I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 189: Bidding On The Necklace

Chapter 189: Bidding On The Necklace

Chapter 189: Bidding On The Necklace

Translator: _Min_

Tall and long-legged, Su Ting stepped out emotionlessly. Dressed in a suit with two top b.u.t.tons undone, he appeared far from the well-behaved image Gu Dai remembered. Now, there was an added touch of rebelliousness.

Aloofness and wildness seemed contradictory, yet they merged seamlessly in Su Ting.

Seeing him, many women in the audience couldnt help but gasp in admiration.

Gu Dai watched Su Ting with pride swelling in her heart. The once young boy was now standing on such a grand stage, garnering the affection of so many. She felt a deep sense of gratification.

Hearing the commotion, Song Lings mood darkened further, especially seeing Gu Dais attentive gaze on Su Ting and the smile playing on her lips. His fists clenched on his thighs.

Are these women blind? Su Ting is nothing but a pretty boy! Whats there to like?

The host hurriedly introduced upon Su Tings entrance, Presenting international supermodel, Su Ting! The necklace hes wearing is a unique piece crafted specially by our hosts. Its one-of-a-kind!

The necklace featured a delicate chain with a round, l.u.s.trous white pearl pendant. The pearls surface was adorned with numerous tiny protrusions and indentations, each dot composing different patterns in myriad colors, resembling the mesmerizing and mysterious trajectories of stars in the universe.

On Su Ting, the necklace looked even more dazzling and captivating.

Awed by its beauty, the audience held their breath.

The host was the first to regain composure, slamming down the auction hammer, Bidding starts at 80 million!

As his words echoed, many in the audience were taken aback. Even though they were affluent, the starting bid was steep, making them hesitant.

Without hesitation, Gu Dai raised her sign, 85 million.

Su Tings gaze immediately found hers. His eyes softened at the sight.

Gu Dais lips curled up, silently mouthing, Work hard.

Su Ting couldnt respond, but his eyes softened even more.

The silent exchange might have been brief, but to Song Ling, it was glaringly painful. His face darkened further.

In that moment, Song Ling understood his discomfort.

Back when he and Gu Dai were married, she always followed him loyally, undeterred even by his rejection and disdain, her gaze always lovingly fixed on him.

Now, even when sitting beside her, she hardly glanced at him, her demeanor cold and distant.

That alone was enough, but to see Gu Dai brazenly exchange affectionate glances with Su Ting right in front of him?

This stark contrast deeply unsettled Song Ling!

During the brief moment when Song Ling was lost in thought, Gu Dai had already bid up to 150 million. The necklace was on the verge of becoming hers.

Seeing the radiant smile on Gu Dais face, Song Ling, determined to outbid her, raised his sign and coldly declared, 200 million.

The host was about to declare the sale when he heard Song Lings bid. He stopped immediately, excitedly exclaiming, Good! We have a bid of 200 million from the gentleman! Any other bids?

At this moment, Gu Dai couldnt help but acknowledge Song Lings presence. She shot him a cold glance and raised her sign, 300 million.

Leaning back in his chair, Song Ling promptly countered with, 400 million.

A murmur of astonishment rippled through the room. Even for these affluent attendees, the casual bidding of such vast sums was shocking.

Gu Dais brows furrowed slightly, turning to Song Ling she coldly said, As 1 recall, you dont wear necklaces. Whats the point in buying it?

Noticing that Gu Dai had finally turned to look his way, Song Lings mood improved. He replied with a grin, 1 might not wear it, but I can gift it to someone.

Upon hearing Song Lings words, Gu Dai deduced he probably intended to present the necklace to Jiang Yue. The smile on his face was nothing short of provocative.

The host, thrilled by the escalating bids, eagerly looked at Gu Dai, waiting for her next move.

Gu Dai, without hesitation, was about to raise her sign to place another bid.

But to her surprise, someone beat her to it.

Zhou Ci called out, 500 million.

Gu Dai turned to the source of the voice and spotted Zhou Ci seated behind her to the side.

Seeing her attention, Zhou Ci excitedly waved his raised sign at her..