I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 225: No

Chapter 225: No

Chapter 225: No

Translator: _Min_

After wrenching free from Gu Dais grasp, Song Ling staggered back several steps and collided with the wall, letting out another exclamation.

Smelling the alcohol in the air, Gu Dai furrowed her brows and asked, Have you been drinking?

Song Ling nodded, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at Gu Dai and said, You care about me!

Gu Dai regretted her choice of words when she heard the certainty in Song Lings tone and saw the resolute smile on his face, which had led him to a misunderstanding.

Gu Dais expression grew taut as she spoke earnestly, No.

Song Lings smile stiffened, and he looked at Gu Dai in disbelief.

Desiring to avoid further confrontation, Gu Dai said coldly, If there is nothing else, Im going home.

Song Ling quickly spoke up, Dont go! 1 have a question for you.

Gu Dai crossed her arms and waited with a detached expression for him to speak.

Was it on my birthday that you regained your memory? Song Ling asked.

At his words, Gu Dais memories were cast back to that day.

She recalled how she had carefully prepared a cake and selected gifts for him, while Song Ling hadnt spared them a glance, his heart set on going to Jiang Yue.

Reminiscing about those painful times turned Gu Dais mood for the worse.

Her gaze dropped as she spoke with a heavy voice, Thats all in the distant past. We are divorced now, so is there any need to bring it up?

Song Lings eyes reddened as he shouted, There is a need!

Gu Dai nodded noncommittally, Oh.

Gu Dais face was the same as before, but her demeanor had become much colder, no longer filled with him as it once was.

Yet, it was precisely this change in Gu Dai that agitated Song Ling. He couldnt understand why, after their divorce, he still found himself wanting to pay attention to her, to the point where he couldnt focus on his work.

Taking a deep breath, Song Ling questioned her in frustration, When you regained your memory, we werent divorced yet. Why didnt you tell me then?

Gu Dai, perplexed, responded, Why should I have told you? Wasnt our main goal to divorce? Even if 1 had told you, would you have chosen not to divorce me?

Song Ling fell silent; he knew he would still have chosen divorce, but

You could have told me the truth even after our divorce, instead of keeping me deceived. Your ident.i.ty as the Gu Group heiress, your hacking skills, your culinary talents, your medical knowledgeyou didnt share any of that with me. If you had, I wouldnt have misunderstood you, Song Ling argued.

Gu Dai, her patience worn thin, slapped Song Ling.

Song Lings head turned to the right, a vivid red handprint marking his left cheek. He pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek, looking coldly at Gu Dai.

I hope this slap brings you to your senses, Gu Dai said flatly.

Seeing Song Ling calm down, Gu Dai added, Even if I had told you the truth, you wouldnt have listened.

Unwilling to accept this, Song Ling countered, How do you know I wouldnt have listened?

Gu Dai chuckled wryly, her gaze inky as she looked at him, When I told you before that my approach was without ulterior motives, that it was just because of love, did you listen?

Song Ling, reminded of that moment, found himself speechless.

You never believed me. You were convinced by your own a.s.sumptions. What else did you want me to say to you? Ive already told you, theres nothing between us anymore. Dont show up in front of me again. Isnt Jiang Yue back now? Isnt it good enough for you to be happy with her? Gu Dais words cut through the air.

Song Ling hung his head low, murmuring, I dont like Jiang Yue. Its not what you think between us. Shes my lifesaver, and I only wanted to repay her kindness.

Gu Dai paused, momentarily lost, Repay her kindness? You mean Jiang Yue has helped you, how did she

Then Gu Dais voice turned cold again, Never mind, I dont want to know about what happened between you two!

After a moment of thought, Gu Dai realized why Song Ling still supported Jiang Yue despite her excessive actions.

But what did it matter? She and Song Ling had no connection anymore.

And speaking of lifesaving grace, hadnt she saved Song Ling from a fire ten years ago? He had promised to repay her back then, but had that ever come to fruition?

As Song Ling watched Gu Dai, a question surfaced in his mind, and he heard himself ask, Do you still love me?

Without hesitation, Gu Dai answered, No..