I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 470: Reflect Poorly on You

Chapter 470: Reflect Poorly on You

Chapter 470: Reflect Poorly on You

Translator: _Min_ |

Song Ling stood frozen, confusion breaking through his voice. Doctor Feng, you clearly stated you could save my sister. Why have you suddenly changed your mind?

Doctor Feng Xias expression remained unchanged as she spoke calmly, The freedom to change my mind is mine alone. If you are dissatisfied, you are free to leave.

Song Ling, recalling the apprentices mention of Gu Dais return today, a possibility flickered through his mind. He looked at Feng Xia and inquired, Doctor Feng, did someone speak to you about this?

Feng Xia, engrossed in her study of medicinal herbs, disregarded Song Lings question, treating him as if he were thin air.

Upon Gu Dais return from a stroll around Lingtai Mountain with Su Ting, his brows furrowed unconsciously at the sight of Song Ling. What are you doing here?

Song Ling explained, The medicine Lu Feng prescribed for Song Yu was ineffective, so I came to seek Doctor Fengs help.

Feng Xia scoffed coldly, Even if that rascal Lu Feng sent you, I wont prepare any medicine for you!

Xu Huan, having observed for a while, finally recognized Song Ling as the child who had escorted her friend Zhen Chan home. Song Ling is the grandson of Zhen Chans old friend, whom I mentioned to you before. Please prepare the medicine for him.

Feng Xia, furious to the point of a flushed face and throbbing veins on her forehead, gritted her teeth, Do you know how this brat has bullied Daidai over the past three years? Ive been restraining myself from beating him up; preparing medicine for him? Absolutely impossible!

Xu Huan was taken aback. Each time she had inquired before, Gu Dai would change the subject, insisting that whats past is past. But now, according to Feng Xias words, the situation seemed far from simple.

Xu Huan urgently asked, What happened over these three years?

As Feng Xia fumed, not waiting for Gu Dai to react, she gasped for breath and shouted, During these three years of Daidais amnesia, she married this scoundrel. Not only did he treat her poorly, but he also harbored feelings for another woman, thus neglecting Daidai. His family also bullied Daidai. I suspect this Song Yu might be one of those who bullied her.

Regaining his composure, Gu Dai gave Su Ting a look before quickly offering Feng Xia a gla.s.s of water, while Su Ting kept a close watch on Xu Huans reactions.

After taking a sip of water from Gu Dai, Feng Xias thoughts gradually calmed.

Seeing this, Gu Dai softly said, Master, the past

Upon hearing this, Feng Xias emotions flared instantly. Are you suggesting we just let bygones be bygones? Impossible! Tell me the truth, do you still care for Song Ling?

Song Lings eyes sparkled, a flicker of hope hidden within his indifferent gaze.

Su Ting, too, looked at Gu Dai, his eyes filled with nervousness.

Hearing Feng Xias accusation, Gu Dai quickly clarified, Grandma, the one who liked Song Ling was me with amnesia. I dont like him now!

Both Feng Xia and Xu Huan breathed a sigh of relief at Gu Dais words, nodding in satisfaction.

Song Lings eyes dimmed. You

Ignoring Song Ling, Gu Dai turned to Feng Xia. Master, please give Song Ling the medicine for treating Song Yu.

Feng Xia eyed her warily. Do you still have feelings for Song Ling? Are those words just to get me to hand over the medicine?

Gu Dai shook her head, leaning in to whisper to Feng Xia, Master, my senior brother has opened a pharmaceutical company in the Capital. The medicine for Song Yu was personally prepared by him. If it doesnt cure her, it could negatively impact the company.

Unmoved, Feng Xia retorted, Even if the company faces setbacks, its your senior brothers fault for not mastering his medical skills. Besides, its only through facing setbacks that young people can fully grow.

After a moment of silence, Gu Dai looked at Feng Xia again, his expression earnest as she shared her thoughts. Master, its not important if my senior brothers career faces setbacks, but it would reflect poorly on you.

Feng Xia, puzzled, asked, Why would it affect me?

Gu Dai patiently explained, Song Ling now knows that my senior brothers master is you. If he doesnt get the medicine, it might lead to speculation that your medical skills are lacking.

After saying these words, Gu Dai nodded affirmatively, reinforcing her statement.

Seeing reason, Feng Xia turned to Song Ling. I can give you the medicine, but youll need to do something for me.

Song Ling asked, What is it?

Feng Xia walked into the medicine room and emerged with a box. This box contains a pill Ive been developing recently. However, its still a prototype, and I need someone to test it.

Song Ling frowned, his voice cold. Medicines always carry a risk of poison. If I take this pill, theres no guarantee it wont harm me..