I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 455: Who is Lin Mo

Chapter 455: Who is Lin Mo

Chapter 455: Who is Lin Mo

Translator: _Min_ |

Lin Mo and Xia Yi, familiar with the venue from their frequent compet.i.tions, navigated the track with ease, quickly leaving s.h.i.+ Nuan behind.

Gu Dai watched anxiously, her hands tightly clasped together, her fingertips turning white from the tension.

Meng Zhi, observing the race, commented, If s.h.i.+ Nuan can calm down and get a grasp of the track layout, she still has a chance to win.

Gu Dai nodded, silently praying for s.h.i.+ Nuan not to panic.

Realizing the importance of staying calm, s.h.i.+ Nuan took a deep breath, focusing intently ahead, rapidly a.n.a.lyzing the tracks layout.

Gradually, she became more familiar with the course, her driving steadier and her speed increasing.

Lin Mo and Xia Yi, upon noticing s.h.i.+ Nuan catching up, widened their eyes in disbelief.

Seizing the moment of their distraction, s.h.i.+ Nuan swiftly overtook them.

The duo sped up to catch her, but every time they got close, s.h.i.+ Nuan would accelerate, leaving them behind.

Lin Mo signaled Xia Yi with a glance, hinting at using their racing tactics.

Xia Yi nodded and sped up, aiming her car at s.h.i.+ Nuans, thinking, If we cant win, then neither can you!

s.h.i.+ Nuans expression hardened. Seeing Lin Mo in her rearview mirror, she devised a strategy. At a turn, she deliberately slowed down, and just as Xia Yis car was about to collide, she rapidly accelerated.

Gu Dai, witnessing Xia Yis car hit Lin Mos, couldnt help but exclaim in admiration, Nuannuan is incredible. From not knowing the track to now being able to counterattack! If nothing goes wrong, shes sure to win the race.

Meng Zhi smiled, There wont be any accidents. s.h.i.+ Nuan will definitely win.

Gu Dai nodded in agreement, then glanced at Meng Zhi and probed, Third Brother, if you ever get together with Lin Mo, I wont talk to you again.

Meng Zhi frowned, Whos Lin Mo?

Gu Dai, surprised, explained, One of the two racing against Nuannuan.

After a moment of thought, Meng Zhi earnestly responded, I still dont know which of them is Lin Mo.

Gu Dai, in disbelief, pulled out her phone, clicked on the trending topic, and showed it to Meng Zhi, This is her. You even took a photo together, and it looks like it was taken today.

Meng Zhi, realizing the situation, hurriedly explained, There were many people asking for photos before the race. I didnt pay attention to who they were. I was just a prop for photos. I even told them not to post it online, but I didnt expect someone to do it anyway.

Gu Dai sighed in relief, So thats what happened.

Meng Zhi nodded vigorously, Exactly. Daidai, please dont stop talking to me because of her. I only have you as a sister. If you dont acknowledge me, Id be so lonely.

Gu Dai laughed at Meng Zhis exaggerated words, quickly rea.s.suring, Dont worry, Third Brother, I wont ignore you.

Relieved, Meng Zhi replied, Good.

As Gu Dai watched s.h.i.+ Nuan nearing the finish line, she urged Meng Zhi, Third Brother, Nuannuan must be tired. Go give her a bottle of water. Ill wait for you two here.

Meng Zhi agreed, Okay.

Gu Dai captured the moment of Meng Zhi giving s.h.i.+ Nuan water with her camera, taking many photos before enjoying them.

However, when she looked up again, they were already walking towards her.

Disappointed, Gu Dai said, Why did you come back so soon?

Meng Zhi, puzzled, asked, Whats wrong?

Gu Dai shook her head, changing the topic, Im a bit hungry. Lets go eat.

Meng Zhi agreed, Alright, but let me tell my friends first. Wait for me.

After Meng Zhi left, Gu Dai approached s.h.i.+ Nuan, Nuannuan, you had such a good opportunity just now. Why didnt you talk more with my Third Brother?

s.h.i.+ Nuan blushed, stuttering, I I was nervous.

Gu Dai looked at s.h.i.+ Nuans flushed face, shaking her head in resignation. Then excitedly said, Nuannuan, I just confirmed it. My brother and Lin Mo have nothing going on. They just took a photo together..