I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 324: Searching for the Suzhou Embroidery Master

Chapter 324: Searching for the Suzhou Embroidery Master

Chapter 324: Searching for the Suzhou Embroidery Master

Translator: _Min_ |

The crowds attention s.h.i.+fted to the doc.u.ments, and upon seeing Zhou Corporation and Song Corporation as the partners, they were all dumbfounded. Are these the corporations Im thinking of?

Of course, its them. The doc.u.ments clearly state the responsible persons are Zhou Ci and Song Ling!

With these two as partners, the chances of the Suzhou embroidery project failing are greatly reduced!

Gu Mings brow furrowed deeply as he stood among the discussions. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the doc.u.ments from someone nearby, and upon seeing the two names clearly written, his whole body trembled.

He couldnt fathom how Gu Dai had become acquainted with Song Ling and Zhou Ci, nor why they would partic.i.p.ate in a Suzhou embroidery project that seemed destined for loss.

What trick had Gu Dai, thatbit*h, used?

Everyone scrutinized the distributed doc.u.ments and realized that Gu Dais interest in the Suzhou embroidery industry was not a whim but a meticulously planned execution.

After reading the plan, they began to believe that Suzhou embroidery might indeed find a market, maybe even becoming globally popular.

After leaving the meeting room, they looked around but couldnt find Gu Ming anywhere.

w.a.n.g Huai asked, Have you seen Gu Ming?

Yang Gao replied, I just saw him running off.

Lin Hong, with a dark expression, said coldly, Lets go after him. Gu Ming dared to plot against us behind our backs. We must teach him a lesson. He cant get away with this!

The three left briskly with stern faces.

After everyone had left, Gu Dai turned to Zheng Ming and inquired, How were the results of the recent online Suzhou embroidery compet.i.tion?

Zheng Ming sighed and showed her the compet.i.tion results.

Gu Dai glanced over them, noticing that every submitted work had flaws, some quite severe.

In this era, fewer and fewer people know and learn Suzhou embroidery

Zheng Ming suddenly remembered someone, Chairwoman Gu, theres a master in Suzhou City named Zhen Chan. I heard her Suzhou embroidery skills are exceptional. That was a few years ago, though. Shes been off the radar recently.

Zhen Chan Gu Dai repeated softly, the name striking a familiar chord. A scene flashed in her mind.

It was a summer evening. She was young, sitting under a big tree with her grandmother, watching the sunset.

Her grandmother had said, I once visited a secluded village in Suzhou City. The scenery was picturesque, untouched by the outside world. This isolation allowed the villagers to deeply study Suzhou embroidery. Among them was a master craftswoman, Zhen Chan. Her works were

Her grandmothers subsequent words were all about the beauty and lifelike quality of Zhen Chans works. Gu Dai had been captivated, and it was this story that sparked her interest in Suzhou embroidery.

Excited, Gu Dai stood up and asked, Zheng Ming, do you know where this master lives?

Zheng Ming quickly searched.

Although Zhen Chans online presence was spa.r.s.e, her partic.i.p.ation in compet.i.tions years ago meant there were still traces to be found.

Chairwoman Gu, I found it! Master Zhen Chan lives in Xiuyang Village, Suzhou City!

Upon receiving the address, Gu Dai immediately went home to pack, intent on finding Master Zhen Chan.

Gu Yin, seeing Gu Dais actions, asked, Cousin, are you going on a long trip?

Gu Dai squatted down, speaking softly, Yes, Im going on a business trip. Ill bring a gift for Yin Yin when I return. You must be good while Im away. If you need anything, you can tell Brother Meng Zhi or the maid taking care of you.

Gu Yin felt reluctant but obediently nodded, Okay, Ill be good at home!

Gu Dai checked Gu Yins wounds, relieved to see they were healing, but still couldnt help but instruct, Yinyin, make sure to rest well these next few days. When your cousin returns, Ill take you out.

Gu Yin hugged Gu Dai, smiling, Dont worry, Cousin. Ill rest well. You must take care of yourself on your trip. Id be heartbroken if you fell ill.

As she spoke, Gu Yin shyly lowered her head, her cheeks flus.h.i.+ng with a soft rosy hue..