I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

What a real kick looks like

Song Ling snapped back to reality, quickly walking over to Jiang Yue and helping her up, then he asked softly, Yueyue, what happened?

Leaning on Song Ling, Jiang Yue buried her face into his chest and cried, Gu Dai just kicked me. My leg hurts so much now. Brother Song Ling, will I not be able to dance in the future? Wuu wuu

When Song Ling heard the word kicked, his expression seemed lost for a brief second. He remembered his own experience of being kicked to the ground by Su Ting the night before.

His eyes turned fierce, then he looked at Gu Dai and asked, Why did you push Yueyue? Are you jealous of her?

Jealous of her? Gu Dai opened her eyes wide, as she was baffled by his words, then he asked, What does Jiang Yue have that I should be jealous of?

Heh, youre jealous that she can be with me, otherwise why would you push her? As Song Ling said this, he looked at Gu Dai with disgust.

Gu Dai fell silent. After a long while, she managed to find her voice, Mr. Song, if you have delusions, youd better get them treated early. Otherwise, once it has corroded your mind, you will be incurable.

Gu Dai really didnt want to spend more time with Song Ling. So, seeing the anger on his face, she didnt wait for him to speak and directly said, By the way, I didnt kick Jiang Yue.

Song Ling was already having difficulty breathing with his pent-up anger, and Gu Dai finished the sentence, he exploded, If you didnt push her, did Yueyue fall to the ground by herself?

Yes. Su Ting answered firmly, then pulled out his phone to show the video he had just taken, You see for yourself.

With that, Su Ting played the video.

The video clearly proved that Gu Dai did not push Jiang Yue, yet Jiang Yue suddenly fell to the ground.

Jiang Yues face turned pale, she didnt expect that Su Ting would have recorded it. Her eyes flashed with a bit of gloom, and when she looked up at Song Ling again, her innocent eyes were filled with tears.

She kept shaking her head and helplessly said, I dont know whats going on with the video. It was Gu Dai who pushed me just now, Brother Song Ling, my leg hurts so much now. Can we hurry up and leave?

Initially, Song Ling had his doubts, but with Jiang Yues current state and her pleading words, he negated his doubts in his mind.

How could Yue Yue possibly lie?

She is so pure and kind, she even risked her life to save me back then!

Song Ling softly rea.s.sured Jiang Yue, Hang on a little longer, Yueyue. Ill warn them and then well leave.

Jiang Yues eyes widened slightly. She was afraid that if they didnt leave now, she might expose herself. She reached out and lightly tugged at Song Lings clothes, but he ignored her.

At this moment, Song Ling looked at Su Ting and said coldly, The angle of your video must be misaligned, with the purpose of making me misunderstand Yueyue. But unfortunately, I wont fall for your trick!

Song Ling then turned to Gu Dai, I originally thought you were just a gold-digger, but I didnt expect you to be so vicious. You hurt Yue Yue and still want to keep yourself out of this!

Gu Dai couldnt understand how Song Lings brain worked, he couldnt even tell the truth when it was right in front of him.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Gu Dai couldnt bear it anymore and walked to Jiang Yue. She raised her foot and kicked her.

Seeing Jiang Yue fall to the ground, her eyebrows furrowed in pain, Gu Dais mood improved significantly. She laughed and said, Since you said I kicked her, then let me prove it and show you what a real kick looks like!

Song Ling didnt expect Gu Dai to suddenly make this move and was taken aback for a moment. Only after hearing Jiang Yues cry of pain again did he snap back to reality and quickly picked up Jiang Yue.

This time, Jiang Yue was genuinely panicking. She kept saying, My leg hurts so much, take me to the hospital, quickly!

At this point, Jiang Yues voice was not soft and pitiful, but extremely sharp.

Song Ling was dumbfounded, but he still quickly picked up Jiang Yue and rushed to the hospital.

Gu Dai watched the backs of the two disappear, the look on her face also grew increasingly serious.

Seeing this, Su Ting thought that Gu Dai was heartbroken again and quickly comforted her, Dont be sad, sister. Its his poor taste that cant appreciate your beauty.

Gu Dai shook her head, You misunderstand, Im not sad.