I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 258: The Gift in the Villa

Chapter 258: The Gift in the Villa

Chapter 258: The Gift in the Villa

Translator: _Min_

Arriving at the Gu residence, Meng Chuan and Meng Zhi were the first to get out of the car. They opened the door for Gu Dai and Gu Yin and carefully a.s.sisted them as they got out of the car.

Gu Dai, amused and helpless, said, You only need to help Yinyin. Ive grown up and can get down by myself.

Meng Chuan, ruffling Gu Dais hair gently, said softly, Daidai, no matter how old you grow, in your brothers heart, youll always be a child.

Meng Zhi nodded in agreement, echoing, Thats right!

Gu Yin, watching this scene, covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her laughter.

Remembering her parents saying the same thing, a wave of nostalgia flashed in Gu Dais eyes. She looked up at the stars in the sky and softly agreed, Mm.

Gu Dai led them into the villa.

Inside the villa, Meng Chuans eyes filled with tears as he gazed at the familiar architecture.

Clenching his fists, he resolved to protect Daidai in the future and never let his sister suffer again.

The matter of his uncle and aunt was already under investigation, hinting that their demise was more than just an accident.

He was determined to uncover the truth and avenge Gu Dai and her parents.

As the four walked through the villa, numerous servants turned their attention towards them, especially upon seeing Meng Chuan, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

They couldnt help but whisper among themselves.

Was that Meng Chuan, the academy winner, just now?

Definitely! He looks even more handsome in person than in the movies.

Our young miss is so impressive, even knowing a celebrity like Meng Chuan. Could they be dating?

When Wu Zhen walked in, he heard the servants gathered and talking.

Curiously, he asked, What are you all doing?

The servants replied, Brother Wu, we just saw Meng Chuan, the movie star!

Wu Zhens face lit up with disbelief, Really?

The servants affirmed, Of course!

After urging the servants to get back to work, Wu Zhen quickened his pace inside the villa.

When he saw Meng Chuan, he excitedly called out, Second Young Master!

Meng Chuan nodded, Uncle Wu.

Wu Zhen, seeing Meng Chuan, couldnt help but reminisce, In the blink of an eye, the Second Young Master has become an international movie star. I still remember when you first wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

Gu Dai laughed, Right, uncle was against it initially and cut off all your financial sources.

Meng Zhi chimed in, Although dad was against it at first, he always cared about the Second Brother, pretending to be casual when asking me about him and secretly watching his movies.

The image of such scenes appeared in Gu Dais mind, making her laugh.

Suddenly, Gu Dai remembered something and asked Meng Chuan, Second

Brother, what about the gift you mentioned at home?

Meng Chuan smiled, Youll know soon.

Meng Zhi said to Gu Yin, Yinyin, its getting late. You should go upstairs to sleep.

Gu Yin nodded, Okay.

After Gu Yin left, Meng Chuan told Wu Zhen, Uncle Wu, you can bring them in now.

Wu Zhen nodded and left, returning with two men in black, escorting someone.

Gu Dai, looking closely, uncertainly said, Zhou Gang?

Meng Chuan nodded, Its him.

After learning about Zhou Gangs actions, Meng Chuan had immediately contacted Meng Zhi, and they used their connections to find him.

Zhou Gang, forced to kneel by the men in black, looked up angrily, Gu Dai, how dare you have me captured. This is illegal. Ill sue you and have you jailed!

Meng Zhi stepped forward, pressing his foot on Zhou Gang, coldly saying, Watch your tone!

Gu Dai pulled Meng Zhi back, softly urging, Third Brother, stay calm.

Meng Zhi stepped back, thinking it best to let Gu Dai handle Zhou Gang.

Gu Dai looked at Zhou Gang and slowly said, You can sue, but I can also reveal your attempt to have me killed.

Zhou Gangs expression turned to panic, but he feigned calmness, Kill you? I dont know anything about that!

Gu Dai noted, Being brought here only proves your actions have been exposed.

Since his bankruptcy, Zhou Gangs once glamorous life had faded, leaving him disheveled, with messy hair and a stubble of a beard.

His only hope was to see Gu Dai, the cause of his downfall, suffer terribly. Yet, to his dismay, she seemed unscathed..