I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced - Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Heart Skipping A Beat

Gu Ming didnt know how to respond to Gu Dais question, he couldnt speak for a moment. He hadnt expected her to counter-question him.

However, even though this was the case, Gu Ming still tried to argue, No matter how Ive managed the company in the past three years, its definitely impossible to reach a presale target of 500 unless you can invite the worlds top supermodel Su Ting.

But Su Ting is a high-end model who cant be invited even with money. Gu Ming didnt believe that Gu Dai could invite him, which meant that she definitely wouldnt be able to achieve the 500 million presale target.

After Gu Ming thought of this, his eyes rolled around before he suddenly came up with a good idea.

Gu Dai immediately noticed Gu Mings intense gaze and didnt need to think too hard to know that he was up to no good.

As expected, in the next second, Gu Ming said, Why dont we make a bet? If your presale target reaches 500 million, I will willingly accept you as the chairman. But if it doesnt reach 500 million

Gu Ming didnt finish his sentence, but Gu Dai knew what he was thinking.

However, she wasnt afraid, and with a light chuckle, she took over the conversation, If I dont reach this target, Ill give you the chairmans position.

You said it! Gu Ming didnt expect Gu Dai to be so cooperative. She had agreed without him even having to resort to any tricks.

However, Gu Ming was still cautious, fearing that Gu Dai would renege on her promise. So he took out his phone, opened the recording function, and said, Your words now are just empty talk unless you say it again, and I have evidence.

Of course, no problem. Seeing Gu Mings actions, Gu Dai didnt feel angry.

She was also worried that Gu Ming would deny it in the end, and he had just provided her with the idea of recording.

So, in the next second, Gu Dai also took out her phone, opened the recording function, and said to Gu Ming, Ill record it on my side as well. You dont mind, do you, Uncle?

When Gu Ming saw Gu Dai turn on the recording function, he couldnt help but feel a bit annoyed. Subconsciously, he wanted to ask her if she didnt trust him.

However, he could only hold back and say, I dont mind, of course I dont mind.

Gu Ming laughed and said self-deprecatingly, Thats good. It was just me being narrow-minded earlier, fearing that my niece would have double standards.

Gu Dai and Gu Ming repeated their bet and recorded the conversation. Both parties were very satisfied.

Especially Gu Ming, with a slight smirk, looked at Gu Dai with contempt, The inexperience in her means she doesnt know any better. She hasnt been involved in the company for three years, yet she still has such an arrogant tone. Just wait to give up the company!

Although Gu Ming was contemptuous, it was only for a moment. He quickly restrained his emotions and then spoke like a loving elder, Alright, since there are no issues, uncle will go home.

Gu Ming didnt wait for Gu Dais response and left with big strides.

Watching Gu Mings figure leave the room, the color in Gu Dais eyes turned slightly darker, and she murmured, Going home? Is he going to his own home?

Chu Min sent Gu Dai information about Gu Mings activities in recent years last night. Gu Dai was shocked when she saw it.

Gu Dai didnt expect that the day after her accident, her uncle and his family moved into her villa.

Gu Mings actions deepened Gu Dais suspicion that his family might have been involved in her cruise s.h.i.+p accident.

Gu Dai clenched her fists, her fingertips turning white from the force.

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang, and someone was calling.

When she heard the tone, she relaxed, looked down, and was surprised to see that Su Ting was calling.

Su Ting

Realizing this, Gu Dai was caught off-guard for a moment. A young boys image appeared in her mind. She was surprised that Su Ting would call her.

Gu Dai answered the phone, and the voice on the other end immediately said, Sister

Gu Dai was lost for a second when she heard the voice, because Su Tings voice was no longer the way she remembered. It had lost the hoa.r.s.eness of his voice-changing period and had become mellow, with a slow tone and a slightly heavy ending.

It was more thrilling to her ears than the sound of drums.

Gu Dai clearly felt her heart skipped a beat and she raised her hand in confusion to cover her heart. She was wondering if she is a hidden voice enthusiast.