I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 54: It Might Tarnish Your Reputation

Chapter 54: It Might Tarnish Your Reputation

Chapter 54: It Might Tarnish Your Reputation

Translator: _Min_

Song Lings gaze turned colder after hearing w.a.n.g Lans words. Ill message

Zhao Xuan later, and alter the monthly transfers from ten million to a hundred thousand. Furthermore, Song Yu cant stay with you anymore. 111 send her to a school to be taught manners correctly!

Stunned by Song Lings words, w.a.n.g Lan found her voice and expressed her displeasure. A hundred thousand a month, how am 1 supposed to live off that? And why are you sending your sister to learn manners?

Song Ling refrained from answering her question, stating instead, Im merely informing you of my decision, not asking for your opinion!

w.a.n.g Lan was taken aback by the turn of events. Shed messaged Song Ling to get a simple question answered and put Gu Dai in her place.

Then, she remembered her question.

Her eyes lit up, and she quickly spoke. I confess we were somewhat harsh on Gu Dai earlier, but there was a reason for it!

Still wary of his family who had turned so ruthless, Song Ling asked after hearing w.a.n.g Lans explanation, What reason?

w.a.n.g Lan explained, Gu Dai had the audacity to claim that she proposed the divorce, that she dumped you. We were simply too enraged after hearing this, which led to our severe reaction.

Song Lings expression briefly froze. He cast a glance around, then declared with a stern face, There are so many people around watching this spectacle. Arent you embarra.s.sed? Lets leave, immediately!

Seeing Song Lings demeanor, Jiang Yue approached him, gently saying, Song Ling, the situation earlier was more complex than you think, its not what you believe it to be.

Song Ling responded indifferently, Hmm, lets go.

With that, he was the first one to leave.

Watching his retreating figure, Jiang Yues eyes gradually darkened.

She sensed danger. Previously, she was the one that wanted to distance herself from Song Ling, but the situation took a different turn. In that entire exchange, Song Ling didnt even look at her once, and his response seemed half-hearted.

This situation was not ideal for her!

Meanwhile, Gu Dai continued exploring the art exhibition with Su Ting.

However, Su Ting seemed somewhat upset.

Gu Dai had already caught Su Tings gaze several times, and after a soft sigh, asked, Whats the matter?

Upon being questioned by Gu Dai, Su Ting quickly vented his frustration, Sister, why did you hold me back earlier? Why didnt you let me confront them?

He then asked another question, Cant bear to see Song Ling get hurt?

Gu Dai was briefly taken aback by Su Tings interpretation of her actions. She quickly clarified, 1 was merely concerned that if you had a.s.saulted someone, it might tarnish your reputation.

Why would I care about someone like Song Ling? Unless 1 had a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic streak! she added.

Seeing Gu Dais earnest explanation, Su Ting finally exhaled in relief, responding, Thats good.

Recalling Gu Dais words of concern for him, his ears turned red as he stuttered, Sister, you dont need to worry about me. I dont mind about such things!

Gu Dai responded in a lighter tone, But 1 do!

Su Ting looked at Gu Dai, his voice slightly hoa.r.s.e, Hmm?

Gu Dai turned her head away, not meeting Su Tings gaze, After all, Ive invested a lot of resources to make you famous. We cant afford any setbacks.

After listening to Gu Dai, Su Ting smiled slightly, saying quietly, To honor your efforts, 1 will pay more attention to my conduct in the future, not to waste your efforts.

Struggling to respond, Gu Dai awkwardly changed the subject, Lets look at the paintings.

Su Ting agreed, Okay.

Eventually, Gu Dai halted in front of a painting.

Seeing the vast world depicted, the bird flying freely, and the joyful family living within, she lost herself for a moment. Quietly, she murmured, 1 like this painting.

Without a seconds delay, Su Ting replied, Then well buy this one..