I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Fish had taken the Bait

Liu Min became anxious after she heard what Gu Dai had said, Our family has been living here for three years, and you suddenly ask us to move out. Where will we live? Gu Dai, how could you be so heartless, wanting to make our family homeless?

Gu Dai didnt expect that despite the fact that she hadnt even said anything yet, Liu Min was already accusing her. She was so angry that she actually started to laugh.

Gu Dai spoke directly, So, aunt, you think its reasonable to live in my house? Im not even pursuing the matter of you living in my house for three years, and in the end, Im still called heartless.

Gu Dai paused for a moment, then asked, So, aunt, do you want me to pursue the matter?

Liu Min was taken aback after hearing Gu Dais words but quickly regained her senses, arguing, Were all relatives, do you have to be so distant? Besides, youre so wealthy and have taken back the company, do you really need to be so petty and want the house back?

Whats all the noise outside? Gu Ming angrily walked out of the house and shouted. Many people followed behind him, but they all came out with the intention of watching Gu Ming make a fool of himself.

Having lost the company and his plan to transfer a.s.sets gone awry, Gu Ming had no choice but to invite those he once looked down upon to his home to discuss cooperation.

However, Gu Ming didnt expect that these people, who once tried their best to suck-up to him, to suddenly become arrogant and indifferent to him after learning of his plight.

He was already feeling irritable and couldnt help but hear Liu Mins sharp voice from time to time.

Liu Min was startled by Gu Mings outburst and didnt dare to speak for a moment. However, she quickly regained her senses and recounted what had happened.

Gu Ming looked at Gu Dai, who folded her arms across her chest, and angrily spoke at her, Gu Dai, dont you think youre going too far? Asking us to move out all of a sudden, we didnt prepare for this at all.

But I heard that on the day I died, uncle moved into the villa with your wife and children immediately. So does that mean you had been preparing to move in for a long time? Gu Dais voice became colder as she spoke.

Cold sweat broke out on Gu Mings forehead. He grabbed Liu Min, who wanted to speak again, and cursed her in his heart as a stupid woman.

If they told the truth, that they indeed had been preparing for a long time back then, even planning what and where to renovate. Wouldnt that reveal their ill intentions?

Gu Dai was so smart that if she heard this, she would surely guess that her cruise accident was their doing.

Gu Ming knew he must not admit to it now, so he clenched his teeth and said, Of course not, we just didnt want to waste an empty house.

As expected of a husband and wife, their words were the same.

Gu Dai glanced at Gu Ming and Liu Min, But I remember there was a small house next to our villa. My parents bought it on a whim, but later found it useless and left it vacant. I wonder if my uncle and aunt felt it was too wasteful and moved in?

Gu Ming felt relieved and then replied, We didnt live there, but we put things we dont use in that house, so it wasnt wasted.

Good, since it wasnt wasted, why dont you move in there? Gu Dai didnt really care about Gu Mings answer; she would say this anyway.

Liu Min exploded in anger, That house is so small, and its full of dust and clutter! How can we live there after you make us move?

Gu Dai looked at Liu Min coldly, replying in a frosty tone, I dont think thats my concern, is it? Besides, isnt the dust and mess all caused by you?

Liu Min was speechless, turned to Gu Ming for help, but he was now looking down at his phone. Angrily, she clenched her teeth and pinched him.

Are you crazy? Gu Ming felt the pain and looked up from his phone to yell at Liu Min.

Then he looked down at his phone again, making sure he hadnt seen it wrong, and couldnt help but let a smile escape his lips.

Seeing this, Gu Dai knew the fish had taken the bait.