I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 165: Mistress

Chapter 165: Mistress

Chapter 165: Mistress

Translator: _Min_

Jiang Yue looked at Su Ting and chuckled, You must really adore Gu Dai. Youre even willing to stand up for her. But no matter how much you stand up for her, Brother Song Ling will only ever have eyes for me!

Su Tings eyes turned colder upon hearing Jiang Yue speak so disparagingly of Gu Dai, who was nothing less than a G.o.ddess in his heart.

He retorted, The divorce was initiated by Sis. She doesnt like Song Ling, nor does she care whom he likes.

Listening to Su Tings steadfast defense of Gu Dai, Jiang Yues eyes filled with jealousy.

Why did Gu Dai have such a devoted man by her side? And why had she changed so much, thwarting her plans? Wouldnt it be better if she had stayed the timid woman shed been for the last three years?

Driven by these thoughts, Jiang Yues gaze towards Gu Dai became even more hostile. Youre so shameless. Just because Brother Song Ling doesnt like you, you go around seducing other men. I bet youve had to pay quite the price for that, considering you have nothing to offer but your body!

Growing angrier by the moment, Jiang Yue raised her hand and lunged at Gu Dai. I cant stand women like you who hide behind men!

Gu Dai hadnt considered Jiang Yue to be a threat, but she hadnt expected her to resort to violence either.

So, lifting her foot, she kicked the charging Jiang Yue, sending her sprawling to the floor.

Jiang Yue landed on the ground with a thud.

Feng Xue, visibly startled, covered her mouth with her hand. Coming back to her senses, she hurried over to help Jiang Yue up, asking softly, Miss Jiang, are you alright?

By this point, a crowd had gathered, drawn by the altercation between Jiang Yue, Gu Dai, and Su Ting. Their eyes were all focused on Jiang Yue.

Seeing so many eyes on her, Jiang Yue felt humiliated. She violently shrugged off Feng Xue, who was trying to help her up, and stood up, her eyes fixed fiercely on Gu Dai.

Gu Dai spoke coldly, You should be careful with your words; otherwise, its defamation. 1 can sue you. Also, someone mentions Al face-swapping, and you start lying even to yourself? You know what the truth is.

Jiang Yue was left speechless by Gu Dais words.

Without waiting for Jiang Yue to recover, Gu Dai continued, Your aunt is well-known for being a mistress, isnt she? Mention her name in the high-society circles in the capital, and theres no one who doesnt know her, given her specialty in destroying families. Of course, your aunt cant represent you, but havent you also played the role of the mistress?

As Gu Dais words settled, murmurs began rippling through the crowd.

Snapping back to reality, Jiang Yue yelled, Gu Dai, when have 1 ever been a mistress? 1 was abroad before, and 1 only got together with Brother Song Ling after you divorced him!

Gu Dai let out a cold chuckle, 1 admit that you and Song Ling got together after our divorce.

Relieved, Jiang Yue was about to gloat when she saw Gu Dai take out her phone and wave it at her.

Gu Dai stated, But dont forget, while I was still married to Song Ling, you sent me these messages. They detail quite a few intimate scenes between you and him. You even called him brother back then. Do you think thats appropriate?

Jiang Yues face turned pale; she had never thought Gu Dai would still have those messages.

Initially, Gu Dai hadnt wanted to bring up these old messages; what was past was past, and she had no interest in holding grudges. But Jiang Yue just had to keep pus.h.i.+ng her b.u.t.tons!

With her eyes locked onto Jiang Yue, Gu Dai inquired, Shall I have someone bring over a projector to display these messages for everyone to see?

As her words echoed, someone in the crowd couldnt help but shout, Do it! Show us!

Jiang Yue felt like she was about to collapse. Gritting her teeth, she managed to say, Those messages are fabricated. Dont believe her!

At this moment, Jiang Yue found Gu Dai extraordinarily intimidating, even more so than Su Ting. She couldnt bear to meet her gaze, dodging it in her panic. A sense of dread began to well up within her..