I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 221: Watching the call disconnect

Chapter 221: Watching the call disconnect

Chapter 221: Watching the call disconnect

Translator: _Min_

Sheng Xin, comparing herself to Song Lings ex-wife, proudly listed her advantages, Compared to your ex-wife, I believe I present myself better. After all, I studied abroad, partic.i.p.ated in different art activities during my school days, and won quite a few notable compet.i.tions. Ive also attended many high-society banquets with my family.

She enumerated her strengths over Gu Dai, but Song Ling, upon hearing her, couldnt help but have his mind filled with thoughts of Gu Dai instead.

Gu Dai hailed from a wealthier family background than Sheng Xin, was more attractive, knowledgeable in art, proficient in medicinetalents that dwarfed mere artistic endeavors by leagues. Most importantly, at her young age, she had already taken control of the Gu Group, demonstrating exceptional managerial prowess. In just a few months under her leaders.h.i.+p, the company had seen significant improvements.

Song Ling realized, Sheng Xin was far from comparable to Gu Dai.

Seeing Song Ling silent, Sheng Xin took the initiative to ask, What do you think?

Song Ling responded indifferently, without a hint of emotion, Hmm.

Stunned, Sheng Xin had thought that after listing her qualities, Song Ling would see her in a new light, but all she got was a noncommittal Hmm.

Sheng Xin had dressed up deliberately for the occasion, donning a tight black dress that accentuated her proud figure. Yet, Song Ling hadnt glanced her way even once.

Not wanting to admit a lack of charm, Sheng Xins eyes darted as she grasped at a possible explanation, I know theres a woman in President Songs heart that he cant seem to let go of.

Song Lings expression remained unchanged.

Unfazed, Sheng Xin continued, I also know she saved your life, and that person is Jiang Yue.

Song Ling was surprised; he wasnt one to share personal matters, so how did Sheng Xin come to know of this?

Before Song Ling could inquire, Sheng Xin chuckled and explained, Coincidentally, Jiang Yue and I were high school cla.s.smates, which is how I heard about her saving you.

Song Ling finally spoke, So whats your purpose today? To speak on behalf of Jiang Yue?

He was grateful to Jiang Yue for saving him ten years ago.

Amidst a raging fire, smoke had stung his eyes, blinding him, and he couldnt see the girl who saved him. He only remembered her soothing voice, gently saying, Hang on, I will get you out.

Song Ling suffered burns on his arm in the fire, and when he finally breathed fresh air and felt safe, he pa.s.sed out from exhaustion.

When he came to, it was Jiang Yue crying by his side, claiming it was she who saved him.

The comforting words of Jiang Yue during the fire were etched into his heart like a brand, and that was the reason he had tolerated her for so long.

But although Song Ling appreciated Jiang Yues help, she had changed, and he couldnt endure her deceit and lies, nor her constant leveraging of past favors.

Now, he wouldnt listen to anyone speaking on Jiang Yues behalf.

Sheng Xin tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, looking up at Song Ling with a smile, Of course not. All of us cla.s.smates were quite envious of Jiang Yue, thinking she would end up with you, but who knew

Song Ling interrupted her, speaking earnestly, 1 only intended to repay a debt of grat.i.tude to her.

Sheng Xin paused, looking cautiously at Song Lings expression, then ventured, 1 see. But in this rapidly developing era, there arent many who value loyalty and righteousness as much as President Song, I

Song Ling, not wis.h.i.+ng to hear more plat.i.tudes, picked up his suit jacket, Miss Sheng, 1 dont wish to marry you due to my mothers intentions because 1 do not want to ruin a womans life.

Pausing briefly, he continued, If theres nothing else, Miss Sheng, 1 must be going.

With those words, Song Ling didnt wait for her response and turned to leave.

TWice interrupted, Sheng Xins face changed to a touch of displeasure, but thinking of Song Lings excellence, her spirits lifted somewhat.

Watching Song Lings departing figure, Sheng Xins eyes dimmed.

What would Song Ling do to Jiang Yue if he ever discovered the truth behind that life-saving deed?

Song Ling, eager to avoid an encounter with w.a.n.g Lan, left the Song residence quickly. To his surprise, as soon as he settled into his car, his phone rangit was Jiang Yue.

Watching the call disconnect, Song Ling dialed his a.s.sistant Zhao Xuan, Later, call Jiang Yue to find out what she wants. Handle it for her, and dont disturb
