I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 392: Never Hold Her Head Up High Again

Chapter 392: Never Hold Her Head Up High Again

Chapter 392: Never Hold Her Head Up High Again

Translator: _Min_ |

Song Lings thoughts were in turmoil as he recalled Gu Dais past feats. She had saved Old Master Zhou and many others during the last earthquake. Could she be the Legendary Doctor he had been searching for all this time?

His heart raced at the thought, then gradually slowed.

He stared into the void, musing, Although Gu Dai possesses many skills, medicine is so complex. She couldnt possibly have mastered it, let alone become the Legendary Doctor

As he gazed at Gu Dais number on his phone, his eyelashes quivered slightly, his fingers tapping unconsciously on the screen.

Just as Gu Dai drifted into sleep, her phones ringtone jolted her awake. Annoyed, she answered, Speak quickly if its important.

Song Ling, surprised that she had answered, was momentarily speechless.

Gu Dai, turning over, said impatiently, If theres nothing, Ill hang up.

Song Ling, snapping back to reality, said urgently, Dont hang up, I have something to say!

Hearing his voice, Gu Dai became slightly more alert, responding coolly, Had I known it was you, I wouldnt have answered.

Deciding then and there to switch off her phone while sleeping to avoid any more untimely calls from Song Ling.

Song Ling, after a long pause, finally said, Song Yu has been hospitalized after an injury.

Gu Dai just hummed in response.

Astonished by her lack of surprise, Song Ling coldly asked, Arent you shocked?

Gu Dai thought to herself that she had just seen Song Yu and had nothing to be surprised about.

Song Ling, receiving no reply, suddenly had a thought, Did you arrange this because of your conflict with Song Yu this morning?

Yawning, Gu Dai didnt directly answer his question but countered, Do you think if I wanted to deal with her, Id wait till now and do it so openly?

Gu Dai added, With Song Yus character, she has offended many, not just me.

If you firmly believe it was me, bring evidence before making such accusations.

Song Ling, looking at the disconnected call, let out a bitter smile.

He suddenly felt he was insane for even considering that Gu Dai would harm Song Yu in such a despicable manner. With Gu Dais character, she would not do anything behind her back.

But if not Gu Dai, then who?

Zhao Xuan, walking up to Song Ling, reported in a low voice, Mr. Song, I found out that Miss Song Yu went to Capital Hill Bars Room 202, but theres only footage of her entering. The subsequent recordings have been destroyed.

Song Ling, turning to Zhao Xuan, asked coldly, Is that all you found?

Zhao Xuan, swallowing nervously, replied, Yes

Song Ling commanded, Keep investigating. I want to see who dared to harm my sister. When caught, theyll pay dearly!

At the Jiang residence.

Jiang Lin was in shock, unable to believe what she was hearing from Jiang Yue.

Jiang Yue, nonchalantly eating an apple with her legs crossed, chuckled, Auntie, youve seen so much, yet youre shocked by my actions.

Regaining her composure, Jiang Lin scolded, Youre too bold, harming Song Lings sister. Arent you afraid of his retaliation? All our previous efforts would be in vain!

Jiang Yue, unbothered, replied calmly, I dared to do it because Ive covered my tracks well. It wont lead back to me.

Pausing, she added ominously, If Song Yu hadnt provoked me first, I wouldnt have targeted her. She brought this upon herself!

Jiang Lin, who had seduced many men, had never considered such a vile act.

She had always thought of Jiang Yue as timid and weak, but now realized she was far more ruthless than imagined.

With a sly smile, Jiang Lin wondered, I often doubted if you were really my niece. Now, Im certain. But how did you handle the aftermath?

Jiang Yue stood up, her gaze falling on Jiang Lin, I think you can guess my methods.

Jiang Lin guessed, You probably had someone take compromising photos and videos of Song Yu, to blackmail her if she speaks out.

Jiang Yue nodded, If Song Yu tries to expose me, Ill make sure she can never hold her head up high again!