I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 232: Thirty-Seventy Split

Chapter 232: Thirty-Seventy Split

Chapter 232: Thirty-Seventy Split

Translator: _Min_

In the beginning, Song Ling listened intently, but his thoughts gradually drifted as he caught sight of Gu Dais lips moving, a striking contrast of red.

Gu Dai was dressed in a black suit that day, looking exceptionally sharp. A few stray hairs on her forehead lent her a touch of softness, adding to her already impressive aura.

She was a far cry from the Gu Dai in Song Lings memories, who only seemed to appear before him in an ap.r.o.n, occasionally tear-streaked.

The Gu Dai before him now shone brilliantly, irresistibly drawing gazes to her, to the point where Song Ling found it impossible to reconcile the image of the woman he once knew with the one before him. At times, he even felt as if the events of the past three years were nothing but a delusion.

He couldnt fathom why he had once been so convinced that the Gu Dai from before was just a simple girl from a remote village.

After Gu Dai finished speaking, she noticed Song Lings distraction and a flicker of displeasure crossed her face. She spoke up with a cold tone, President Song, I have finished my part. Do you have anything to add?

Song Ling snapped back to reality, hastily reviewed what Gu Dai had just said, and replied, No, I think its all good.

Gu Dai nodded, pushed the contract towards Song Ling, and gestured for him to sign.

However, Song Ling did not sign immediately but looked at Gu Dai and said, I have a question regarding the profit-sharing.

Gu Dai waited for him to continue.

Song Ling inquired, What are the exact terms of the profit-sharing between Zhou Corporation and you?

It was originally fifty-fifty, but then it was changed to forty-sixty, Gu Dai replied.

Song Ling didnt ask who had the larger share, as he already had his answer thinking about Zhou Corporations claims of affection for Gu Dai.

Gu Dai, mistaking Song Lings silence for dissatisfaction with the fifty-fifty split, suggested, If you find it too little, we can renegotiate.

Song Ling shook his head, Its not that its too little. Its actually too much.

Gu Dai was stunned, looking at Song Ling as if he were a fool. It was her first encounter with someone who thought they were being offered too much money.

Undeterred by Gu Dais gaze, Song Ling stated, Since Zhou Corporation has a forty-sixty share, I propose a thirty-seventy split with me taking the lesser part.

Now not only did Gu Dai think Song Ling was foolish, but even Zhao Xuan, another witness to the conversation, looked at him bewildered.

Are you certain you want thirty-seventy? Gu Dai asked.

Song Ling nodded affirmatively, I am certain.

He explained, Ive made several mistakes before. A thirty-seventy split is my way of apologizing. The profits that follow, 1 plan to relinquish an additional twenty percent to Gu Group.

Song Ling seemed to be offering a deal where he was not aiming to make a profit at all.

Gu Dai hadnt expected such a surprising turn of events in partnering with Song Ling. If it werent for her meticulous confirmation of the contract in advance, she would have suspected ulterior motives behind Song Lings actions.

Without intending to refuse the offer after all, turning down money would be foolish, and she was certainly not Song Ling Gu Dai arranged for a new contract to be drafted.

After confirming there were no issues, she signed her name and pa.s.sed it to Song Ling.

Song Ling, without a glance, signed swiftly, stood up, and handed it back to Gu Dai for her review.

As Song Ling retracted his hand, Gu Dai caught a whiff of a familiar scent.

Subconsciously, she asked, Whats that fragrance on you?

Song Ling was taken aback, then understanding dawned, and he produced a talisman from his suit pocket, saying, You gave this to me.

Upon seeing the amulet, Gu Dai remembered the effort she had put into making it for Song Ling during her memory loss.

Her expression cooled, I remember when I gave it to you, you threw the amulet away. Why do you have it now?

It was wrong of me to throw it away, Song Ling admitted.

Gu Dai replied with a noncommittal Oh, then said, You dont have to carry something you dislike out of guilt.

Song Ling, eager to clear the misunderstanding, quickly said, I dont dislike it. On the contrary, Im quite fond of the scent. Ever since 1 found it in the bedroom, Ive been carrying it with me. Its just that its been a while, and the scent has faded. Could you make another one with the same fragrance?

Gu Dai fell silent, taken aback by the request..