I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 290: Release then Catch

Chapter 290: Release then Catch

Chapter 290: Release then Catch

Translator: _Min_ |

Chu Min pulled out his phone, scrolled to the photo, and handed it to Gu Dai.

He explained, She left too quickly. When I got there, I saw her getting into a car. I quickly snapped a photo, but only got her side profile. Boss, do you recognize her?

Gu Dai studied the photo, which showed a red-dressed woman getting into a car.

Her brows furrowed slightly, she shook her head, I dont recognize her.

Chu Min, realizing even his boss didnt know her, suspected she wasnt an ordinary person.

I suspect this woman is connected to Wen Ye, Chu Min suggested.

Gu Dai nodded in agreement. Thats what I think too.

Chu Min asked, Boss, what should we do now? Should I arrange for someone to bring those thugs back?

Gu Dai, after pondering, declined, No need.

Confused, Chu Min looked at her for an explanation.

Gu Dai spoke calmly, We dont have any leads right now. Their release might lead us to the mastermind behind this.

Chu Mins eyes brightened, admiring her strategy, Boss, youre brilliant! I didnt think of that!

Gu Dai, hearing Chu Mins praise, shook her head helplessly, she then asked, Can you arrange for me to be discharged.

Chu Min frowned, concerned about her health, Boss, you havent fully recovered. It could affect your recovery.

Gu Dai insisted, I have things to handle.

She added, I am a doctor. I know my body well, and youve hired doctors, havent you? If youre worried, they can check on me daily.

After a moment of internal struggle, Chu Min agreed, Okay, Ill arrange it.

Before leaving, Chu Min asked, Boss, what do you need to handle?

Gu Dai replied, The matter with that young boy. Have someone bring him to my hotel.

Chu Min nodded, Alright.

When Gu Dai opened her hotel room door, she saw the boy standing nervously at the doorway. Miss Miss Gu, h.e.l.lo, he greeted hesitantly.

Gu Dai nodded and, leaning against the wall with crossed arms, asked, Whats your name?

Fu Nan, fingers nervously twisting his s.h.i.+rt hem until they turned white, answered with a forced loudness, I, Im Fu Nan.

Fu Nan then lowered his head, not daring to meet Gu Dais eyes.

Being a low-profile actor in the entertainment industry, he had only stayed in modest hotels before. This was his first time in such a luxurious hotel.

Even without knowing the brands, the exquisite decor and upscale furnis.h.i.+ngs suggested immense value.

Gu Dai, with her delicate features and stunning beauty, seemed to blend perfectly into this refined setting, making Fu Nan feel even more out of place, as if they were from different worlds.

Observing Fu Nans tense demeanor, Gu Dai softened her voice, h.e.l.lo, Im Gu Dai.

Fu Nan quickly nodded, stuttering, I, Ive heard about you.

a.s.suming Chu Min had informed him, Gu Dai didnt dwell on it and got straight to the point, Im interested in you, you

Before she could finish, Fu Nan, like a startled rabbit, looked up in disbelief, Youre interested in me!

Gu Dai nodded, her gaze studying his face, Youre very handsome. Sharp facial features, well-proportioned and defined. You have a charisma about you.

The more she observed, the more satisfied she became.

She believed Fu Nan had potential. If the company signed him, his good looks and talent would surely attract fans.

Fu Nans complexion turned pale, his expression conflicted. His hands, hanging by his sides, clenched into fists, then slowly relaxed..