I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


Compared to Chu Mins anger, Gu Dai seemed extraordinarily calm.

She had put her phone down after just a glance, she said, nonchalantly, So its just about this? Seeing how rushed you were moments ago, I thought it was something serious.

Gu Dais words stunned Chu Min.

He blinked a few times, confused, then asked, Isnt this a big deal?

Seeing Chu Min so worked up, Gu Dai looked at him as if he were a child, she said earnestly, People should always take things lightly. Besides, I dont like Song Ling now. Why would I get angry over him?

Chu Min was still upset. He said quietly, But its not about liking or not. The point is, Song Ling ignored you, a beautiful and capable woman, and chose that green tea b.i.t.c.h, Jiang Yue!

Su Ting, who had been standing by the side without speaking, finally said something, Thats because Song Ling has no taste, and he doesnt deserve you, sister!

Although Gu Dai felt that agreeing with Su Tings words would make her seem narcissistic, she still couldnt help but say, Thats right, Su Ting is correct!

Chu Min looked at Gu Dai and Su Ting, who were in the middle of signing the contract, he finally confirmed that Gu Dai really didnt care and wasnt affected. He let go of his worries.

Suddenly, Chu Min thought of something interesting and said with a laugh, I dont know why, but when I answered the phone to go back to the bar last night, I saw Song Ling lying on the ground, unable to stand up. Hahaha, I couldnt stop myself, so I kicked him. After that, I quickly ran away! I dont know who knocked him down, but if I knew who it was, I would have to thank them. It was a job beautifully done!

Su Ting said lightly, I kicked him.

Chu Mins eyes widened, and it was as if a switch had been flipped in him. He started to blurt words out like a machine gun, It was you who kicked him! You kicked him so well, Ive always wanted to do that. How did you kick him, what was your posture, was it cool? If it was cool, teach me quickly. The next time I meet Song Ling

Su Tings gaze, however, was always on Gu Dai. Because of this, he noticed first that Gu Dais complexion wasnt very normal. The expression on her face changed several times.

Su Ting noticed this and his face turned pale, and he asked nervously, Sister, are you unhappy that I kicked Song Ling?

Chu Min also snapped back from his own world, looking nervously at Gu Dai.

Gu Dai shook her head and said softly, Im not upset, you guys did well! After all, she also wanted to kick Song Ling.

Su Ting pursed his lips, then said, But your complexion isnt very good.

Chu Min quickly nodded, agreeing with him.

Complexion? Gu Dai subconsciously touched her own face, but she quickly put her hand down and said, I just thought of something else, thats why my complexion isnt good.

As for what it was, Gu Dai didnt really want to tell them.

Because just now, when she heard Chu Min talk about last night, her drunken memories slowly returned. Gu Dai didnt expect that she would get drunk one day, and she was so childish after getting drunk, even asking Su Ting to hold her!

Just thinking about what she did last night made her feel complicated, and she felt her cheeks heating up.

Fortunately, after hearing her words, Su Ting and Chu Min didnt ask any more questions, and Gu Dai let out a sigh of relief.

Then her phone vibrated. It was a message from the companys secretary. Gu Dai quickly picked up her phone, trying to pull her thoughts out of last nights memories.

Secretary: President Gu, President Song of Song Corporation wants to arrange a time with you to discuss future cooperation. When are you available?

President Song from Song Corporation?

Gu Dai: Song Ling?

Secretary: Yes, President Gu.

Gu Dai: No.