I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 509: Organization X

Chapter 509: Organization X

Chapter 509: Organization X

Translator: _Min_ |

Su Ting, focusing intently on his computer, announced, Gu Dai, Ive found out.

The person behind w.a.n.g Fu and Song Shan is Zhou Lin.

Zhou Lin? Gu Dai echoed.

Su Ting nodded, Yes, but it seems Zhou Lin is also acting under someone elses orders. I havent discovered whos behind him yet.

Gu Dai furrowed her brows, Let me check.

Su Ting handed the computer to Gu Dai.

Her gaze fixed on the screen, Gu Dais fingers tapped away at the keyboard, lines of code swiftly flas.h.i.+ng before her eyes.

She noted a triangular symbol on the display, a flicker of recognition in her eyes.

What is it, Gu Dai? Su Ting inquired.

Gu Dai spoke gravely, This is the emblem of Organization X.

Su Ting, taken aback, asked, Organization X?

Gu Dai nodded, Ive only heard of this organization before. The people in Organization X have always been unconventional, responsible for many unconscionable deeds.

As she spoke, memories of the organizations actions pa.s.sed through her mind, her eyes reflecting disgust.

Su Ting frowned slightly, Had I known w.a.n.g Fu was backed by such an organization, I wouldnt have terminated the contract with him but made him pay compensation instead.

Gu Dai offered a light laugh, Since the decision has been made, theres no use dwelling on it with regret.

Her curiosity piqued as to why Organization X would target Su Corporation and manipulate other companies against it.

From her investigation, she learned that Song Shan and w.a.n.g Fu received only minor projects from Zhou Lin, significantly inferior to Su Tings project. Zhou Lins actions surely affected Zhou Corporations credibility, leaving her puzzled about their motives.

Su Ting, pondering this, speculated, Could Organization X be aiming to have our companies compete against each other, reaping the benefits in the end?

Gu Dai, agreeing with his guess, nodded, Its possible.

Thinking along these lines, she resumed her search on the computer, only to find increased security measures from the organization, making infiltration more challenging.

Unable to proceed, Gu Dai closed the laptop, planning to continue her investigation later.

Unbeknownst to her, a flash of blue light crossed the screen as she did so.

I cant find anything specific for now, she sighed.

Su Ting rea.s.sured her softly, Its alright if we cant find anything on Organization X. For now, I can start by dealing with Zhou Lins company.

Realizing Gu Dai was still beside him, he quickly added, Gu Dai, I wont be too harsh, I

Gu Dai, smiling warmly, stepped forward to embrace him, Even if you have to be harsh, its alright. Zhou Lin initiated this, and you cant always be lenient.

Su Ting, momentarily surprised, asked, Gu Dai, wouldnt you be afraid of me then?

Shaking her head, Gu Dai a.s.sured, Theres a limit to kindness, and protecting oneself is crucial. Otherwise, Id be worried.

Su Tings eyes brightened, Alright, Ill make sure to protect myself.

After returning to her room, Gu Dai called Chu Min.

Chu Min answered immediately, excitedly saying, Boss, you finally contacted me. I thought youd forgotten us after starting your relations.h.i.+p with Su Ting.

After his jest, he took a moment to silently mourn for his brother.

Clearly his brother also harbored feelings for Gu Dai but never confessed, even avoiding her presence, making it no surprise that Gu Dai developed feelings for someone else.

Hearing Chu Mins teasing, Gu Dai said, Stop joking, I have an important task for you.

Chu Min became serious, What do you need me to do, boss?

Try to get in touch with Organization X, Gu Dai instructed.

Chu Min, startled, then anxious, asked, Boss, why are you suddenly mentioning Organization X? Are they causing trouble for you? Just wait, Ill find a way to get close to them.

Gu Dai coughed softly, Not trouble for me, but for Su Tings company.

Chu Min laughed teasingly and said clearly, So thats it.

After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized what Gu Dai had just said and asked in confusion, Su Tings company?