I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 159: Covered His Tracks

Chapter 159: Covered His Tracks

Chapter 159: Covered His Tracks

Translator: _Min_

Lin Shengs anxiety escalated, but he quickly regained his composure. Trusting that Gu Dai was not easily fooled, he speculated, Miss, have you already thought of a way to deal with this?

Gu Dai shook her head honestly, 1 havent thought of a countermeasure.

Lin Sheng grew even more puzzled.

Gu Dai softly added, Zhou Ci isnt investing to exact revenge on behalf of Song Ling. I know his purpose for investing, and it doesnt affect the project.

The truth was that Zhou Cis investment was primarily aimed at her, Gu Dai.

However, she couldnt reveal this fact, as it might keep Lin Sheng up at night with worry.

While Lin Sheng was not losing sleep over it, he was nevertheless deeply concerned. He considered advising Gu Dai to steer clear of such risky individuals.

Noticing Lin Shengs apprehension, Gu Dai smiled rea.s.suringly, Dont worry, Uncle Lin. Zhou Ci cant deceive me.

Seeing Gu Dais confident demeanor, Lin Sheng finally felt at ease.

Switching topics, Lin Sheng reported on an earlier task a.s.signed by Gu Dai, Miss, regarding your request to investigate the whereabouts of the former employee, Liu Nian, Ive found nothing. Its as if he doesnt exist in this world; I couldnt trace him at all.

Gu Dais eyes slightly narrowed as she softly responded, Alright, Uncle Lin, you can return to your work now.

Once Lin Sheng had left, Gu Dai closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. She had suspected that search for Liu Nian would be fruitless.

After all, according to her original hypothesis, Liu Nian might have been involved in the cruise s.h.i.+p incident. If that were the case, her father, Gu Ming, would have definitely covered his tracks, making him untraceable.

Gu Zhi furtively glanced around. Seizing the moment when no one was paying attention to her, she quietly slipped out of the villa and into a small neighboring house.

When Liu Min spotted Gu Zhi, she rushed over and hugged her tightly, Zhizhi, youve lost

Taking a good look at Gu Zhis plump face, Liu Min couldnt finish her sentence. Confused, she asked, Zhizhi, how did you gain so much weight?

A flash of resentment crossed Gu Zhis eyes as she sobbed, Mom, Gu Dai has a chef prepare every meal for me. Its either lobster or abalone, all sorts of extravagant foods!

Recalling her own meager meals of pork since she was thrown out of the villa, Liu Min felt a pang of envy, From what youre saying, it sounds like Gu Dai is treating you quite well.

Gu Zhi looked at her mother with disbelief, exclaiming, Mom, how could you think Gu Dai is treating me well? I believe she just wants the chef to fatten me up, make me fat and ugly!

Liu Min felt a surge of indignation, Thats terrible! Gu Dai is actually forcing you to eat?

Nodding, Gu Zhi felt a twinge of guilt. The truth was, Gu Dai hadnt forced her to eat; she simply couldnt resist the temptation.

Seeing her mothers rising anger, Gu Zhi continued her lament, Not only is she forcing me to eat, but she also has Wu Zhen supervise me as I work. Look, Mom, Ive even developed calluses on my hands!

Liu Min looked at Gu Zhis hands, her heart aching even more, Just hang in there, Zhizhi. Your dad and 1 are already thinking of ways to get you out. How much longer will it take? Gu Zhi asked impatiently.

Liu Min averted her eyes, murmuring, Im not sure.

The glimmer of hope in Gu Zhis eyes vanished instantly. She shrugged off Liu Mins hand and yelled resentfully, Its all your fault, you and Dad are so useless! Ive been waiting, always waiting. When will it end? If you two were competent, 1 wouldnt be humiliated by Gu Dai!

Just as she yelled this, Gu Ming arrived at the doorway. Already annoyed these past few days, hearing Gu Zhis words darkened his face even more.

Barging in, he stormed up to Gu Zhi, raised his hand, and slapped her. If were so useless, go find someone competent to help you!

Feeling the burning pain on her cheek, tears started to roll down from Gu Zhis eyes. She lowered her head, her heart filled with intense resentment.

Gu Ming continued, his voice icy, If you hadnt taken Gu Dais belongings, would you be in this situation?

Lifting her head, Gu Zhi glared straight at Gu Ming, retorting, But many of the things that went missing were sold by you!