I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 223: Admirer

Chapter 223: Admirer

Chapter 223: Admirer

Translator: _Min_

Zhou Ci raised his gla.s.s with a flourish, tilting his head slightly back to drain it in one go. With flushed cheeks, he sprawled lazily on the couch and expressed his surprise, At this time in the past, you were always buried in work, almost like a shadow thats never seen. Even when 1 tried to invite you out, you wouldnt come. And here you are today, out of the blue, asking me to meet you at a bar.

Song Lings brows were tightly knit with a look of irritation, as he methodically sipped his drinks, one after another.

Song Ling remained silent, and Zhou Ci did not press him further, plunging the s.p.a.ce between them into a tranquil silence.

Eventually, Song Ling couldnt contain himself and broke the silence, Gu Dai had lost her memory.

Zhou Ci was stunned. Shock compelled him to stand abruptly, grabbing his coat, ready to rush out.

What are you doing? Song Ling asked, seeing this.

Zhou Cis expression was fraught with urgency, as he blurted out, Didnt you say Gu Dai has lost her memory? 1 have to see herperhaps, 1 can make her fall in love with me while shes forgotten everything!

Song Lings face darkened, and he placed his gla.s.s heavily on the table, his voice cold, Sit down, Gu Dai hasnt lost her memory now!

After Zhou Ci resumed his seat, still unable to grasp the meaning of Song Lings earlier words, he inquired, What did you mean when you said Gu Dai had lost her memory?

Song Ling was silent for a moment before he slowly revealed, Three years ago, on that exploding cruise s.h.i.+p, though Gu Dai narrowly escaped death, she lost her memories.

The cruise s.h.i.+p incident had been monumental, and Zhou Ci, connecting the dots, was wide-eyed with disbelief for quite some time before he could compose himself.

Pain filled Zhou Cis eyes as he murmured, 1 had no idea Gu Dai went through so much.

It slowly dawned on Zhou Ci, and he turned to Song Ling, voicing his realization, So, Gu Dai has changed so much because she lost her memories. No wonder she fell for you.

Song Lings gaze was dark and piercing as he stared at Zhou Ci.

Zhou Ci cleared his throat, halting his train of thought, yet internally he was affirming his own conclusions.

Filled with regret, Song Ling hung his head and said lowly, Ever since 1 found out that Gu Dai hasnt deceived me, hasnt betrayed me, or been lying to me, her image has been haunting my mind, even in my dreams.

Zhou Ci had half a mind to scorn Song Ling, thinking he deserved it for his past wrongdoings, and now it was too late for regrets.

Observing Song Ling continue to drown his sorrows in alcohol, Zhou Ci remarked dispa.s.sionately, Now that you know, you shouldnt keep bothering Gu Dai and making her unhappy.

Song Ling paused with his gla.s.s in hand, looked up at Zhou Ci but said nothing, then finally spoke, Thats my business.

Zhou Ci stood up, looking angrily at Song Ling.

Unmoved by this, Song Ling locked eyes with Zhou Ci and asked pointedly, Do you like Gu Dai?

Zhou Ci nodded firmly, You and Gu Dai are already over, and Ive told you long ago that 1 liked her. So this is not about overstepping among friends!

Pressing down the irritation in his heart, Song Ling regarded Zhou Ci and said, But you should know, Gu Dai doesnt only have you as an admirer. As far as 1 know, theres also that model Su Ting.

Song Ling continued, Su Ting spoke up for Gu Dai during the recent controversy. Ive taken over Zhou Corporation, and yet Gu Dai wont even glance at me, so clearly, she has a liking for this model. Do you think your chances are high?

Zhou Ci smiled and said, 1 dont know how good my chances are, but I know I dont need her to reciprocate because liking her is my own business. All that matters is that Im good to her.

Grinding his teeth, Song Ling nodded. He hadnt expected Zhou Ci to be so open-minded, and Gu Dai was capable indeed, to turn a frivolous playboy so earnest.

Zhou Ci continued, Isnt it normal for a remarkable woman like Gu Dai to have more than one person pursuing her? Besides, 1, the admirer, am calm about it, whats there for you, the ex-husband, to be agitated about?

At the word ex-husband, Song Lings frown deepened, and his voice turned icy, But its not just you and Su Ting!

Zhou Ci looked at him, puzzled.

Song Ling revealed, One night, 1 saw a man come out of Gu Dais villa.

Zhou Ci gazed at Song Ling with a grave expression, his voice laden with a serious tone. 1 need to tell you something important secretly observing others is a perverse behavior!

Song Lings face grew even grimmer, his eyes casting a frosty look towards Zhou Ci.

Zhou Ci continued, That man might simply be Gu Dais friend. Dont jump to conclusions.. And even if he truly is an admirer, what issue does that pose?