I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 208: Blacklisted

Chapter 208: Blacklisted

Chapter 208: Blacklisted

Translator: _Min_

No way, the picture is still pixelated. I get it, Miss Gu must naturally look like a pixelated image.

Dont be ridiculous up there!

Miss Gu is extremely beautiful; shes the most dazzling woman Ive ever seen.

As this person commented, many who had seen Gu Dai came forward, echoing the sentiment.

Is Miss Gu really that beautiful? Why cant her pictures be posted online? Are they afraid shes too stunning?

Having finished her work, Gu Dai packed up her things, preparing to leave the office. To her surprise, as she moved through the company interior, she found that the employees werent in a rush to leave. Instead, their eyes seemed to follow her, glowing with intrigue.

Gu Dai gave herself a cursory check and found nothing amiss. Puzzled, she inquired, Did something happen?

Her voice broke the spell of silence, and the employees all began to speak excitedly at once.

The moment we saw the trending topic, we knew you were being wrongfully accused, Chairwoman Gu. But Wei Ling and her crew have too much influence; our comments in your defense quickly got drowned out. They mustve hired an army of trolls.

Yeah, we thought Gu Groups stocks would surely be affected. But lo and behold, a counter-attack was launched within ten minutes, exposing Wei Lings lies!

Chairwoman Gu, are you and Su Ting dating? He looked so das.h.i.+ng defending you.

Yes, yes!

Gu Dai shook her head, bemused as she listened to the spirited chatter of her youthful employees.

Just as she was about to respond, a sudden gasp from one of the employees interrupted her.

Wei Ling has no shame! After her lies were exposed, shes pretending to have depression and threatening suicide if people dont stop talking about this. And she was the one who started this mess, slandering you, Chairwoman Gu.

Thank goodness netizens arent fools; they saw right through her. Theyre all defending you now.

Wei Ling appeared on video, clothed in a hospital gown, her face pale and feigning distress.

Upon enlarging the video, Gu Dai saw several people standing behind Wei Ling, one of whom was her agent. She realized this was all just a marketing ploy.

Gu Dais brows furrowed as she picked up her phone to call Lin Sheng. Uncle

Lin, please arrange to have Wei Ling blacklisted.

Lin Sheng replied, Understood.

As Gu Dai was about to hang up, Lin Sheng stopped her.

Uncle Lin, whats wrong? Gu Dai inquired.

Lin Sheng hesitated for a moment before saying, No, its nothing

Lin Sheng wondered if he should tell Gu Dai about his conversation with Song Ling but decided against it.

Distracted by her mysterious inability to have her photos appear online, Gu Dai didnt notice Lin Shengs unease.

After returning home, Gu Dai attempted to investigate why her photos couldnt be displayed online, but found no reason; everything seemed normal.

In a secluded hotel in the outskirts of the capital, a man sat deep in the shadows of the night. The glow from his laptop illuminated his striking features and stunning visage.

Closing his laptop, the man whispered, As long as Im here, no one will harm Gu Dai. Rest a.s.sured.

The sound of a car pulling up from below alerted Gu Dai that Meng Zhi had returned.

When Meng Zhi saw her, he quickly said, Daidai, dont let whats happening online bother you. Your Third Brother is already arranging people to handle it.

Dont worry, Third Brother. The issue online has been resolved, Gu Dai replied with a smile.

Meng Zhi was momentarily stunned, then heaved a sigh of relief. However, Gu Dais next question made him anxious again.

Third Brother, werent you handling work overseas? Why did you return so suddenly? Did you put your work on hold because of that trending topic? As Gu Dai spoke, her voice took on a dangerous tone.

Meng Zhi knew better than anyone that Gu Dai didnt want her issues to affect him. If he told her the truth, she would be angry.

Forcing down his guilt, Meng Zhi calmly replied, I finished work early and just happened to see the trending topic before my flight took off.

Gu Dai looked into Meng Zhis determined eyes and chose to believe himfor now.

Seeing that Gu Dai believed him, Meng Zhi finally let out a sigh of relief..