I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 468: Talking about her three years of amnesia

Chapter 468: Talking about her three years of amnesia

Chapter 468: Talking about her three years of amnesia

Translator: _Min_ |

Gu Dai sat quietly, watching as Feng Xiao and Xu Huan chatted away until their conversation ended, and then she called out again, Master.

Feng Xiao, acting as if she hadnt heard, found another topic to discuss with Xu Huan, Our bodies arent what they used to be. We must be careful in all we do, avoiding any rash actions. By the way, could you recount the places youve visited recently once more?

Xu Huan, somewhat helplessly, shook her head, Ive already talked about the places Ive roamed these past few years twice. If I mention them again, it would be the third time. With your impeccable memory, you should have memorized them by now. Please, dont torment me just because youre cross with Daidai.

Feng Xiao glanced at Gu Dai, then averted her gaze with a cold huff, When have I ever been angry with her?

Approaching Feng Xiao, Gu Dai embraced her, her voice tender, If Master isnt angry with me, then please pay me some attention.

Feng Xiaos expression softened for a moment but then she frowned again, turning her head away as she spoke indifferently, When have I ever ignored you? Im just busy now and havent had the time to talk to you, thats all.

Gu Dai nodded repeatedly in agreement, then looked at her pitifully, Master, my head has been hurting. Could you please check it for me?

Feng Xiao immediately turned her attention to Gu Dai, examining her head.

Su Ting stood up abruptly, asking anxiously, Sis, where does your head hurt? I

Gu Dai, where Feng Xiao couldnt see, gestured to Su Ting with her hand, indicating she was alright.

After the examination, Feng Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, then glared at Gu Dai, Its my fault for not thinking carefully earlier, or else you wouldnt have been able to deceive me.

Gu Dai chuckled, Hehe, its all because Master cares for me.

Seeing the smile on Gu Dais face, Feng Xiao let go of the grudge she held for the years Gu Dai hadnt visited her, Then you should focus on your medical studies and not let down my affection for you.

Gu Dai quickly responded, Yes!

Even after confirming Gu Dais health was fine, Feng Xiao still looked worried and examined her head again, then frowned, The bruise left on your head needs treatment, or it might cause problems later.

Su Ting asked worriedly, Can it be successfully treated?

Feng Xiao glanced at Su Ting and after a few seconds, looked away, Yes.

She took Gu Dai to the treatment room and prepared acupuncture needles, Lie down on the bed, and Ill administer a few needles.

Gu Dai complied, Okay.

Feng Xiao, with her expert medical skills, administered the acupuncture precisely and efficiently. After withdrawing the needles, Gu Dai felt much more comfortable, excitedly saying, Master, my head had been feeling stuffy these past few days, but now it feels so much more relaxed.

Feng Xiao nodded, casually suggesting as she put away the needles, If youre not busy these next few days, stay here for a while. Id like to a.s.sess your medical skills.

Gu Dai was silent, fearing disappointment from Feng Xiao upon seeing her lack of progress in medical study due to her three-year memory loss.

Noticing Gu Dais silence, Feng Xiaos expression darkened, If youre busy, you can go back. It doesnt matter to me whether you stay or not. Ive gotten used to you not visiting me for three years.

Gu Dai hurriedly explained, Master, youre misunderstanding. I didnt say I didnt want to stay.

Feng Xiaos eyes brightened, then dimmed again, Your silence just now, wasnt it because you were thinking of how to reject me? Never mind, I wont force you. You can leave.

Gu Dai quickly clarified, My silence was because something happened these three years, I havent studied medical techniques. I was afraid youd be disappointed to know my level hasnt improved much.

Feng Xiao was more concerned about Gu Dais well-being than her medical skills, What happened to you these past three years?

Gu Dai attempted to brush it off, Its all in the past now, dont worry about it

Feng Xiao interrupted her, Its important! If you dont want to talk about it, thats fine. I can always have your senior brother look into it. I refuse to believe we cant find out what happened!

Gu Dai sighed, I lost my memory for three years. During that time, I didnt pursue medical studies; instead, I got married and have been revolving around family life.

Feng Xiao touched Gu Dais face gently, lost in thought, So thats what happened. Its my fault. I should have realized sooner that something must have happened to you for not getting in touch.

Gu Dai shook her head, The events that transpired were so extraordinary, its understandable that you didnt think of them.

Feng Xiao looked at Gu Dai, inquiring, How have you been during these three years of memory loss? The man who came with you outside, he must be your husband. The way he looks at you is full of love.. He must have treated you well, right?