I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 99: A Picture of Despair

Chapter 99: A Picture of Despair

Chapter 99: A Picture of Despair

Translator: _Min_

Who exactly is Gu Si?

Gu Dai felt somewhat bewildered when she heard the name. Several seconds pa.s.sed before she slowly recalled that she should address this person as her aunt.

Gu Dai and Gu Si were not familiar with each other. Before Gu Dai was born, this aunt had married and gone abroad.

No one in the family had ever mentioned Gu Si, and Gu Dai only knew of her by leafing through the family tree.

Who would have thought that after so many years, she and this aunt would have a connection? That her aunts son would cross half the globe, intending to take her life?

With this thought, Gu Dais eyebrows furrowed, and she lowered her eyes to look at Su He, asking, If its not Gu Ming who wanted you to kill me, then is it Gu Si?

Su He hadnt expected that Gu Dai and her mother would describe things so differently.

She was not some naive young lady, the aura she emanated was particularly intimidating. Even he, who had bullied people for many years, felt a sense of fear in her presence.

Su He dared not expose his mother, so he said, Its not arranged by my mother, and 1 didnt intend to tamper your car. This was entirely done by Gu Ming.

Gu Dais eyes narrowed slightly, and she said indifferently, Done by Gu Ming?

Meng Zhi had been unable to restrain himself and, upon hearing Su Hes words, raised his hand to strike Su He.

Seeing Meng Zhis action, Gu Dai did not seem to want to stop him, but said to Lin Sheng, Uncle Lin, please close the doors and windows tightly.

Lin Sheng hurriedly followed Gu Dais instructions, but seeing Su He bleed from the beating, he became slightly panicked. He turned to the still calm Gu Dai, Miss, please persuade Mr. Meng. Dont let him kill the man.

Gu Dai nodded and a.s.sured Lin Sheng, Dont worry, Uncle Lin, I wont let anything happen to him.

With Gu Dais words, Lin Shengs anxiety subsided.

Several minutes pa.s.sed before Gu Dai called Meng Zhi off, Third Brother, stop for now; 1 still have some questions for him.

Meng Zhi stopped immediately and stood beside Gu Dai.

Looking at Su He, who was lying on the ground, barely alive, Gu Dai took out a silver needle and p.r.i.c.ked it into several of his acupuncture points.

Su He slowly opened his eyes, bewildered, Am I am 1 still alive?

Turning his head and seeing Gu Dai standing nearby, he confirmed that he was still alive and asked, Why did you hit me?

Gu Dai said, I remember telling you that 1 have a recording of you near my car, so its definitely you who did it. Yet you still lied and said it wasnt you.

Su He, hearing Gu Dais words, hastily replied, It really wasnt me; it was Gu Ming who tampered with your car.

Su He cleverly continued before Meng Zhi could make a move, I happened to overhear Gu Ming talking about this matter on the phone. Although I have never met you, my sister, my mother told me about you early on, so I naturally felt affectionate toward you. I appeared near the car to check whether Gu Ming had tampered with it.

Gu Dai glanced at Su He, saying dismissively, So thats the result of your inspection.

Su He lowered his head, looking as if it was all his fault, lamenting, Its all my fault for not listening attentively to my lessons abroad, causing this oversight. Otherwise, 1 would have repaired your car immediately.

Gu Dai nodded and continued to inquire, But now Im starting to doubt if it was really done by Gu Ming.

Su He became agitated, exclaiming, How could it not be Gu Ming! Do you remember the cruise s.h.i.+p explosion three years ago? Gu Ming arranged that! Initially, you had a plane ticket, but after the delay, didnt he give you the cruise ticket? He wants you dead! This matter is absolutely his doing!

Gu Dais face paled slightly, and images of that years scene on the cruise s.h.i.+p flashed in her mind: the sky filled with flames, mournful cries, surging black waves, all painting a picture of despair..