I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 441: Trending Again

Chapter 441: Trending Again

Chapter 441: Trending Again

Translator: _Min_ |

Su Ting watched Gu Dais fl.u.s.tered departure, rubbing his head in irritation. He blamed himself for forgetting to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom, which inadvertently frightened Sis.

He wanted to apologize to Gu Dai, but as he took a step forward, he hesitated and withdrew his foot.

After returning to her room, Gu Dai took a bath and lay in bed, her mind involuntarily replaying the scene she had just witnessed.

She had always seen Su Ting as a younger brother, even after his confession of love, dismissing it as childish naivety. But now, she realized he had grown up; he was no longer a child, but a man.

Gu Dai pulled the blanket over her head, trying to dismiss her thoughts, I have to work tomorrow, no time for this mess!

The next day, at the Gu Group.

While working in her office, Gu Dai was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Come in, she said, looking up.

Zheng Ming entered hastily, his voice tinged with urgency, Chairwoman Gu, youre trending online.

Gu Dai, having experienced this before, calmly asked, Whats it about this time?

Zheng Ming hesitated, unsure how to break the news.

Gu Dai, seeing his difficulty, picked up her phone to check for herself.

Her name was at the top of the trending list, followed by the words hidden rules.

Perplexed, she clicked on the link and quickly grasped the gist, scoffing, How utterly boring.

Zheng Ming nodded in agreement, Exactly. The paparazzi made a ridiculous a.s.sumption from a photo of you dining with Fu Nan, claiming youre involved with him. Its laughable.

Gu Dai sighed, Unfortunately, many believe it.

Online, the topic was hotly debated.

Never realized the Gu heiress was so beautiful!

Beauty isnt a reason to sleep with male celebrities. No wonder Fu Nan is so popular hes backed by a powerful figure. Honestly, with a sponsor like that, anyone could be a hit, earning millions in a day.

Fu Nan is just a teenager, probably clueless. If youre going to blame someone, blame Gu Dai. She must have forced him to accompany her for drinks.

My G.o.d, I just found out Fu Nan is a teen. Gu Dai stooping so low to manipulate a child, thats just predatory!

Zheng Ming, reading these comments, was infuriated but contained his anger.

Suppressing his rage, he asked, Chairwoman Gu, what should we do now?

Gu Dai replied, Issue a statement to refute these claims.

As she spoke, the paparazzi released another update.

The paparazzo: The Gu heiress plays hard. Using her companys influence, shes not only involved with Fu Nan but also her supermodel Su Ting, international movie star Meng Chuan, and the head of Dai Ci Studio, Su Ci. Shes tainted all these men.

Following this, a series of photos were released, showing them dining together the previous night, with Gu Dai in the middle, drinking.

This reignited furious online discussions.

Didnt expect the Gu heiress to have such sway, even international stars pandering to her, accompanying her for drinks.

My idols shattered -1 thought these men were the clean ones in entertainment industry, but theyre just flattering the powerful behind the scenes.

As netizens mourned, a new update emerged, Check out the official announcement from Gu Group denying any hidden rules, and the male artists have also posted denials on Weibo.

Gu Group Official Website: The picture is just a dinner gathering, no hidden rules involved.

Meng Chuan, Su Ci, Fu Nan, and Su Ting also reposted Gu Groups statement for clarification.

The online sentiment began to s.h.i.+ft slightly.

I suspected something odd earlier. If it were hidden rules, why involve so many people at once?

These paparazzi always make up stories out of nothing, so annoying.

The Gu heiress doesnt seem like someone who would do such things.

Yet, some remained skeptical even after the statement.

How naive you all are. It must be Gu Dai ordering them to deny it. If not, her company would be ruined.

Paparazzi wouldnt dare make such claims without evidence.

I dont believe these denials; theyre just to fool you fools..