I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 341: Voting Manipulation

Chapter 341: Voting Manipulation

Chapter 341: Voting Manipulation

Translator: _Min_ |

LiYings sharp tone, interrupted the host, Wait!

Her outburst caused all eyes to turn towards her.

She stood up abruptly, her voice icy as she challenged, I got tens of millions more votes than Wei Jia, so why is she the winner? I cant believe such a mistake could happen in a big company like Gu Group. However, if you set up a special prize just for me, I might let this go.

The host replied seriously, Sorry, the organizer have no plans for a special prize.

Gu Dai stepped onto the stage, meeting Li Yings gaze with a calm expression, As I mentioned earlier, Gu Group values fairness and integrity. We do not tolerate vote manipulation.

Li Ying, feeling as if Gu Dai knew something, averted her gaze in fear. She quickly defended herself, I didnt manipulate the votes! And you said Gu Groups system is secure, so how could I?

Gu Dai nodded, then asked after a few seconds, Are you sure?

Li Ying affirmed, Of course, Im sure!

Gu Dai approached the computer, typing a few keys. The top three vote counts appeared on the big screen.

This is the actual vote count for our compet.i.tion, Gu Dai explained.

On the screen, Wei Jia had 50 million votes, Mao Ni 20 million, and w.a.n.g Wu 6 million.

Confused, Li Ying demanded, What does this prove?

Just wait and see, Gu Dai said calmly.

The screen s.h.i.+fted to display Li Yings name, showing 18 million votes in blue and 82 million in light yellow, totaling 100 million votes.

Gasps filled the room, 100 million votes!

Gu Dai explained, We allowed only the first 100 million people into our voting system, but you received 100 million votes, meaning everyone voted for you. But the reality is you only got 18 million votes.

Li Ying stood frozen, her voice trembling, I didnt manipulate the votes, youre framing me!

Mao Ni interjected, Li Ying, were not fools. We can see your panic.

The crowd nodded in agreement.

Li Ying glared at them, then turned to Gu Dai, Didnt you say your system is so secure, and I got 18 million votes. I should be third, right?

Gu Dai responded, Gu Group doesnt welcome dishonest people. We opened up the system to find the manipulator.

Li Ying lowered her head, fists clenched, teeth gritted, Even if I did manipulate teh votes, are Wei Jias 50 million votes genuine?

Gu Dai remained silent while gazing at her.

Li Ying, in fear, started to tremble as she continued, Even if they are, they must have beautified her Suzhou Embroidery while leaving ours unchanged.

She was growing more certain, You used us to make Wei Jias embroidery look better than ours!

Wei Jia, usually composed, couldnt hold back in Li Yings constant bas.h.i.+ng, My work is original, without any beautification. Gu Group is fair and wouldnt do such a thing!

Li Ying scoffed, You might be in cahoots with Gu Group. Show your work and compare it with the photos online!

She was determined to bring down Gu Group and Wei Jia after her cheating was exposed.

Unfazed, Gu Dai asked, Are you sure your work wasnt beautified?

Absolutely, Li Ying a.s.serted.

Gu Dai turned to the other contestants, Did anyone notice differences between their actual work and the photos online?

No, they replied.

Gu Dai requested, Please bring Wei Jias work for comparison.

Soon, Wei Jias storage was brought on stage and the work was displayed on the big screen.

Its exactly the same!

No beautification at all.

After hearing a few of her accusations, I never believed Li Yings rumors from the start.

Now the evidence is right before her eyes. Lets see what Li Ying says now.

Stunned, Li Ying approached, disbelief in her voice, Wei Jias work was supposed to be destroyed.. How can you still have it?