I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 296: Threatening Each Other

Chapter 296: Threatening Each Other

Chapter 296: Threatening Each Other

Translator: _Min_ |

Gu Si confidently a.s.sured, Your uncle is indeed unreliable, but Ive already taught him a lesson upon my return. He has promised to treat Yinyin better and is reluctant to let you take her away.

Gu Dai, disbelieving a word from Gu Si, spoke coolly, But Yinyin has been mistreated by uncle for years. She herself expressed not wanting to live with him.

Gu Si argued, Yinyin is still a child and doesnt understand these matters. I believe shell be happy to live with her father once she sees his change.

Seeing Gu Dai unmoved, Gu Si continued, Your uncle is Yinyins biological father. Theyve lived together all these years. Daidai, being the kind person you are, surely you wouldnt want to separate them?

Listening to Gu Sis words, Gu Dai found them laughable and couldnt even maintain a facade of agreement.

Gu Dai responded, Wen Ye is more than just unreliable. Yinyin was hospitalized because of his beating, with a head injury so severe that she could have died if not for timely rescue. Once domestic violence occurs, its likely to happen again. Aunt, as Yinyins mother, doesnt it pain you to see your child treated like this?

Gu Si, feigning disbelief, covered her mouth, tears forming in her eyes. Crying, she said, I thought Wen Ye only caused minor injuries. I didnt realize it was so serious! That b.a.s.t.a.r.d Wen Ye, I wont let him off!

Despite Gu Sis pretense of sorrow, Gu Dai still saw clarity in her eyes.

Gu Dai declared, Im determined to take custody of Yinyin. I wont leave her with Wen Ye. Childrens thoughts matter too, their opinions should be respected. Right, aunt?

Gu Si, seemingly persuaded, agreed, Youre absolutely right. Ill convince your uncle to give up custody. By the way, I havent seen Yinyin in a long time. Can I visit her in the hospital later?

Considering Gu Si is Yinyins biological parent and Yinyin might want to see her mother, Gu Dai had no right to refuse and agreed, Yes.

Gu Si nodded, then smilingly said, Ill quickly get changed first, and then we can go.

Gu Dai watched Gu Si enter the bedroom and then turned her attention away.

Song Ling remarked, Wen Ye is in the bedroom, and Gu Si suddenly agreeing to let you take custody of Yinyin definitely means they have an ulterior motive.

Gu Dai nodded, replying softly, I know.

Song Ling, seeing Gu Dai was aware of the situation, changed the subject, I heard you recently found a young boy?

Gu Dai glanced at Song Ling, then looked away, replying indifferently, Just helping out of pity.

Song Ling had casually brought up the topic, not particularly concerned about the boy. However, upon hearing Gu Dais response, he instinctively wanted to say he was also in need of help and wished for her to be less cold towards him.

He managed to restrain himself from saying something so embarra.s.sing but looked visibly unsettled. Remembering Gu Dais earlier look, he quickly explained.

Song Ling said, I heard about the boy from Zhao Xuan, as we were investigating that black car, which inevitably led to your recent activities.

Gu Dai nodded, casually acknowledging before focusing on her phone.

In the bedroom.

As soon as Gu Si entered, Wen Ye grabbed her, demanding, Didnt you promise youd convince Gu Dai to let me keep Yinyins custody?

Gu Si, pulled her arm out, then wiped it with a wet wipe in disgust, replied, Dont touch me with your dirty hands. Ive only temporarily appeased Gu Dai to lower her guard before we reclaim custody.

Wen Ye nodded, threatening, You better keep your word, or Ill expose your past deeds.

Gu Si was not someone to be trifled with. Faced with Wen Yes threats, she showed no fear and retorted firmly, Rest a.s.sured, Ill do as promised. But if you continue to speak to me in this manner, you can forget about ever getting custody of Gu Yin. And dont forget, youve got your own share of misdeeds.

Wen Yes face turned red with anger, but facing Gu Si, he found himself unable to utter a word in response. Instead, he swallowed his words in frustration..