I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 528: Ship Explosion

Chapter 528: Ship Explosion

Chapter 528: s.h.i.+p Explosion

Translator: _Min_ |

Leading the way, Su Ci announced, Our fis.h.i.+ng boat is right nearby!

Su Ting and Gu Dai hastened their steps, only to be ambushed by several footsteps charging from behind.

Gu Dai swiftly kicked an attacker who pounced on them, while Su Ting grabbed anothers wrist, the one wielding a dagger aiming for him, and with a swift motion, wrested the dagger away and plunged it back into the mans body.

Suddenly, Gu Dai felt the s.h.i.+p shake violently, a sensation all too familiar, reminding her of three years prior when a bomb beneath the s.h.i.+p was about to detonate, signaling impending doom with such tremors.

Her premonition was quickly confirmed.

The man toppled on the ground, coughing incessantly, revealed, Theres already a bomb planted on the s.h.i.+p. You wont be able to escape.

Despite the considerable size of the s.h.i.+p, escape was conceivable if they exerted their utmost effort. However, the dire situation was exacerbated by the encirclement of men in suits, blocking all possible exits.

Even without falling for your traps, were prepared to fight to the death to prevent your escape. And since were facing death, dragging you down with us is no loss to us at all! they declared.

Su Tings expression turned icy as he proposed, Big brother, take Daidai and flee. Ill stay behind to deal with them!

Su Ci promptly intervened, You two go, Ill stay behind.

Su Ting, frowning, refused, Big brother, you cant handle so many by yourself. Take Daidai and leave now, or itll be too late for us all!

As his words settled, he faced the oncoming a.s.sailants.

Tears welled up in Gu Dais eyes as she declared, If were to leave, we leave together. If not, then Ill stay with you!

Stepping forward to join Su Ting, her resolve was evident.

Witnessing this, Su Ci, with a heavy heart, quickly approached and knocked Gu Dai unconscious, Ill take Daidai first to safety. You follow quickly!

Su Ting, with a light chuckle, responded, Alright, hurry!

Watching Su Ci carry Gu Dai away, Su Ting breathed a sigh of relief, his smile genuine and warm.

As long as Daidai is safe

No sooner had Su Ci placed Gu Dai in the fis.h.i.+ng boat than a harsh explosion sounded, lighting up half the sky in flames.

Pain gripped Su Cis heart as he gazed towards the s.h.i.+p, hastily ordering his men to commence rescue operations.

Gu Dai, unconscious, furrowed her brows in distress.

On the sh.o.r.e, Song Ling closed her eyes upon witnessing the scene, her complexion turning pale.

Zhao Xuan urgently suggested, President Song, such scenes could trigger your PTSD. Let me take you home.

Song Ling nodded in agreement, Lets go.

As he turned to leave, he caught a glimpse of Su Ci carrying a woman into a car.

Song Ling couldnt see the womans face, nor did he care who she was. What caught his attention was the absence of Su Ting, suggesting he might have been lost to the explosion.

The thought of Su Tings demise brought him an unexpected joy, Theres work to be attended to at the company. Lets go. And keep an eye on this place. Inform me of any developments.

Zhao Xuan promptly agreed, Certainly, President Song.

Song Ling, in high spirits, returned to the company and worked with exceptional efficiency.

Zhao Xuan, after knocking, entered quietly and reported in a low voice, President Song, for some unknown reason, the s.h.i.+p exploded, resulting in numerous casualties. And Ive heard

He paused for a moment, then whispered, Efforts are being made to locate Su Ting. He might have been on that s.h.i.+p.

Song Lings smile broadened, Youve done well lately. Your bonus this month will be doubled.

Zhao Xuan, observing a side of Song Ling he found unfamiliar, felt increasingly uneasy.

He knew the raise wasnt for his work performance but rather for the news of Su Tings death, presenting a version of Song Ling he hadnt seen before

Gu Dais eyelashes fluttered, and she sat up abruptly, calling out, Su Ting!

Glancing around, she realized she was in her room. Stepping out, she sensed the heavy atmosphere at home.

Feeling something was amiss, her heart sinking, she asked in a hoa.r.s.e voice, Wheres Su Ting?

Meng Zhi opened his mouth but, meeting Gu Dais reddened eyes, looked away and said, Were searching for him..