

Captain Jin asked again.

As he spoke, he personally took his weapon and rushed to the front. In front of them were some people in black clothes and black hats. Under the night sky, it was impossible to see their detailed faces.

They only knew that they were enemies with weapons. In the darkness, only the sparks from the gun barrels could make out the approximate number of people. There were about a few hundred people.

Who is it? Do you know who we are? How dare you block our way?

Captain Jin shouted angrily.

Hahahaha! You also have today!

The other party turned on their searchlights, and a neat team suddenly appeared in front of them.

Under the bright light, a familiar face appeared in front of him.

It was Team Leader Jin.

And his police force.

Every police officer was holding a s.h.i.+ny rifle and pointed it at Captain Jins Daybreak Squad.

Although Captain Jin didnt know the other party, he could tell his ident.i.ty from his clothes.

He was wearing a black police uniform and cap.

He did not expect the police to find this place.

Captain Jin cursed in his heart.

We know who you are. Its precisely because we know your ident.i.ty that were here.

Team Leader Jin sneered.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time!

Comrades, go! Annihilate them in one fell swoop!

With Team Leader Jins order, the police officers under his command swarmed forward. Under the cover of fierce firepower, they rushed into Team Leader Jins formation.

Originally, with Daybreak Flames troops, be it in terms of firepower or numbers, they were no weaker than the other party.

However, after the setback just now, the morale of Daybreak Flames side had taken a huge hit. The members of the army felt psychological pressure, and naturally, they could not fully display their strength.

Moreover, it was night time, and the surroundings were dark. The police were all men in black. They did not know how many people the other party had come, which added to the pressure.

The current Daybreak Organization was still like an arrow at the end of its flight, isolated and helpless..