I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 215: Strawberry-flavored Milk Tea

Chapter 215: Strawberry-flavored Milk Tea

Chapter 215: Strawberry-flavored Milk Tea

Translator: _Min_

Su Ting no longer dwelled on the little girls words and spoke up, Sis, lets go to that street. While looking at places we can go to tonight, Ive been really looking forward to it as well, and to my surprise, Sis, you had the same idea!

Gu Dai nodded in acknowledgment, her gaze landing on Su Tings casual attire, and she complimented, Your clothes look quite nice.

The a.s.sistant driving the car nearly failed to suppress his laughter, for he knew all too well that Brother Su had fussed over his outfit all day, all to make a good impression on Miss Gu.

Now, with Miss Gus praise, the a.s.sistant could almost envision the joy in Brother Sus heartif he had a tail, it would surely be wagging uncontrollably by now.

It had to be said that Brother Sus happiness was palpable in Miss Gus presence, the aloofness that typically clung to him seemed to dissipate significantly, even the tone he used with their staff carried more warmth than before.

Upon hearing Gu Dais words, Su Ting was indeed as elated as the a.s.sistant had imagined, his mind feeling blissfully dizzy.

Once Su Ting collected himself, he said excitedly, Sis, this outfit was bought from a clothing store just up ahead. They even have a ladies version.

Gu Dai mused, It wouldnt be convenient to stroll through the streets in a suit. Its a good chance for me to buy a set to change into.

After changing her clothes, Gu Dai was greeted by Su Ting offering her a cup of milk tea.

Su Ting said, Sister, 1 ordered it with half sugar for you. Try it.

Gu Dai took a generous sip and closed her eyes in contentment.

Su Ting asked expectantly, Sis, is it good?

Gu Dai nodded, took another hearty gulp, and then found a moment to reply, Delicious.

Su Ting chuckled lightly to Gu Dais reaction, pride lacing his voice, 1 knew it. Siss taste hasnt changed. Youre still fond of the strawberry-flavored milk tea.

After Su Tings comment, Gu Dai inquired with a puzzled tone, Did I used to like milk tea?

She eyed Su Ting with a sharp glint in her gaze, 1 dont recall ever being fond of milk tea. Are you perhaps confusing me with someone else?

Su Ting, blushed, smacked his forehead and clarified, I misspoke. Its the strawberry flavor I like, and I thought Sis might like it too.

Gu Dai still sensed something amiss but couldnt quite put her finger on it. After another sip of the milk tea, she ceased to ponder over it and exclaimed, Ive discovered that 1 indeed like the strawberry flavor!

The anxiety in Su Tings heart gradually eased.

Gu Dai, oblivious to Su Tings unease, suddenly recalled that in the three years since marrying into the Song family, she hadnt had a sip of milk tea, all the while being prodded to work by the milk tea-drinking Song Yu.

With this thought, her disdain for the Song family grew.

Suddenly, a girl burst into their view, h.e.l.lo, are you Su Ting?

Gu Dai noticed the girls barely contained excitement; her hands trembled slightly, holding a paper and pen.

Su Ting nodded, his voice cool, 1 am. What can I do for you?

The girl said, Im a fan. Could you please give me an autograph? Its alright if you cant, dont worry, I wont disturb you!

Su Ting didnt answer right away but turned to look at Gu Dai, seeking her opinion with his gaze.

Gu Dai nodded slightly, then watched Su Ting with a smile, feeling happy for him as he had so many fans who adored him.

The girl, observing Su Tings autograph, was so thrilled she didnt know where to place her hands. She caught his glance towards Gu Dai, which made her look over curiously.

Upon seeing Gu Dai, the girl froze.

Oh my, how could there be such a beautiful woman in this world!

Unable to contain herself, the girl approached Gu Dai with excitement, then hastily stopped and whispered, Youre so beautiful. Are you and Su Ting in a relations.h.i.+p?

Gu Dai shook her head, intending to deny it.

But the girl didnt give Gu Dai a chance to speak and excitedly blurted out, I know, I know, youre in a secret relations.h.i.+p. Dont worry, Im a sensible fan. 111 keep your secret and wont tell anyone!

After saying this, the girl bounded away with glee.

After being misunderstood a few times now, Gu Dai had become accustomed to it. She turned to Su Ting and said, Lets go, well walk around a bit more before heading to the restaurant.

Su Ting, as if in a daze, responded, Okay.

Sis didnt deny that they were in a relations.h.i.+p!