I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 287: Gu Dai Woke Up

Chapter 287: Gu Dai Woke Up

Chapter 287: Gu Dai Woke Up

Translator: _Min_ |

Wen Yes eyes widened in disbelief, anger surging to his heart as he stared at the man in front of him and shouted, Youre all useless! So many of you, and yet you cant even handle one woman!

The man, already in a foul mood, was instantly enraged by Wen Yes words. He raised his hand and punched Wen Ye in the face, then kicked him, knocking him to the ground.

He glared at Wen Ye and hissed, Now, see who the useless one is!

Wen Yes face turned pale with pain, and he quickly admitted, I am the useless one, I am!

The man, satisfied deep down, kicked Wen Ye again and said, Its your fault for not telling us how tough that woman was. I got beaten up so badly, and my brothers, even our boss, got arrested by the police. If I hadnt sensed something was wrong and fled, Id be in the police station too!

Wen Ye, curled up on the ground, didnt dare to speak.

The man recalled the earlier scene with a shudder, She even stood up after being hit by the car you arranged!

Wen Ye, puzzled, asked, What car?

The man, thinking Wen Ye was feigning ignorance, didnt dwell on it, having more important matters at hand.

The man demanded, We executed the mission already, although we failed and wont receive the final payment, shouldnt you give us some compensation for the injuries we have suffered?

Wen Ye was astonished that there were such shameless people in the world who would demand payment for a job not completed.

For a moment, forgetting the pain in his body, Wen Ye spoke irritably, No money, and you Ah, my leg! His complaint was cut short by a sudden, searing pain.

The man, stepping hard on Wen Yes leg, threatened, If you dont pay, you can forget about keeping this leg.

Wen Ye, his pupils shrinking in fear, stammered, Ill pay, Ill pay!

He hurriedly took out a bank card from his pocket and handed it over, trembling.

The man flipped the card, asking, How much is in here?

Wen Ye replied, offering it as medical expenses and pleading for mercy, Its the original final payment, now for your medical expenses. Brother, I did everything you asked, can you please let me go?

The man, satisfied, moved his foot off Wen Yes leg, You should have given me the money earlier to avoid getting beaten.

The man, having received the money, envisioned in his mind the lavish ways he and his brothers would spend it. Casting a glance down at Wen Ye, he commanded in a cold tone, You better use your connections to get my brothers out of trouble, understand? His voice was firm and unyielding, leaving no room for negotiation or dissent.

Wen Ye nodded hastily, I heard you, Ill ask all my friends to help!

Satisfied, the man left.

Wen Ye, struggling to his feet, spat in the direction of the departing man and cursed at the wall, venting his fury, d.a.m.n it, a bunch of useless idiots, not finis.h.i.+ng the job and still expecting me to bail them out, wishful thinking!

After half an hour of cursing, Wen Ye sat down, panting.

He couldnt let Gu Dai take Gu Yin away, as without her, Gu Si would stop paying him for the childs living expenses, cutting off his financial source.

Wen Ye took out his phone, searching for a way to deal with Gu Dai.

At Chuanchen Hospital, Gu Dai slowly opened her eyes, while she raised her hand to s.h.i.+eld them from the light.

Chu Min, noticing first, excitedly whispered, Boss, youre finally awake!

Kneeling by Gu Dais bed, Chu Mins eyes brimmed with tears.

Gu Dai had been unconscious for a day and night, and Chu Min, overwhelmed with happiness, would have jumped up if his legs werent so weak from standing all this time.

Gu Dai, looking at Chu Min, said resignedly, Stop crying, or Ill start wondering if Im dead.

Chu Min quickly wiped his tears, Boss, youre alive and well! Ill go find a doctor. Are you feeling any discomfort?

Gu Dai stopped him, Im fine, no need for a doctor.

Chu Min, remembering Gu Dais medical expertise, withdrew his step, no longer insisting.

Gu Dai rubbed her hazy head, recalling the events before she fainted, and asked, What about those men?

Chu Min, proudly patting his chest, a.s.sured, Dont worry, boss, Ive already sent them to the police station. One got away, but I believe well find him
