I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 240: Immediately Investigate

Chapter 240: Immediately Investigate

Chapter 240: Immediately Investigate

Translator: _Min_

Meng Chuan scoffed coldly, his gaze towards Song Ling filled with disapproval.

In his eyes, Song Ling might have been good-looking, but there were plenty of more attractive men in the world.

Moreover, Song Lings character left much to be desired, and he was certainly not a match for Gu Dai. Meng Chuan couldnt fathom why Gu Dai would ever have considered someone like him.

Meanwhile, Song Ling was equally irked by Meng Chuan.

Watching Gu Dai and Meng Chuan converse quietly together, though he couldnt catch their words, the care in Gu Dais eyes was unmistakable.

The man, tall and handsome, with eyes that seemed to speak of romance and a demeanor that exuded elegance and sophistication, annoyed Song Ling.

He suspected it was just the mask creating an air of mystery.

Watching the intimate interaction between Gu Dai and Meng Chuan, Song Ling couldnt suppress the irritation bubbling inside him. He tugged at his tie, asking, Who is this man?

Gu Dai seemed capable of displaying affection with other men. There was Su Ting, Zhou Ci, and now this man. Perhaps there were even more he hadnt yet seen. With so many people receiving her warmth, he wondered, why couldnt she extend the same kindness to him?

Gu Dai, hearing Song Lings query, suppressed her annoyance and asked in return, Who he is, how is that related to you?

Song Ling, unable to articulate his feelings, felt his heart ache.

His mood worsened as he questioned, Was it his call you received at the office?

Gu Dai, unwilling to engage further on this topic, deflected, Why are you here?

Song Ling, caught off guard, eventually managed, I just happened to pa.s.s by.

Noticing Song Lings unnatural expression, Gu Dai realized he was lying. She then questioned, This road is quite secluded; its not often traveled by people.

Song Ling, feeling cornered, raised his voice, I just wanted to take a less traveled road, is that wrong?

Zhao Xuan, arriving on the scene, overheard Song Lings agitated response and hurriedly explained, Miss Gu Dai, dont misunderstand. President Song rushed here knowing you were in danger. It wasnt just a coincidence.

Gu Dai, despite antic.i.p.ating this, felt somewhat dazed hearing Zhao Xuans confirmation.

Song Ling, frustrated that Zhao Xuan exposed this embarra.s.sing truth, glared at him coldly.

Zhao Xuan, in the face of such a situation, harbored no regrets. After all, if he hadnt spoken up, Song Ling might never have revealed the things he did for Gu Dai.

Seeing Gu Dai silent, Zhao Xuan thought she didnt believe him and hastily added, What I said just now is true. When President Song saw the traffic jam, he didnt even think twice before getting out of the car and running over here.

Song Ling, meeting Gu Dais gaze, felt as though she was mocking his presumption. With the thought in his mind, his gaze towards Zhao Xuan grew colder.

Under such a gaze, Zhao Xuan could only apologize, Im sorry, President Song. 1 shouldnt have spoken out of turn.

Gu Dai looked at Song Ling and softly said, Regardless, thank you for just now.

Although Song Ling ruined her chance to show her prowess, he was, after all, unaware of the situation and only wanted to save her. Gu Dai, not one to be ungrateful, appreciated the help extended to her.

Song Ling, taken aback, shook his head, Youre welcome.

Acknowledging this, Gu Dai nodded towards Song Ling, then raised her eyes to Meng Chuan and smiled, Im hungry. Lets go have dinner.

Meng Chuan warmly agreed, Okay.

Watching their departing figures, Song Lings brows furrowed and a sense of rivalry towards Meng Chuan brewed within him.

Meng Chuan opened the car door for Gu Dai and, after ensuring she was safely inside, cast a mocking glance at Song Ling.

Song Ling was fuming, he clenched his fists, his aura intensifying.

He coldly ordered, Immediately arrange for someone to check the ident.i.ty of that man with Gu Dai!

Fearing Song Lings wrath might extend to him, Zhao Xuan obediently complied, quickly taking out his phone to follow the instructions.

Song Lings gaze then fell on the four men struggling to get up from the ground, his voice cold, Tell whoever sent you, if they dare to lay a hand on Gu Dai again, theyll be opposing me and the Song Corporation!

His eyes piercing like blades, Yellow Hair and the others didnt dare to resist, nodding their heads in agreement..